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Everything posted by PingOVER9000

  1. LOL, I am laughing too much for your answer a while ago. btw I tested then with a friend, not too much just 1 or 2 times for these ranges (from 10m, 20m, 30m, 40m, 50m) and from my test I came to the conclusion "SEEM" there ARE SOME BULLETS DIDN'T GET REGISTRED OR GHOTSTHOTS, or maybe it's just the horizontal recoil it's so weird that send every time after the fourth or fifth bullets at TAIL who knows where -____- If possible I would to ask some checkings also wih other guys here or the staff, maybe it's just me that I was hasty or inaccurate with the test. Bye
  2. if the shotgun damage just nerf at 50/55% health damage x shot at close range(like the scout at long range), Can be that a possible solution? The shreader is a weapon that shots not bullets but shopping carts of bullets until 45m XD
  3. it's not a matter for this "extra shot to kill", the matter it's the weapon at the end it's not EFFECTIVE for the role as the PUBBLISHER sell and describe for your CUSTUMER. Then the fact it's not possible to test these weapons before BUYING the pack, tell a lot.... Right now, I am quite DELUSE for the puchase and I would not advice anyone to anyone the pack, THAT'S IT. Bye
  4. I tested these day this weapon togheter with the others of the jug. pack... orange, purple mod: -Hunting sight 3 -Tagger At first impact the weapon seem really interesting, good TTK, good recoil,(tap-firing), than NTec and other assault rifles, seem little more adapt for close range, but at the end I found the frenzy A WEIRD WEAPON, used it and prepare yourself to get a lot of assist and die for the BLOODY DAMMIT last bullet that dont fit in the back of your dearest red bull that want hurt you with all your heart Orange, purple mod: -Hunting sight 3 -Tagger Tested it with first: CJ2 second: CJ1 third: I tried muzzle break,(shittest mod ever...) for trying to remove that dammit horizantal recoil A little better, but the end the same story... Now I want to try with heavy barrel 1 or 2, but until now I got upset for the hundreads times that how I was so close to win the Challenges 1 vs 1... for now I am quite DELUSE of the juggernaut pack,(excpet the manic, but there is better for tha role), for ex. the rabid on the paper is a weapon with a range of 65m, but I challenge to use it for medium/long range effectively, nope, after 30m this weapon is quite useless, strangely I found it a beast at close range without understaning excatly where I was aiming getting rage and insult from shotgun/oca users XD For now sure, I don't advice anyone to buy this pack if it's just for the weapons..
  5. I am a casual player and my opinion came from my perception of common sense, btw I retain myself a polite person and reading again my previous post i don't like my tone against yourself, so my apoligize for the tone, but the thoughs is that. I don't like some change of the pubblisher is making, but there is something I really appreciate like a properly anticheat that I don't remind we have some years ago. The little Orbit is just some months that they have got APB , so give them a little more time, until now enjoying to play APB , and why not, in company with someone you have met here in this tread. Bye
  6. Do you know normaly people especially at summer especially at August.. prefer to spend his time go out, make some works at his house and garden etc or simply go abroad for vacation... My same case, unfornately I have some broken bones to spend and enjoy my time properly -____- Maybe if you don't have my same problem, you may spend your time in other ways as everybody Bye
  7. Add me too, I returned back around 2 weeks ago, at the beginning the game was still quite enjoyable also with all JG everywhere, but now I see SHREDDER everway I turn my sight and 50% of the matchmakings there is one or two with it and make kill at 40meter. I tried it me too, no NEED AIMING, it's a NFAS with 40 m drop off, withour recoil/ spread issues, and enough ammo for kill 3 people togheter..no skill..no sense..no enjoyments.. THAT the IDEA of WEAPONS BALANCING?? And I have given 200 euro some days ago... for that? NO THANKS, I prefer spending my time while a recover my bones in other way BYE
  8. Hi everybody, I appreciate the change for Improved Rifling, now the role in matchups are more EQULIBRATE and request more collaboration between teamates. The HVR in my opinion with this change got A BUFF, because now for taking out sniper users, need absoluty collaboration or another sniper user in team(yes u can charge directly against him but 90% times you have to challenge also his teamates togheter around him and if your name is not RAMBO you will get REKT XD). N-tec LEAVE like that, it's so POPULAR because it's unblockable early and it's just making his role in MEDIUM RANGE, IF YOU WANT LESS NTEC USER, let other assault rifles like ATAC, FAR etc.. SELLABLE at NPC. Then the NTEC between the assault rifles is the more adapt for pure MEDIUM RANGE, ATAC is more adapt for close/medium range, STAR same but with the cost of a lower TTK, NTEC URSUS is pretty good at MEDIUM/LONG RANGE, FAR in my opinion WIN THE CONTEST I found it's more versatile than any other assault rifles. Then I don't got it why make a problem for the popularity of NTEC, in game from when I have begun, that I have just seen it's a INVASION OF SHOTGUN AND NFAS
  9. Thanks for the answers very smart and careful from people that take their look forward, that was one of my thoughts, but about the fact of balancing/new weapons it's a story that begins from when APB was created,..so I guess we can just adapt when there are these changes, but if really they aiming to balance weapons, not too much should be change, expect some mods at this point.. and maybe the NTEC for the fact is so popular ( I hope didn't change NOTHING for HIS ROLE it's balanced like that) So guys don't worry to tell your thoughts at the present, thanks again
  10. Hello everybody of APB community, I am a old player that returned to play APB about one week ago, so what I can tell, I haven't already found another game with same nice matchmaking and weapons mechanics , then I see gladly the new publisher, the new updateds and finally a decent anticheat, that promise good things for next. Now, The matter it's I am looking for making some weapons purchase, but with all these new updates, I am quite CONFUSED v.v and this site it's a mess -____- https://db.apbvault.net/ , so please, I need some advice from some good souls For now I was thinking to buy these weapon: -The set of Juggernaut Strike Pack, the Rabid and the Manic seem good weapons, the Manic seem good at close range and the Rabid for what I understood it's a good weapon for medium/long range until 65m and TTK, but I am not so sure if in that role the NSSW can be better.. The fact, I am not so sure about the weapons of this pack effectively if they worth or not..., NOBODY USE THEM -N-SSW 74 Dvah(or reskins), forMedium/long range this was the weapon I was thinking if the rabid of the Juggernaut pack doesn't worth.. -OCA-626 'Whisper' PR2, for close/medium range, I used and I have it before, for what I remind it was a good weapon for medium/close range, but I don't see anyone using it and I have read somewhere it got Nerfed.. If anybody has suggestion also for other weapons, please tell me your toughts,. Thanks in advice, bye
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