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Everything posted by ColorBauss

  1. They need to stop fine tuning guns that are already fine and focus on making like half the guns usable. Sbsr, cobra, norseman, revelations guns (especially harbinger). So many guns that are just garbage but nevermind that, let's just change the max-bloom of ntec some inconsequential amount, give obir a bolt timer and make the worst secondary in the game even worse (snr). Good job guys.
  2. They messed up, pmg is shit and oca is.. probably where it should have been from the start. If they revert the pmg nerf, everything will be fine.
  3. I don't necessarily agree with the removal of reactions either but it's their platform, they can do what they want. They can moderate, censor, make changes, whatever they want without any consequence and with all the rights to do so. EDIT: And the best we can do is complain and whine, with all the rights to do so. Until we no longer have the rights to do so
  4. I don't think downsides like this will work. If there is to be a negative for a gold being in a bronze district, it needs to be a hard stop to them playing in bronze. There are many players that are max rank and have no use for xp, money or anything else the game has to offer. They only play for the fun of the gameplay.
  5. You see, the gun is fine and dandy, but you can make it fire zoom-zoom with the big bad macro that isn't allowed in the first place so uhhh ehh unh WHY IS THIS GUN NOT NERFED AND REMOVED REEEE wait what were we talking about again...
  6. ColorBauss

    Dirt bikes.

    I actually don't think that is true, what about when you lean out of a window? Given you are not steering the vehicle then, I don't see why implementation based on this "leaning out of a vehicle" wouldn't be possible for bikes. Also, it is possible to die to 'collision damage' while leaning out of a window. Happened during 2019 halloween event when with a Han Coywolf, several times. Also pedestrians can run you over in this game
  7. You see Todesklinge, I think it's great some people still have the passion to make suggestions that could help this game. And many of them are pretty good as well. No one hates you for it. But you have to remember, when you post in an open forum people can and will critique what they don't agree with, and you seem to have a real problem with this part. What you think is unbalanced, or who you think cheats, or what you think the game should do some other way doesn't apply to all the people. And you most certainly aren't always right. But... At least you're trying something, and in my mind that counts for something. So uhh.. keep it up I guess. Keep suggesting things and one of these days you'll come up with a real good one and maybe it'll even be in the game. But damn that day sure isn't today, Todie.
  8. So can you see the difference? If not, you're kinda contradicting yourself here, buddy
  9. Only an idiot would think that full-pvp game where 50% of the players have to lose for the other 50% to win a mission would harbor this kind of mentality. Right?
  10. Not everyone wants to tryhard in silver districts all the time.. for me, it gets physically tiring. Trying to win against those Obeya Cr's that hit every shot every mission, just can't take it all the time. I find no enjoyment in that. I don't even benefit from winning, I don't care about it. I got every car and legendary I need. Joker tickets are also of meager use. Winning is not fun for me, but being able to play off-meta weapons and still have a chance to win is nice.
  11. Funny thing though, how they completely destroyed pmg with this patch. It used to be the longer range/more accurate smg, but now it gets outclassed at all ranges by oca/whisper. I don't mind it from a personal standpoint, I don't use pmg that much but from a balance perspective I think this change wasn't given proper thought.
  12. @Sakebee "With the OCA changes also affecting the OCA-EW 626 'Whisper' variety, it was important to ensure that this gun still had a special function that made it feel distinct from the base model. Since Cooling Jacket (a common choice for close range weapons) can't be used on this weapon, we've increased the accuracy of the gun significantly. This allows it to function as a more accurate yet slower variety of the OCA." With this in mind, would you consider making the Joker C9S EX-III JT2 PR1 reskin from joker store a whisper? As it stands, it's a silenced normal oca which can not benefit from red mods but also doesn't have the innate benefits of a whisper. yeah it's a cool skin but still worse than whisper or normal oca
  13. ColorBauss

    TRADE locking

    I had the same thing out of nowhere maybe a year or so ago, seemingly permanent. I messaged support about it and they removed it, haven't had problems since.
  14. It's an patootie thing to do, but not totally pointless (not every time at least). That's how I learned to wait in unopposed missions, by getting killed a few times first.
  15. Probably not a solution to your problem but the APB Advanced Launcher makes the game run a whole lot better. Of course, the game will look like a soviet union city block but... at least the game runs on my shitty laptop.
  16. Fine goal, but how are you going to do that? By beating them you are helping them. By "counter dethreating" you yourself are dethreating, and breaking the ToS. A rough situation indeed
  17. I have to disagree. In a pinch you can still crouch and hipfire with good accuracy, and my previous statement stands. Not every weapon should be able to do everything. Pro tip: The trick is to not hipfire with ntec. Just aim
  18. N-Tec is perfectly fine as it is, and should be completely inaccurate when hipfired. I was a bit disappointed to see its jump-shooting accuracy nerfed, but other than that, if it was changed to be any more accurate in any aim mode it would be too much. Not everything should be possible with every weapon, that's just the nature of the game.
  19. Well there's your problem
  20. ColorBauss

    Nerf the .45 Pistol

    If not taking into account explosive weapons, as far as I know .45 has the lowest kills / magazine ratio. So I guess it all comes down to how you define "skill".. In my opinion the only form of "skill" in apb is driving a vegas on the skating park ramp and getting on top of the skybox, if you can't do that you are a 100% n00b regardless of the gun you use.
  21. They aren't completely gone though, you can still get them from the gold boxes (redeem code)
  22. I've never cheated, never installed any cheats or ever gotten any permanent or temporary bans. Even still, with all the constant changes in anti-cheat and people talking how they are getting blocks from BE for no good reason, makes me wonder how safe I am.
  23. Maybe you can try repairing the game files using the normal launcher and then apply the settings again? Also, save the settings every time after using the normal launcher to update the game and launch the game with the advanced launcher.
  24. Thank you for sharing your perspective with us, mr/ms cheater.
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