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Everything posted by Alani

  1. r u actually mad that an american company does shit for the 4th of july or r u just trying to complain that its unfair an american company would celebrate 4th of july and ignore every other nation's special day because fAiRnEsS
  2. xd bronze players arent minorities. u dont need to virtue signal for virtual problems lol
  3. google wants to join the console market by allowing people to purchase games through google and STREAMING them to any of ur devices. but you dont actually own the game even though you buy it (in the sense of say google stops supporting stadia, anything you've bought can not be redeemed anywhere else nor will you receive a physical copy. think of it as losing your steam account) really not sure what google is doing with that idea but good god their idea sounds like shit. reminds me of those stupid glasses
  4. ok while u play apb on stadia, i will enjoy playing on my computer with ur extra dose of latency trying to shoot me and having later reaction times than a silver.
  5. Thread at this point is more so bitching about how we as the consumer shouldn't be fixing the issues ourselves when its the responsibility of the company who publishes the client to make sure it works properly.
  6. i like how they said they were going to change consumables and now its a mixed bag of reactions. its a shame they dont know what a playtest server is for
  7. i am a proud masochist myself thankuverymuch mr manboobs
  8. damn 5 months later and i get a response. what is this support? i seriously hope whoever the fuck becomes the main team behind bug fixes and optimization they look into fixing the hitreg issue entirely. apb is probably the only game i play that has such a major problem with hit registration when it comes to combat. and im mostly referring to when two players with similar ping are fighting each other, not australians fighting americans
  9. I don't think removing consumables would be a good thing anyhow. Better to just rebalance them a bit more. It's been literal years since they were implemented and APB isn't a beta title. It's bad enough we don't have the drug mule event anymore or any of the other ambient events after G1 broke everything they touch.
  10. can u make that so us with bad english comprehension understand? u talkn about removing them entirely or wat?
  11. Alani

    Cyrillic is a problem

    Pretty sure they're referring to the most spoken INTERNATIONAL language. Not that a normal person would understand what that means in the first place...
  12. migrate to jericho. the only thing u see is spanish and its not that much plus its easier to see on the eyes xd
  13. Alani

    Cyrillic is a problem

    yeah but if the devs cant fix the current issue of not being able to report players with special characters, cheaters would probably start using the special characters lol
  14. Alani

    Cyrillic is a problem

    i can see the 80 different clans all with the same name just with 'special characters' appearing
  15. its same with g1. depends who deals with the report. I have no idea why there is no structure to dealing with reports or bans. If the mod is being nice, they will warn you. If the mod is having a bad day, permanent ban. Most game companies have this issue. No one follows a set SOP regarding handing out bans, warning, or whatever. They just do what they feel is right. And I find that biased as fuck.
  16. afaik the ammo box not letting you change weapons is a balance change. the shield thing is a bug.
  17. with that, just remove threat from being seen then. Bronze district is for bronze players. It isn't solely for new players at all. Otherwise they wouldn't call it bronze district. Depends on population. The first 2 or so missions are done solo. But after that you don't get opposition in those districts because there is no population.
  18. A proper GM would be able to determine whether or not the team killing or AFK is on purpose or not. It isn't hard to determine if something is on purpose. Dethreaters will repeatedly team kill and the incompetent team leader will ignore the team mate's pleas to kick them. Or the person killing is the team leader. It isn't hard for the GMs to look into the team chat either. Most people will apologize for accidentally killing someone or make some sort of reference of 'oh rip lol' that they killed someone on accident. AFK is another issue entirely. When a dethreater 'AFKs' in a mission they will go to a contact area or some area a distance away from the mission objectives, and they will play around and do just enough to not receive the AFK demerit. Because to them demerits mean they will not lose enough rank or they could be kicked, and they don't want to be kicked as they would lose their dethreat simply because the mission will not count against them. You don't need to ban people, simply kicking them to the login screen is sufficient. Getting kicked by a GM is a lot more powerful than simply banning someone. It tells the dipshit they were watched and someone saw them doing the stupid. Normal people will reflect on it and realize 'oh no this is a bad thing.' Banning should be reserved for those weirdos who constantly get kicked for such actions and think its their 'god given right' to dethreat because they cry about 'being bad at the game' as an excuse to dethreat and ruin everyone else's fun for their own.
  19. The threat levels are a shit way to determine what skill level you're at. What your character rank is doesn't really matter. You can give some bronze player my account and in a few days the account will be in silver, and eventually hit bronze level. It doesn't matter what modifications or what weapons you have. If you're shit. You're shit. End of discussion. Now to be on topic. Yes dethreating is a major issue, and I feel there needs to be more GM's focused on policing the bronze districts. And I prefer legitimate GMs, not useless twats with fancy colored titles in front of their names discussing dumbshit. It would be better to get GMs who don't enable their dumb title to simply play the game a bit in bronze, force their threat level to bronze or silver and play the game in bronze district. They would see for themselves how shit the situation is. Regardless if it is Jericho or Citadel. Both servers have a major issue with how dethreating is handled and how often it is done. Even in the silver district there are people who will play the first 2 or so objectives, and then either team kill you, or go to the contacts and AFK until mission ends.
  20. You would just be creating a new menu entirely for hair. It isn't hard to separate the pieces of hair, but it will be hard to set the pieces up in a way that wouldn't look janky or out of place when combining different pieces of hair. APB doesn't have hair physics, so its not as challenging as it could be.
  21. this forum used to have rules regarding everything posted in this forum section be in english whether they changed it or not should be clarified somewhere
  22. i wouldnt be surprised mods seem pretty okay ignoring what the word 'english' means and throwing foreign language threads here lmao
  23. wouldnt recommend after 3.5 Would wait until after the kinks are lessened after the release. So maybe a few weeks after the upgrade. Console release was marred by such issues.
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