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Everything posted by Alani

  1. >opinion discarded because im good at game and some people whine about how their nerf suggestions are ignored by everyone its almost like someone cares not for any opinion unless it sides with their own lmfao what is this politics? this is a vidya game nerd
  2. ursus isnt easy to use at all. it seem like it do, but it fucking dont i mow poor nerds down with the ntec and they have an ursus thinking they can kill me shit dumbfucks put CJ3 on it thinking 'I CAN SHOOT FASTR' and cry when they still get fucked. ursus is completely fine, you wanting to nerf more shit will not make people less bad or "HVE TO GIT GUD" instead you will fucking kill the legendary, prices will drop, and people will be throwing it around like a fucking anubis and then people are going to come to this thread and fuzzy bunny about how some tart with a muffin on his head started some shit because he mad because y U nO nErF uRsUs If YoU nErF nTeC?!?!?!
  3. im not surprised people wanna nerf the ursus with the ntec. just tells u people cant play the game unless its hold down mouse button 1 and kill everyone but me and if i get killed it must be a cheater!
  4. Fight club is literally a fight club. Its meant as a place where people can shoot each other to their heart's content without a real worry of losing threat and lets people test out loadouts if they want to test it, etc etc. Personally, testing weapons in FC would be a lot more beneficial than creating an entirely separate district where the only tests are shooting at a wall and testing how shit the recoil is now. It would be better to see how the nerfed ntecs perform in places where there are actual players. Otherwise they might as well push the balance changes to the action districts, get the feedback, and then make a decision on finalizing the changes, or tweaking them.
  5. anyone know if this shit will be fixed lmao its irritating as fuck and makes me not wanna bother restarting the game
  6. pls no. the images i see from reshade just show an image filter over the game and makes it look grainy and gross.
  7. its the shotgun version of the hvr one shot and you are out of the game. its like 850 damage, which means you will either get a lot of assists or piss people off by stealing their kills if you can connect both shots needed to kill, you will be annoying as fuck. But if you can't connect both shots, you will die a lot. If your enemy is competent they will kill you more than you will kill them basically it a lot more punishing if you miss shots with the strife than with a csg or other shotgun because of the slow fire rate.
  8. im not nice im mean and people are mean to me back
  9. but u forget once that silver district is full, the majority of the people who play apb in silver cant play because the district is full and no one is going to waste the time to start a second silver district when they know no one will bother
  10. mus be nice. people normally just get mad at me for being me i dont even have to be good or bad
  11. same issue with weapons. if u never noticed, you will probably never not notice it now
  12. >continues to forget the ESRB rated a game with literal slot machines and other casino games a lower rating than APB.
  13. G1 kept saying stupid shit how they were going to release the 3slot C2 with the trouble maker and entente and they never did it because the trouble maker turned into a meme and they nerfed it to the ground. So why not put it in ARMAS and JT store after however long they didnt put it on armas.
  14. dunno how car surfing is such a big issue unless ur fighting big owners who run with items in missions in that case honestly they should prevent HOLD items from being placed in vehicles or something
  15. its because the weapon isnt easy to learn therefore it must be nerfed to the ground because fuck the people who git gud and learn how to use weapons lol
  16. if u think switching from the ntec to another weapon is a good thing, good for u i guess. but u forget that people will immediately start bitching about whatever weapon becomes 'meta' and then LO will end up 'rebalancing' that weapon.
  17. theyre going to try to push the 'cosmetic only' approach with premium in an attempt to get people to play the game tbh unless prem gets something more to it, it isnt worth it. i can spend 5 bucks for a month of prem just to customize my character for that month, then after my chara is customized with all the outfits i can just not buy more prem time
  18. reminds me of G1 and that one jacket with the female cleavage lol
  19. everyone keep praising stupid ntec nerf not realizing the same people who use ntec will just switch to weapons such as the RABID, FAR, and NSSW with how alike they are in performance to the ntec then they'll start bitching about how the FAR, RABID, and NSSW need some sort of changes. I would prefer if the LO people would look at the added weapons before looking at the current weapons. because all you're doing at this point is telling all of the veterans 'we messing with ntec' and the veterans will just go 'k i will use X weapon then' and suddenly people will start complaining about how X weapon is OP now because the veterans are annihilating people with them.
  20. dont say the obeya is perfectly balanced i remember everyone preaching about balancing weapons around the ntec because its 'perfectly balanced' now you are going to see an obeya change in the future
  21. do people not understand that the ESRB rating of M means ADULT ONLY and that the A rating for ESRB refers to sexual related games? idk why people want to change the rating. Just be glad APB isn't rated E or T otherwise you would have a bunch of teenagers playing this game lmao (as if they arent already)
  22. anything that isn't a stupid super car or based off of some super popular mid engine sports car. We already have the Bishada, ripped off corvette, vegas, and jericho. We need a more line up of mid line cars, like 4 door sedans and pick up trucks, maybe more vans that aren't the pioneer or espacio. Basically, cars that aren't going to be on the same spectrum of the end game cars. If you have to release cars that rival the end game cars specializations, you need to rebalance the cars, not try to compete with them with new models.
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