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Everything posted by DiBBz

  1. hmmm i can see the "@Similarities" and by that i mean this shit post and all the others!
  2. did somebody say.... BUGS LIFE!
  3. the lag isnt getting worse. its not like after ever ddos attack performance decreases more and more. its been the same for the past couple years now. what needs to happen is better mitigation tactics.
  4. thoroughly enjoyed it. 8/10
  5. ^ this people need to understand when a mass disconnect happens for servers or when districts start going down its the beginning of a DDOS attack. and if you are rubber banding and jumping out from cover its DDOS related unless specifically told otherwise on the forums about the recent disruption to servers
  6. everyone agrees its pathetic. but that doesn't hold back a grudge or better yet being paid to actively disrupt their servers. better mitigating or something needs to happen otherwise even with a revamped 3.5 engine update and new content. everything is still going to be a laggy mess to play with.
  7. DiBBz

    FlCl Progressive

    Dragon ball z, sailor moon, pokemon, kamichu, cowboy bebop, berserk, rurouni kenshin etc etc... but then again i have an awesome dad that got me the things i needed every once in a while, while my mom never really payed attention except once time when she walked in on me watching sailor moon. think it was episode 10 at the time. and she was like WTF are you watching!
  8. DiBBz

    FlCl Progressive

    HxH is dubbed. tho i personally never watch anything in dubbed because of the plain english voices are all recognisable etc. as iodyne has pointed out. also take into consideration how old your son is. if your son is anywhere from 5-8 starting anime's like the ones you mentioned as well as dragon ball z etc will work just fine. tho its sad to hear yous couldn't get into full metal alchemist. thats another great anime. especially the updated one brotherhood.
  9. DiBBz


    been a fan of westworld since it first aired. the only show i got into that wasn't recommended to me at the time. majority of HBO shows i was told to watch because they where so good like GOT etc. west world is taking the story in varying timelines but its confusing at first pieces together everything. bernards scenes mostly are all messed up. you dont know if its at the start or the end or in between until the very end when you piece together majority of what had happened. for example when bernard "Washed" ashore with no recollection of memory and meets up with that executive guy and Charlotte. but then after the last episode you finally realise ohh wait this was later on in the future compared to what we seen before. and that he had wiped part of his memories so as to no risk intervention from anyone else in discovering what was going on etc. its like cloud atlas all over again taking place in varying timelines so split apart you dont know which happened first or last till the very end.
  10. DiBBz

    FlCl Progressive

    Hunter x Hunter by far. a fantastic story involving a kid just following his dads footsteps in hops that he finds him. its a wild ride and then a emotional ride nearing the end. infact the second to last arc youl be crying from out of nowhere other than that. there is boku no hero academia. if you want more personalised stuff to watch. you can always PM me on steam or discord and il give you recommendations. https://myanimelist.net/profile/Rokeugon could also PM me here if need be
  11. Deathstep in a nutshell pretty much also with a twist of minatory. now to rating never knew jaden smith actually rapped. still a 5/10 unfortunately
  12. its one thing to defend what you are doing which is creating a topic of discussion. which its rightfully fine. but its another to feed into an argument. you might not see it that way and think what you're replying to is totally fine. but its just brewing toxicity. you need to be the better person and ignore it, and to stick to the main discussion at hand. if the person continues to troll or be toxic, report the post. as the forums has a more active moderation team now.
  13. ehhh its okey i guess but nothing im really suited to 5/10 on a side note tho. been a while since i seen anything urusei yatsura related
  14. great to see a written down roadmap this quick. seems like the 6 month wait limit is just about the right amount of time to see if this game can flourish
  15. i just dont even with that music video :D/10
  16. chubby cheeks and adorable 9/10 PS. only the best sports anime around called haikyuu
  17. love this one. adorable as well 8/10
  18. 6/10 nice little chill EDM music
  19. no. they have stated that they are still manual banning atm. tho BE is providing stat as well as background info on user so they can check. and if BE hasn't flagged them for cheating but they where caught cheating via a video etc. they could potentially look into improving detection
  20. DiBBz

    Show us your setup!

    a good tip is to by pre-owned and then buy a complete set of new key caps. im currently amongst getting new keycaps i all ready have 1-10 as well as windows and F1-12 keys replaced. everything else is going to cost quite a bit but overall a full keycap set is £40 or so. which if you are buying pre owned thats saving you majority of the money
  21. good to see the thread back in action WB
  22. cant get used to that out of tune synth wave or whatever its called that pops in throughout majority of the song 4/10 Mr fijiwiji will explode your mind for chilling trance, chillstep as well as some mild drum and bass
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