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Everything posted by DiBBz

  1. im starting to see Illuminati signs all over that dog now/10 "Suspicious"
  2. best thing about russian language is that it sounds like if someone was massively tripping balls on drugs while also trying to rap etc. AKA a slurring speech contest but none the less. 4/10 and thats mostly from the vocals alone!
  3. user appears to not know how to play the game nor have a signature/10
  4. very chill and i love it 8/10 also im cheating so the person reviewing this must give 2 scores #suxtobeu
  5. reminds me way to much of paw patrol/10 the sad life of having to watch nieces and nephews at a young age that enjoy that dam show!
  6. the communication is on point +1 was nice that you decided to clear up some confusion that i was unaware of. but none the less as tesco's says perfectly "Every little helps"
  7. and you expect us to do what exactly ? please stop posting these types on issues on the forums. this is a support matter which you can access here > https://support.gamersfirst.com/hc/en-us posting it here will help you in no way what so ever!
  8. the shortened term is KBM or KB&M but as for reporting. thats the most stupidest thing ive heard.. dont plague the report function with reports of that. reserve it for cheaters etc. also KBM on a console that plays at poor performance bellow 30fps. has horrendous mouse smoothing and DPI is beyond shit. why would anyone do that. if you cant beat that. there is something beyond wrong with the playerbase.
  9. Flashback to 2002 website design colour palette/10
  10. not many do it because the input lag as well as the overall horrendous smoothing and inability to adjust dpi is what makes it not worth it
  11. citadel is having a extremely bad case of rubber banding as well as desync as evident by on your screen seeing that you are behind cover but the server pops you out of cover.
  12. its not just jericho m8. citadel as well has massive amounts of hiccups from latency spikes to rubber banding as well as the incorrect sync of players. cant tell you how many times me or someone else thinks they are behind cover but pops out because of server lag!
  13. i actually tweeted this to matt. they could take alot of key factors from the warframe community and how they reward / manage their streaming with their community etc!
  14. 2 swords, purple hair, light armour. confirmed witcher/10
  15. Crackdown looking city landscape/10
  16. The user above me appears to have great taste in being Kawaii.
  17. Not my kind of music but still mildly enjoyable 6/10
  18. the user above me could be so much more
  19. DiBBz


    good to see 8bit back in action wish yous all the best!
  20. let us commence with all the old off topic games on the new forums lets start!
  21. we need to start off with something stronger/10
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