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Everything posted by Excalibur!

  1. so is this guy deformfeus keep closing and deleting posts? His extra salty coment made it funnier, he may name himself deformfeus squad.
  2. (Not cucking) So i am making this sausage that is called bolognesa and it not only looks good but also tastes good not even finished. May it be my italian blood that makes me cook the pasta with sausage so extremely good? I barely have any cooking skills. I would post screens but some mods have personal vendetta against me so i cant share it because forums are pg13 unless you are other person but me.
  3. But keeping g1 names its okay.... but watchout a new page will do the trick on everyone eyes!!! In resumen another "lo has made what g1 didnt in years" post, what fresh.
  4. Jokes on you im watching black lagon right now (exactly this episode). Roberta is the way to go, Revy is a weak fuzzy bunny.
  5. You are not longer part of the community so take your leave. Thanks you.
  6. Yes. Black Desert that was suposed to be hosted in latin america, it is in miami as far as i know. I completly droped it. There are games that you cant simply play them with the slight delay, like blade and soul... another game i missed to play fully. And in all honestity, bringing games to latin america is a waste.
  7. I actually would not pay to someone who makes shitty changes to weapons and splash it in our faces like it is something reasonable. They have their kids games to suport this rot.
  8. EDIT from the other post: Just going to type a little further seeing that you want to post without reading anything: that guy who tried to bash acusing me that i only use 3 weapons and i never won him (?) thought that recent changes did not affect me.
  9. Yes, because i use only pmg volcano and opgl so i dont have rights to give my opinion about a guy who is desperate for salary and did some trash changes to show he is doing something.
  10. But why do i care? If i only use pmg, volcano and opgl also never won a match to similarities (literally WHO?). Weird we are not seeing the tipical positive comment within "...but lo did what g1 didn't in 20 years!!!". ps: i am really stupid for paying for atac and mod it with ir3 when i only use 3 weapons (pmg volcano and opgl lol).
  11. I barely used the weapons you named, you started with lies.
  12. Did you finish your shaming? That kind of speech is boring already.
  13. Latin games are usually hosted in NA which is the same.
  14. When i played against you you barely went positive, I dont take opinions from that kind of people. (me using pmg, HAH)
  15. Completly reasonable answer. I also need to make one because my nhvr and nhvr remesh got ruined, i am going to need a refund or replacement.
  16. a) i could still enjoy the game time to time without fear that my efforts or weapons i liked went to trash. And actually had the game installed.
  17. Expect that kind of answer for every thread asking about progress. Its like some copypasted shinny white armor with a radio set in replay inside. ps: even moderation seems like really agressive lately (personal level, like before), taking a good turn on things ;D
  18. I miss when moderation look for the source of things before actioning a warning/ban... some people is so eager to show power.
  19. Ey guys your warning was right, said cm. Because the tittle had "porn" word in it. If not it was okay even if it is from a serie that everyone watches and is all over youtube. Its HEAVILY censored compared to manga so even children can watch it, do not worry much about it.
  20. The other was deleted and i warned because it showed a photo with a breast shape (nothing visible). I really forgot about puritanism on this forum. Here we go again with a more puritan photo.
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