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Everything posted by AsgerLund

  1. Let him spend a week working in Support first, to test his undying love for the game and community.
  2. "Start new topic"-macro confirmed?
  3. If the same subject material is posted without limitation, it’s not news. ...it’s olds.
  4. Matt Scott doesn't even have a billion plankton, because he is so busy with mutated fish!!
  5. Changes in matchmaking, player threat, and district threat have been discussed extensively for years and years now. No good solutions have been found, because there are no quick-fixes. Maybe it would have been possible to make changes during the G1 regime when /pop was higher, but by now we all know the G1 modus operandi. LO are left with a low-pop game, and they have to think out of the box to solve the matchmaking/threat problem. One of the options proposed by LO was/is district phasing from a global pool (as far as I remember), to make the amount of players available to match bigger - which should result in a larger number of fair matches. However this solution is requires the Engine Upgrade before it can be implemented (as far as I remember). Almost all other suggestions we have seen for matchmaking/threat results in splitting up the player-base even further, making matching pools smaller and smaller - which is objectively not good. The only band-aid fix I would propose is to make it impossible for gold threat players to ready up in bronze district. I know this is not even close to being a solution to the issue, but it would give a tiny amount of new-player protection in bronze (down-side is that it would be a nuisance to the players caught in the "too good for bronze districts, but too bad for silver districts"-limbo, possibly reducing the number of those players). These are my quick views, and I myself am a silver player caught in the "too good for bronze districts, but too bad for silver districts"-limbo.
  6. I'm not too fuzzed about mutated fish and plankton. The bigger issue is, how should we handle silverpeace and goldpeace to protect bronzepeace?
  7. That’s a decent size rant. And the double-dip reply is a nice touch, homes.
  8. There's some info in this thread also:
  9. Stop getting on Mr. Humblebrag’s nerves like that. He’s kinda a big deal, and you should really know who he is, but if you DON’T (I don’t either), then he’s not going to tell you. Because you really should know. Who. He. Is. Period.
  10. I can't say anything about your specific case, and I can't say anything about how many people work support and how many tickets a day they handle. I just replied to your statement that they are somehow proud of the time it take them to reply to/solve tickets. I hope you get your ticket solved soon.
  11. I don't think anyone at Little Orbit is proud of the 35 days response time. Infact, the update from a week ago specifically states that 38 days is "objectively terrible, but we are very close to getting under a month.". So they are not celebrating the response time, but they do point out that the response time is getting a bit shorter. Matt has been very open about these response times (and the various reasons for the response time), precisely because it is waaaay too long, and being un-informative about it would draw even bigger criticism.
  12. Could you please get off their backs? They are hella-busy brainstorming for future apologies to use when missing any and all deadlines!! Geez.
  13. Because you touch yourself at night.
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