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Everything posted by Hexerin

  1. Good god, why would they host in LA? Does MattScott have zero awareness of US infrastructure?
  2. Then they either upgrade, or stop playing. Overall game health is more important than the minority of people who refuse to upgrade their PCs.
  3. This does precisely fuck all for yolos. Until you revert the absolute gutting that they got to their health damage, they'll still be unusable garbage.
  4. Each forum page can hold 25 threads. Of those 25 threads, the first page has 13 pins. That's 52% of the first page being pins. Half of the pins are old/outdated, as well.
  5. https://www.gamersfirst.com/marketplace/ingame/product_details.php?storetype=g1c&gameID=20&catID=63&productId=6535 People have always been so outspoken and ragey about the idea of the role 16 weapons being put on ARMAS.
  6. No, but they are the colloquial that the community understands and uses. If you want the actual technical terms, I'll use the STAR 556 as an example: Accuracy Radius at 10m - This is the base accuracy of the weapon. This applies while: Standing. Motionless. Not aiming down sights (ADS). Per Shot Modifier - This is "bloom", the amount of accuracy loss per shot. Shot Modifier Cap - This is the max multiplier of base accuracy that bloom can push the weapon to. Recovery Delay - This is the duration of time that must elapse since the last shot, before accuracy starts to recover. Recovery Delay ignores player input, it is based entirely on the actual physical last shot performed by the weapon. Recovery Per Second - This stat determines how much accuracy is regained once the Recovery Delay has elapsed. Recovery Per Second ends the moment another shot is fired. Recovery Per Second is not the same number as Per Shot Modifier. Using the STAR 556 stats above, the "4" is still less than the "0.6". The colloquial term "spread" has no actual specific stat, it is a dynamic combination of the above stats that describes the current accuracy state of the weapon.
  7. Can confirm it was removed from ARMAS. Links to where it used to be: https://www.gamersfirst.com/marketplace/ingame/product_details.php?storetype=g1c&gameID=20&catID=63&subcatID=152&productId=6443 https://www.gamersfirst.com/marketplace/ingame/product_details.php?storetype=g1c&gameID=20&catID=63&subcatID=197&productId=6443
  8. Translation: "We believe our AI-driven anticheat is so perfect, that it cannot false ban an account. As such, we will not hear out any appeals for any reason." Shit like this is why people can't take LO seriously.
  9. How to tell they haven't the slightest fucking clue what they're doing in one simple step: The mutually exclusive terms "sniper rifle" and "limited range" being used to describe the same gun. What an absolute joke.
  10. So did the original plan of seamless instance switching happen, or are players going to be hit with full loading screens every match when they get pulled to another instance? If the latter, how does it handle mission starting in the case of not everyone having the same loading times? Will the mission wait for everyone to load in, or will slow loaders become a burden on everyone else?
  11. Game gets a steady turnover of new players (whether they stick around or ultimately leave), and at least some of them are going to drop some amount on ARMAS. Combine this with G1 having basically no staff to pay, and server hosting costing next to nothing, and it's not hard to make a steady profit (even if only a trickle).
  12. Name and shame lists don't make it harder to cheat. Also, clear your download list.
  13. It's the same song and dance as antivirus programs. The malware (cheats) are made by the same people that maintain the antivirus programs (anticheats).
  14. The fact that speedhacking is even still possible is just... It could be made outright impossible to do, if LO cared.
  15. I can pretty much guarantee they just copy/paste the actual Piercing mod. https://apbdb.com/items/FnMod_Weapon_Piercing
  16. The migration of SA players after Hoplon shut down is one of the two major events that killed APB's NA servers in the first place (the other being threat segregation). If LO had any sense whatsoever, they would absolutely not cater to SA.
  17. How to make the game pay to win in one easy step: A concept by someone who doesn't have a fucking clue.
  18. Interesting, a recoil buff for one of my favorite guns. Wonder how much of an actual effect the buff gives the weapon. The damage increase doesn't boost it to 6 STK, but it does potentially give it a few extra meters of effective range... not that it really needs that, the gun is best at short to mid range anyways (nice boost for plinking tho). Could ya'll please stop removing (and ideally return) the literal defining feature and purpose of usage for the ISSR series weapons? There's no reason to use the ISSRs anymore thanks to this shit. Back to the dumpster it goes. Harbinger being usable was nice while it lasted, but-
  19. Tell us you're green/bronze without telling us you're green/bronze.
  20. Nah. Both G1/RG and LO have a very obvious vendetta against LTL. You don't "accidentally" go this hard on changes to something, especially when it's been consistent and going on for several years.
  21. The game's design has always favored the Criminal faction, but it's wild how hard LO is going on LTL lately.
  22. Nah, there needs to be a player-facing indicator to keep the devs accountable.
  23. Hexerin

    Headshots in APB?

    Headshots in PvP games serve nobody except cheaters. Leave headshots in singleplayer/coop PvE games where they belong.
  24. Oh wait no, I'm being an idiot. Thinking of the Misery with the flat 200 damage. Nevermind, carry on. Still doesn't change my original statement in this line of discussion though. Heavy Barrel does nothing for COBR-A.
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