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Everything posted by YeOldLegends

  1. Clans are for losers. Better to have a troll clan and have some friends from back in the day to play with and then just destroy. Aside from clans sucking. Best of luck recruiting.
  2. Everything drifts if you get rammed from behind hard enough This can be taken in multiple ways. Also completely agree with this. I drive a 4x4 and its the worlds easiest car to flip. Best car to not risk flipping is Pioneer. I have an Espacio and it flips all the time too the regular G2X line up is basically also pretty hard to flip.
  3. tagger is only good on like a pmg or shotgun or oca something when fighting close range.
  4. Yea I agree with you. But Honestly, what do you think about if they just shortened the wind-up time. to like 1 or .5 seconds. I feel like it should stay short range because increasing the range I feel like would make it a bit op and we need something that's close and something that far so keeps it short but shorten the windup time.
  5. Welp looks like its time to buy the shredder. Range buffed from 20 to 25m. Fire rate increased. Well Well Well. What do we have here? The next broken shotgun.
  6. Yep. Sounds about right you can stress test the server with this.
  7. AFlyingPig Just wants it for low yields and mods. Thank you, Matt, your amazing.
  8. I think they changed it. I am not sure, to be honest but I don't ever really remember it being that broken.
  9. LTL is broken. It has no damage drop off. Try it. Stabba - CCG. You can stun with the same amount of shots from 100m as 50m and as 5m. My books. Broken. I use LTL, Fragile, and epinephrine stun them from 100m away. Fly to them at the speed of light and arrest their patootie. + you get bonus time to finish objectives by the time they respawn.
  10. Enforcer because of broken patootie LTL and the cars don't give a shit about clothes. Also how about a both option. I used to play both crim and enforcer back in the day just for the hell of it.
  11. Also honestly out of personal experience people tend to shoot rockets too far when its an osmaw and too close when its a volcano. So when dodging an osmaw and you can't go to the left or to the right then run toward the person firing it, and if you are dodging a volcano and cant go left or right then run away from it.
  12. What is the current worth of all the legendaries I am just getting back into the game and I was wondering what the worth of them all are so I would know what to trade and what not to trade for what?
  13. Sir even if the server lags you won't have fps drops. If the server lags your player may freeze or you may have weird movement bugs but you will not lose FPS. You realize the thing that's processing your graphics is not the server. The servers can even fucking go down completely and that shouldn't affect your fps. Are you getting my gist? Server and Graphics are two different things.
  14. O.o Umm. Sir, you realize FPS has nothing to do with network speed. FPS is Frames Per a Second. That's how many frames your graphics processor sends out to your monitor in one second. Network speed does not affect frames per second, but your GPU, CPU, RAM and etc effect that. So hence that means the servers aren't shit nor is your network but your computer is shit. Also can be that not your computer is shit but you have your settings turned up to high and you have all kinds of shadow effects on. That usually causes the game to have stutter.
  15. Umm. Been playing a decent ammount lately. Never noticed anything like this. Try getting another ISP or a better connection or increase your speed.
  16. it's not detected by intervals between each click. If it was then all people using a Logitech free scroll mouse would have been banned ages ago. intervals between each click prove nothing and I am not even sure they have that kinda information.
  17. boi you need to calm your salty patootie down. People like you are the real epidemic. LO already announced what their gonna do and just haven't gotten to it but your whining. How about you shut the fuck up and sit quietly until they get it fixed.
  18. Any patches? or updates? or just bug fixes? Also, I think you forgot to lock the thread.
  19. @MattScott How about the people that got the extra friend and ignores off armas and loyalty? Are they just going to be removed without any compensation?
  20. feels nice until you realize you gave up a new car to get some pixels for as long as this game lasts No offense but 500 bucks will never get you a new car. Might get you a 1995 honda civic beater but that's about it.
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