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Posts posted by TheSxW

  1. Try to use google translate and type it in english it could help others with helping you

    Попробуйте использовать Google Translate и введите его на английском языке, это может помочь другим, помогая вам

    message stays as follows:


    The problem is that when you log in to your personal account on the gamefirst, an login error is displayed, not the correct code (2 times protection).

    If you go into the game itself and enter all the data, the download starts and immediately asks (invite verefication code)

    What to do ?


    i could say you need to use 2 factor authentication they use a google application on phone u need a phone connected to account to login to account
    Вам нужно использовать двухэтапную аутентификацию. Если ваш аккаунт был связан с этим, вам понадобится телефон с приложением Google. Больше информации должно быть в панели пользователя.

  2. 1. never happend to me .. so i have no answer to this
    2. its happend on cancel animation/lags/server lags
    for cancel animation if player shoots for example OSCAR and he do this quick enough it will strangely slide your character
    for lags player you are facing of have 150+ latency or you could have lover fps but i dont think this is the issue for you ...
    for server lags its self explained
    3. guy above explain it good i could add that its not server side issue but client issue.
    4. minimising game dont make anny lags only then returning to game it lags for like 2 seconds and then run ok. about other programs BE closes them automaticly so it can test injections into client and BE service about Fake AC there is more then BE going on 🙂 have fun searching for it 😉 @CatilyaReportingAgent

  3. 19 hours ago, DeadPixels said:

    It's probably the RTX graphic cards problem. Everybody who posted their spects has a newer pc and enought of ram. There was also a problem with APB when Nvidia GTX were first released. If any of you still have the old graphic card try to put that in and see if the problem still exists

    as i say
    "- GDDR6 has a diffrent infrastructure then older gddr's so ue3 sees only one of its modules or even less and that could be causing oof (like Graphic card has 6GB GDDR6 vram but game sees only 500MB for example) - this has a big chance to be the issue"

  4. 1 hour ago, SirVilla said:

    that's the most interesting said today's date



     think if it would be interesting,
    I begin to think that it would be difficult and distressing, but to join final and waterfront,
       make a union of districts?
      It would be interesting !

    yes it will be 😉 and propably not accesable untill UE4.0 and performance fixes

  5. 10 minutes ago, Netzu said:

    The debate about whether altering the textfiles is against the ToS or not & the argument discussing whether it is giving anyone some sort of advantage are two entirely different situations.

    Against tos is removing or replacing textures/sounds/vst ( i could say any game files ) to get some advantage ( ultra low configs are sketchy too )
    some examples
    No Ambient Sound - gives advantage to hear incoming car at 100m b4 u even sees that on radar hear shoots from distance 100m (all above that distance is not rendered)
    No Muzzleflash - Advantage of smoke and fire flashing  from guns / stunning ones especially
    Editing shaders to get Special overlay so u can see through all smokes
    Removing smokes or make it transparent or leaving fire and removing smoke
    adding crosshair
    there is alot of this shet and its going on and on and on

    about the abandonmission i used that for glitched missions like : no opposition, Crim de la crime, and some others i dont rly remember but was about car delivery. In other hand you can always suecide 5 times and go back to district (if u are on bronze server as gold its ur fault)

  6. 7 minutes ago, valdentin said:

    Sometimes when a new mission starts, I can't see any icon about where to go. I have to use the map.

    known bug restart game or try to turn off and on UI (F12) or turn off and on some options in gameplay tab

    • Thanks 1

  7. @_chain im using win 10 because its more stable then win 8 or 8.1 and its strangely faster then that hmmm... Anyway i got turned off almost everything from Win 10 - i used Win JG10 build - its a custom maded windows 10 by some maniac 😉 - he fixed almost everything that microsoft cant ... and installation files weight ~2.5GB

    about the case uninstalling windows updates from lastest ones could help you (alot of that cases in the internet)

  8. i have FX8320 + R9 270x game works fine it must be driver issue (at 80% chance) install older ones ? propably or uninstall them and try to run game like that (if it will even run like that)

    its propably one of the issues goin on related to newest drivers / did u update them in near past ?

    PS this will fix that.
    go to updates turn it off - uninstall lastest updates in like range to 2-5 days old - you propably uses windows 10 😉 same as me i got updates turned off entirely

  9. 19 hours ago, FullHouse said:

    Is there any solution for this problem?

    As Maoci says me Matt Team Fixes that in Engine Upgrade
    for now it need to be set very high with alot of garbage pool + garbage collector cleaner set to high number so it will lag for example once each 30 min etc. but it will freeze the game very hard ... (it needs to be tested)

  10. 17 hours ago, Ketog said:

    Has been having the exact same problem for weeks by now

    its propably an server issue which wont log out your account staying forever in lobby

  11. 36 minutes ago, Queen of Love said:

    1st : Bronze district with No stressing weapons that are so cruel Vs true new players (Osmaw,Volcano,Trueogre)

    2nd: Advertising ,cause GTAV looks old, but APB look crazy and fun :3

    3rd: A new little district near beach. Possible with Cruiser for fashion holyday.

    4th: New emote for interact p2p and p2chair/couch/pole/sunshine on cruiser

    5th: Motorbikes, eventualy every bug will be widely loved.

    6th: New Deployable like disco lights, disco sphere, pets. (also a parrot could be nice)

    8th: remember to remove OOB

    9th: we dont need a 7th

    10th: More More More. Cause we can.

    11th: Lock dethreat when gold reached, forever. 

    12th: Allow Devil Dog to shot at sight , and Double Dee too. (they are armed and dangerous.)


    U,,u/ ty ty stop applause..

    all of them are stupid ideas and non reachable untill ue4 ...

    better idea will be to force bronze players to auto join to green districts with T players (they will need to use advanced tab to join to other districts - by thread level)
    DELETING GOLD DISTRICTS - to free up ressources for other districts
    lower tickrate on socials to server ms like 60 or 80ms no need to be better then that

    OOB was made by G1 because ppl like you flame in forum cause of that OVERPOWERED PLACES + Vegas 4x4 or Vaquero ...
    as i find out OOB is a "cubic sphere" above some distance added by ue3 map editor that if u enters it with your head (propably - depends on alot of testing with oob areas) it will start to count down untill destruction)

    • Like 1

  12. better will be to see the error as screenshot

    is that normal disconnection from the server ? like connection interruption or the text goes to something else ?

    theory fix - taking information you give us:
    - reseting your network all possible ways you have access too (as Kevkof says)
    - changing DNS on your Ethernet/WiFi
    - checking if you dont have packet lossing while you connecting to the server ( ping -t -l 1 google.pl -> just for example u can put other website to check it it will be sending 1 byte packet each second untill you close console or press CTRL + C )

    - checking if someone isnt taking your whole bandwidth of internet (yeah i know its sounds stupid but its possible)
    - contacting internet provider that you cannot to connect to game "specify gamename" + adds some servers IP's ( rly, dont checked that since LO takeover game - maybe its not changed since g1 ? but maybe )

    i know my english sucks dont judge me try to understand what im trying to say or ask what i mean in some sentences

  13. Me and a few of my friends still searching for someone with 20XX Graphic card (whos playing apb), so we could make some quick tests to determine whats going on with the game

    @Dahel yes you could be right about this that jumping to newer version could fix some issues with graphic cards.

    only theory:
    - GDDR6 has a diffrent infrastructure then older gddr's so ue3 sees only one of its modules or even less and that could be causing oof (like Graphic card has 6GB GDDR6 vram but game sees only 500MB for example) - this has a big chance to be the issue
    - messing arround with RTX settings, turning all possible to change settings "off" - to pretend for a game you not having RTX "GC" - this could eventually prevent from killing app that fast
    - changing ini files (checking existing configs - there is alot of them - and test if your game still dies)
    messing arround with this settings into ini files and checking if there is any diffrence ( below all data described with big chunks of numbers are described as byte - easy converter for this can be found in the internet for example https://whatsabyte.com/P1/byteconverter.htm )






























    ps. no one is sharing his results so its hard to determine which things we can throw away because that was tested - or some of the things are tested in wrong way

  14. On 4/2/2019 at 10:19 PM, Fenton said:

    Hi guys. 


    Since a hiatus of a month or two and the last patch or so, I'm at the point where APB is very difficult to play. I'm getting random lag spikes from 60ms to 250+, my character bounces back and forth and steering can vary from perfectly normal to behaving like I'm on an ice rink.


    Could you point me towards some things I could do to improve stability of the connection and home-box performance, please? I'd like to be able to see where the blockages are, if they're at my side or caused by the server and so on.

    its most likely config issue you are facing of and purged unused things each minute which is setted by default ingame (maybe something is changed by this because i got spike each minute for like 0.4 second it jumps from 9ms to 400+ and then go back to normal FPS counter not even notice that but if u play its noticable. (++ forgot to mension: all ultra textures 4096x4096 setted in config)
    Me and Maoci trying to resolve this by "trial and error method"

    one of my friends i help got strange issue after inserting Tobbi's config hes facing strange paket loses ... which has been solved by setting dns to + creating confing from base (propably the batch file in tobbi's config made some misstake donno how.



    Though I do recall reading somewhere that the client tries to slow connections down to balance players? I may be mistaken there.

    yes you are mistaken 🙂

    ps. if u want i can give u Maoci Discord on PM just hit me there (propably he could help you out :] )

    • Thanks 1
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