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Posts posted by TheSxW

  1. its just a driver / windows update fault. Im staying at 1903 windows 10 build and im good with 2080 Super without crashing(or having any other issues with it) ... so i supose its some directx updates that gets this shit fucked. Or im just lucky silly person.

    EDIT: i tested APB on everything maxed out(using custom configs for that) and my RTX 2080 Super was used at 60-80% so yea ...

  2. On 9/19/2020 at 4:48 AM, _chain said:

    Nah bro. I'm fine with the R2 changes and making unused guns viable, but don't even mention the shotgun cqc class, I know a thing or two about those because it's the only weapon I've played this year, and trust me, I don't need an even longer ttk against an SMG meta. I'm just wondering if you've actually sat down for a few days or weeks to try the weapons. 


    The strife change wouldn't change much. But I feel like it's made with other things in mind.

    For it to enter the meta it should offer something different and complementary to the other 2.


    I'll break it down for you: JG allows for dumbed down gameplay at closer ranges (point open end of the barrel in general direction of enemy, pull trigger until killed). 

    The CSG offers higher range while also requiring you to be accurate with your pellets at spit range to actually 2stk, at a slightly longer ttk. 

    Now, what could the Strife offer that these other 2 aren't doing already? 


    About the ACTUAL In-game changes:


    No one asked for a .44 and RSA change. It was pretty uncalled for, actually. Like, I can get to the same train of thought that led to the changes, buuuut... Just, nah.


    The RSA already kills slow enough (it's almost 2 seconds of TTK down range) definitlely not posing enough of a problem against ANYTHING other than another RSA for a change to be made regarding accuracies moving. Obeya is like "you're challenging me, bro?" and so are most weapons. 


    The .44... Idk man. Sure. Most of the time if I'm crossing an open space I'll run with the gun out already (like most people do) so it's not even a relevant change. More like a concept misunderstanding. And the range... Eh. It already struggled enough with being actually 4stk in most scenarios, about 3/4 of the fights (especially fighting against clotting agent 2-3) (no one plays Fragile. I do, but you get it). 


    I find myself using those as suppressive, supportive weapons. You know. Allow rotation, keep an enemy still, and in some cases allow for someone else to finish the job quickly. 


    The Snub looks like a pocket gun, I guess just add a line in the code that makes it switch slower to some guns, or start accounting for de-equip time and completely rebalance. No other comment on that one, no one will use it anyways. 

    agree to the rsa and .44
    instead i will buff r-2 and nerf .45 (cause of 1024x768 abuse)

    for snr it should slow change from main to secondary but faster from secondary to main ?? i think this change is ok i think... (didnt tested that out now but qs'ing was a thign for everything tbh...)

    about the JG i hate to say but that insane 2 taps are driving me crazy cause ppl don't need to hit all pellets to kill now...
    b4 it was 75 + 25(or 50+50 with hitting like 67% of pellets twice to kill)  and now that we have that "percentage damage" thing (if its still there...) you don't need to hit 50% of pellets you can hit less and still kill - its hard to explain with words i hope you can understand what i mean. i will even recomend to lower down dagame fro jg from 75 up to csg dmg and maybe then buff csg damage up ? cause you nee dot hit that all pellets from csg (and its harder to do then with JG)

  3. R-2 Harbinger - Recovery time is too high - recomended 0.450 -> 0.380(or 0.4) (allow to use this weapon more often ... cause now its trash at longer distance then 5m) - also will advice to change Damage from 25% up to 30% it will still be 4 shoots but will remove that aspect of clothing agent 3 healed up which adds 1 up to 2 shoots if you wait long enough
    Obeya CR762 - Per Shot Modifier - recomended 0.44 -> 0.5 (or 0.48), Recovery Delay 0.1 -> 0.12 - just to nerf that macro type of playstyle
    SG-21 'Strife' - Fire Interval - recomended 1.25 -> 1 (or 1.1) - noone uses that cause it has longest ttk ever as for cqc weapon
    JG - Fire interval 0.65 -> 0.7(or 0.75) - or something between - removes Overpowerness from JG
    CSG/TAS - Fire Interval 0.7 -> 0.75(or 0.72) - still good at longer distances but give up on few weapons on close cqc
    Scout's - Damage 60% -> 57% - still allows to 2 taps but removes overpower aspect out of it
    Joker SR15 - now its sniper rifle i'm not sure reducing crosshair size increase was a good idea (it was good as it was now its macro weapon

    AMG-556 - need increased horizontal recoil by 10% up to 15%
    N-SSW + VAS SW2 - Fire Interval 0.155 -> 1.6
    Concussion Grenade - Ghost damage if you drop a nade incorectly (somehow damage is better below grenade then it going around the grenade)
    OCA-EW 626 - why buffing already good weapon ??
    N-TEC 5 - useless buff. like why ...
    should i remember ppl there is a gun named Temptress ? which also need a some kind of nerf ...
    more maybe later on...
    PS. tell what you think about those changes?

    • Thanks 1

  4. as Title says, there is a naughty limit of 3 weapons/mods/others (regenerate 1 item able to buy per 1 day) to rent an item using NPC (the 10 days one's, mods or other items) - i would like to get rid of this for other players also.

    edit: about renting weapons i think if you are able to get up to 1000 days of renting gun should get permament in this case (its alot of apb$ anyway)

    edit2: small calculation with 1000 days renting get permament ==> for stock N-TEC which costs 3264 it will goes to 326.400 APB$ to get permament (i think its a good price if not then increase or decrease it... whatever)

    there is also one other change which is in the Tutorial: as for there are 2 stages in tutorial "1": get 10 day weapon, "2" get permament weapon, I would suggest that this 10 day weapon should give a player ability to use all those weapons in that 10 days peroid or if its not enough just increase the timer to 14 days... Then new player will be able to choose permament weapon of hes choose and not just pick random one.


    @Sakebee - I think you are the most capable to push that forward. Thanks

    ps. Yup English isn't my native language but i hope you guys can understand what i want to address here.

    edit3: i dont know from where i come up with that 7 days 🙂 its 10 ...

  5. On 4/20/2020 at 8:32 PM, deivid95 said:


    11:28:07 - Log: === Critical error: ===
    m_VertexBuffer->Lock(m_nNextVertexData, Size, &pData, VertexLockFlags) failed 
     at Src\D3D9DrawPrimitiveUPWrapper.cpp:293 
     with error D3DERR_DEVICELOST

    11:28:07 - Log: Log file closed, 20/04/20 14:28:07

    finally someone who thinks and drops error logs xD


    check lastest windows update (your windows made) and removes it...
    stay max at windows 10 build 1903 and prevent windows from updating itself just for playing apb

    Src\D3D9DrawPrimitiveUPWrapper.cpp:293 < this is a bug from windows cause they stop supporting some staff id d3dx. I tried to edit those files but its ended to not working or randomly crashing in diffrent place the only way is to remove that KB update i mensioned somewhere in this forum and ofc. using lower graphical settings i preffer to use flaws one it works well 🙂

    ps. will search for that kb update and will psot it there after i find it (in edit tag)


    Posted May 27

    Hello please note me below if you have any issues of using RTX graphics card cause as far as im using it i didnt have any issues (except 1 place then i setup everything to be maxed out in advanced launcher)

    1. im using Flaws config from hes twitch channel (a New Graphics one)
    2. uninstalled updates from Windows called "KB4552931" and all installed with it[at the same date] (if you install it regulary you will not have more then 2)

    thats all i done to get stable gameplay without any crashes on silver districts (i regurally play in like 2-4 hours sessions)

  6. On 8/19/2020 at 11:19 AM, Dalena said:

    I should have answered you before. A NVIDIA driver update fixed it. 


    But, the problem is back. And an update didn't fix it. 


    Also: It doesn't load at all. The APB launcher re-downloads everything it downloaded for an update each time. After I click start, I get the small splash window for APB and then the BattlEye message comes up. 


    So I'm back to square 1.

    file was corrupted or you have this files infected at some point by something we dont now. good you fix that 😉

    uninstall physix you have and install the one from apb reloaded or download one again from nvidia website. And most likely scan your pc in search of viruses or malware "emsisoft emergency kit" is a nice virus scanner (just dont install anything other then the scanner 😆) cheers!!!

  7. On 8/19/2020 at 1:49 PM, IncoGnito93 said:

    Hello I have a problem every day I can’t accede to an exchange or walk possible to fix this problem please?




    Good days I need help it puts impossible to make exchanges or go into the market I have to wait three days but all the days its gives me three days

    activate 2FA in website then login to your account from one PC wait 3 days and it should be lifted ( i have same problem long time ago ) later after you trade you can turn that off ( but still you will need to wait again 3 days because you turned this off )

  8. если не пишете про версию "XBOX" рекомендую положить в игру "CONFIG" из FLVWS
    здесь вы можете найти это: https://www.twitch.tv/flvws/about

    если это версия для XBOX, то пока ничего не поделаешь

    в следующий раз попробуйте ввести текст в "YANDEX TRANSLATOR" чтобы больше людей могли ответить вам

    GOOD LUCK!!!


    this is how beta ended for me ... so stop complaining @Nafryti
    Threadripper 1920x RTX 2080 Super (with one one gpu GTX 1650) 32 GB of ram and nvme drives ... so yea i should be complaining not you ... but yes beta wasnt goes as good as i thinked but there are few good things i hope i will be able to help with beta as much as i can.


    i could thing that you could use integrated graphics from cpu maybe thats why ? or some amd drivers interfere with nvidia drivers

    --- i will leave it here ---
    this is apb preset im using im getting 100+ fps with this its unsatable 100+ cause it jumps from 95 up to 140 i connected some features from well known packages for example flaws make sure to use minimal setting ingame and this as starting commands on APB.program
    " -language=1031 -nomoviestartup"


  10. scan if you dont have any malware or other virus ...
    remove those files - they are from c++ 2005 redistributables
    its strange that its flagged by BE ... its propably not original file

    edit: sorrry didnt read the post above 😞

  11. PC specs, whats happening after this ? send current.log from game folder after this happends (and prefferably send this to support to not leak any informations)

  12. on windows 1903 is working ok. but i dont update windows at all
    i have rtx 2080 Super and i have no troubles while playing apb ... at "semi" maxed out settings (max texture size is 1024 everything aboue could crash my game)

    1. yup player respawning creates new object of player in game and als oincrease RAM usage so thats why its crashing
    2. Waterfront is heavier map need more ressources
    3. i dont know what to say to this ...

    check lower versions of windows 10 (like build 1903 which works for me) with older drivers - it could help but its not 100% sure

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