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Posts posted by TheSxW
seems like more then 2 dist. of the same type can cause servers to die completly LEL
21 hours ago, Ardita said:New version of APB:Reloaded when servers wont get back online again
nah that shows you if servers are online
On 1/31/2025 at 8:08 PM, Westford said:Oh, I really don't care if players use a widescreen display resolution, I think it looks like crap,
but no reason for them not to play like this.
Myself personally, I set the in games resolution to the whatever the highest available that my GPU and monitor can support.
That's just because I like the aesthetics.
But now you have me curious.
Why play in a resolution the elongates the display like that ?
Does it improve the FPS, or .. ?
I had to take a look at the video again, and I did notice the red "center" dot instead of the default.
I can see how this could be really helpful.
I don't think I can change that in the graphics setting, but I will double check.
I don't know, it might be because I am either lazy, or just don't care as much to go above and beyond
what the in game graphics settings allow for config changes.
I never bothered with the APB Launcher that was approved by LO,
like I said, I just can't be bothered.
I realize that this is important to some players, particularly if they have a very old computer.
My CPU was released in 2017 and my GPU in 2019, so some might argue that I have an old computer,
but I get decent performance with APB even on high graphics settings.
Maybe I am missing out, and my gameplay would be a vast improvement
if I made these types of changes.
lower ressolution lowers gun camera recoil
the red thingy in a center is edited shaders crosshair its bannable offence against tos and eula of the game
ps. some time ago i saw a player having like 400+ fps in this game... -
On 1/10/2025 at 3:07 PM, sweetLemonade said:No, I want all guns to behave like the ISSR-C in ADS mode. This way you'll help both the less-skilled and more-skilled players.
More accuracy isn't bad, it just needs a slightly longer TTK than what guns in this game have.
I'd like to see experiments conducted around 0,9 - 1,1s TTK
Funny how one can tell a lot about the skill level of a player from the way one wants to balance the gameyou dont want that, you think you want but you dont. and if you still think you want that then play without cheats
as topic says i cant login into the character (up to character screen everything works after that its infinite loop (like 30-60 min before was working perfectly fine)
10 hours ago, sweetLemonade said:Yes, we've had this conversation, I'm not against it.
I'm against pushing this when there are guns which are <0,8s (<800ms) and especially <0,7s.
oh and the "controlling part", you're basically elongating the ttk up to a certain value, depending on how fast the bullet spread resets (thus achieving potentially achieving the same u'd do from just X seconds of basic tracking without bullet spread meme)
dont see a reason for this over my proposed version (no spread & no movement penalty in ADS at all, along with MMship_Mod = 0 on all guns) in another thread, but all of this talk is in vain anyways so whatever.so you wants ntecs as all of the guns... nice
i would say that all assault guns (or at last the ones that are ADS sensitive should have "crosshair bloom" increase while moving and im not talking about ntec level of increase but NSSW increase
about .45 secondary the only solution for this guy will be to break macros ppl are using and fixing low resolution recoil bug
tldr; when you click too fast server dont accept your shoots making you shoot twice as slow / and lowering the resolution to the lowest makes game for some reason lower your guns recoil (camera movement) -
1 hour ago, Reprimand said:Do you mean the visual aspect of the crosshair changing to show initial perfect accuracy? Or would that change be linked to the accuracy of the weapon?
oh yess show gun is accurate when crosshair is not even accurate to begin with
seems to work for me im from EU
and social and missions servers work for me
if it keeps happening it seems to me like some DNS problems or routing gets delayed because someone is doing some ddos'ing somewhere -
What about:
- mobile radar- .45 reballance (kills too fast - recomending to or lower fire rate or making it ghost shoot if you "click" too fast or lowering the clip ammo by 1) - its secondary weapon it shouldnt be as strong as main weapon...
- ntec reballance (a good idea will be to move nssw crosshair behaviour to ntec's)
- obeya reballance (kills too fast on long range and close range...)
- obir (too accurate at long and close range)
- vegas health is too small after previous nerf the car is literal cardboard box
- concusion grenades hard damage need to be reverted on how it used to be - the nerf made it that grenades need to be throwed perfectly to actually damage a driving car, if thrown on a floor it can sometimes not damage the car at all or do like 20% damage or something like that
- JG is kinda weard to play with... that dmg pellets are way too delayed and not registering properly (same with other shotguns)
- broken recoil in most of of the guns shooting on lower parts of crosshair (or focusing on left or in right or on the center of the crosshair in their bottom parts - below the horizontal lines)
- broken crosshair sizes with UI scaling (good scale is at 1920x1080 at around 0.6-0.7 scale - its still scrrcked but way more accurate then shooting with that small crosshair and bullets hoing outside of it)
- 1024x768 resolution advantage of less bump recoil (less vertical/horizontal recoil) you can have preety much no recoil with small adjustments using your mouse while mouse-macro shooting .45
- high ping abuse need to be removed you have high ping you are at disadvantage not advantage... - you literally cant hit a guy with 200+ms (possibly add a thing to choose players based on ping also)
- fix no weapon matchmaking - you can break matchmaking by getting ready with no weapons and get bronze and silver players to be played against most of the time with this method... (unless there is noone else to choose)
those are from the top of my head there are more of those...
good you finally changed the times of the missions... finally i can get the car and deliver it in 1 stage without having time limit of 4-5 min...
PS. you can use the bug of "server not accepting shoots if shooting too fast" from some weapons to fight macros and trying to fight macro users for .45-
Gold = 4
Silver = 2
Bronze = 1
Green = 0.5
T = 0.5
calculate players amount by the values above
1 gold player is 2 silver players and so on
@FLCop those were ppl editing gun stats in client while those were loaded in memory not sure if there is anyone from them who actually remembers those times forget about the ppl who actually was doing it
or ppl who were disabling recoil by enabling 1 ini change xD -
On 11/23/2024 at 6:09 AM, Anella said:I miss the hunt of prestige or notoriety 5 people.
Guess they removed it because "some peeps" were annoyed getting killed by people outside mission?
old good times of leveling gun roles xD
looks like driver issue... or if not that then your ingame config changes something that make game try to read from null pointer
13 hours ago, Someone said:Imagine trying to make sense of a borderline incomprehensible argument.
What part of "Invalid if enemy within 55m when under 55% of top speed" do you not understand?
if you drive fast you should be able to spawn in a car... thats not possible spawn is max 500m from death (around that value) then ppl will abuse this to the core
11 minutes ago, Darkzero3802 said:Cause they tolerate cheaters and have no intention of actually putting any effort into the work mandated to fight this
maybe i should apply to work there? to get paid my country average wage(1250$) which is way lower then theirs and start fixing the game? - i could bet i could fix most of the things there is problem with in like month or 2...
On 1/17/2024 at 12:48 AM, ArtDeco said:Might I suggest you also compensate every account on the console version with a free account bound unsilenced Oca-Nano as a sweetener?
I'm not a console player but that idea doesn't sound so bad to me.
oca nano assasin or chrome would be a good idea those are found from contact missions and are super hard to get
that happens if you play too long on 1 district for some reason (but not always)
17 hours ago, ninjarrrr said:and thats surprising to who exactly? either SARD is "turned off" (because LO is going to manually review every flagged account, from the same company that takes 3 months to answer a support ticket lmao) or its still "learning" which i'm curious about because if it's not going to be auto banning then whats the fucking point machine training it lmfao. LO never gets their story straight and the SARD discord was the developer just using the same cut and paste response to dodge any criticsm about SARD being more useless than punkbuster ever was.
making a prediction that LO does another unbanwave and jumps to another anticheat a year or 2 from now
i still cant get why they dont turn on the 24h bans... for any detection and go from there...
and speedhacks should be super easy to detect... -
Why is there a limit of 3 purchases per type from npc?
i dont get it still and i have been playing it for more then 10 years...
or remove the limit or increase it to 10 at least... -
19 hours ago, MACKxBOLAN said:Ya, the thread was made as an example.
They nerfed the vegas years ago when LO took over.
The thread was more to do with the crying over the .45.
Im not really a reporting type person.
The vegas actually needs to be buffed back to the pre LO times.
They took the wheelies out.
No this was the fruit of an ongoing clan war.
Problem is the elements of this clan do not always fly a flag.
So these were thought to have been random trolls or haters.
characters with American names.
So these were covert attacks by that clan, who has now admitted it.
So beings its a War. There is no reason to punish the vegas.
As I a one man unofficial clan, and had played with these people allot,
we always got along. I used to stick up for them in chat when race comments
start going. So I've never understood their War, but a war it is.
Had I deduced their identity earlier I simply would have counter attacked
members of that clan. Instead of thinking it was yet another country or faction
starting a second war.
You see before apb i played allot of the older facebook 2d games.
We all had clans and wars n their were diplomatic talks and documents to be signed,
spies and counter spies. So when someone with a clan tag attacks me outside a mission
I naturally consider it a clan sanctioned act, and that means that I can retaliate against anyone wearing that tag,
or being in close contact with said clan's administrators.
I think allot of the more recent attacks are a ploy to get me to complain, to have LO
Restore eastern districts, and or to get me to quit.
Which even if I did complain n beg for a high latency district, I have no Juice with LO.
So we can all just Relax now.
Im going to be like Stone Fish.
Quietly laying in wait for the right time
yup 45 needs a redesign but i found a preety nice thing xD
they need to use the same thing they used for issr-a artemis stats cuz its somehow ghost shoots if you use macro but it still allows for clicks
TLDR; allow for faster clicking in game client and deny shoots by server cuz on server it will be setup properly that way you will eliminate 99.99% of macro users that spam click gunsits already done in "issr-a artemis" try to macro shoot it and try to hear the shoot sounds and ammo count dropping down is not synced which is a good thing!!! YOU CANNOT MACRO THIS GUN!!! unless you put cj3 tho... but idea is there @MattScott
PS. similar thing happens with other guns but this one is the most visible
other guns to redesign/nerf/change
- OBIR (ffa too) - too fkin accurate while jumping and sprint shooting
- All NTEC family with all reskins (change spread start from 1 bullet instead of third - just slight change will sufice cuz now you can 3 shot full auto wait 0.25sec or less and repeat... thats cancer)
- oscar (macro users fix only - the one proposed above) (too long range about 10m)
- joker carbine with all reskins (macro users fix only - the one proposed above)
- .45 (macro users fix only) - just to make it ghost shoot more while clicking too fast
- JG needs a range buff around 2-3m more range (it lacks still in alot of cases) or lowering the pellet spread by 30% (this gun is literally put somewhere in the patootie and shoot -
more like "stick to ground on drop" whatever the ground is car or whatever...
easly done using raycast and a custom function to upgate position. -
im talking about weapons/themes/songs/symbols/cars etc.
increase the amounts to:
weapons: to be able to get all weapons from armas and JT and be able to have them all not sure how much there are around 300? 400? lets make it 500 xD
themes: around 250 should sufice
songs: around 250 should sufice
symbols: 500 should be a reasonable amount
cars: 20-50 choose which one is better
me and my friend are using mail now to store themes songs and symbols and cars... i cant get more weapons cuz the limit is too small... -
On 10/6/2024 at 7:32 PM, ok said:All items at 50% off, permanently, 20 dollars for just one gun is a tad bit extreme
Make the car horn customizable in the same way as the theme
agree the prices are kinda wonky
On 10/2/2024 at 4:36 PM, Anella said:Would they be legendary if you could change the look of them?
i think what he wants is something like some of legendaries have like 2 skins you can choose from 1 default and 1 alternative
Hard code engine graphic settings
in Social District (General Discussion)
thats called low resolution camera recoil bug it lowers your camera recoil (not bullet spread but who knows...) of there is literally no recoil when someone is hitting someone (shooting at someone) hes cheating