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Everything posted by Bellenettiel

  1. Granted, but you won't be as awesome as present you. I wish carrots tasted like they do, but at a random chance of tasting like something inconsequential.
  2. Kinda wish we could build ourselves a new fight club map instead, experiencing the same map for so long, maybe as an contest? There are pretty talented people around, building a good sketch sounds possible.
  3. There is a link, top side of the forum, that leads to the official APB forum twitch. So, does this mean we're getting a developer stream of sorts? You know because.. HOLY SHIT THAT WOULD BE AWESOME.
  4. isn't it more responsive than freesync and gsync tho?
  5. Revisit is so over due. Specially some clothing items, with awful texture work, that makes customization worse than it should and other quality of life things.
  6. Honestly i think Little orbit, did already a pretty good amount of communicating, now all they need is really just to act. :v you need to edit your quote too tho
  7. just noticed we can do this :v

  8. Just realized something that was also missing and kind of useful. It was the BBcode mode, which turns the richtext format into the old forum BBcode for advanced users to edit. And the manual turn text into "plain un-formatted text" button. Thanks!
  9. if you can't speed up making the sequel why evensupport abortion it makes no sensethis lastsentence help me godcan't stop support maryjoansss
  10. confetti is the only acceptable choice and most tasteful
  11. dude was clearly off last podcast fuck cancer tbh
  12. Bellenettiel


    what are you talking about, that isn't ZombieBiscuit. :^)
  13. Problem with that, is that punishing people for it creates a bit of a dodgy scenario where you can't be sure it was deserved or not. Plus considering the fact you are treating them as cheaters, where a majority might not even know it isn't allowed. APB sort of has got more competitive districts (where threat matters) than regular ones and the majority of the community is on the competitive part. So like, if you want to just play for fun with your friends, who might not be at the same threat range, it creates a problem of sorts. On the other side, there are those dorks who justify dethreating because they had "no other choice", but to pray on new players for self-fulfillment. I honestly am agreeing more and more with the idea of everything or at least the majority of the districts being "open-districts".
  14. Woa wait a second, ur pocket heart, why did you change ur name? It was... cool. Good vid tho, i feel like it needs a bit more editing and whatnot of a timeline, to make it easier to digest the information.
  15. Bellenettiel


    [user was banned for this post] jk, hey lust
  16. He was out of himself these last years, tho. But idk, i sort of expected him to win against this battle too, it caught me unguarded.
  17. if u hurt my feelings i am telling!!
  18. In the past, it was suggested as a performance solution to awful servers. Ofc nobody accepted, it sort of makes it even harder to get opposition.
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