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  1. only logged in to second this actually i'll do an edit everyone is salty AF in here, clearly says that the work they have done has enabled them to create the tools they were missing in the first place, which was the whole point of the upgrade, so now they can actually do something with the engine (current) that they were previously unable to do. it might come to nothing, but the only way they truly fail is if they give up completely and walk away (looking at you Behaviour Eternal Crusade Dev Team) so the very fact that they are still willing to put up with all this bullshoot from you people, would suggest that they are either really passionate about the game or just as stubborn as the rest of you...
  2. As a community manager i'm here to say "Hello and welcome to WASP" Oops this is the G1 forum, Welcome to the Community, our new CM!
  3. from the wording of the post they have changed the stats back but not the way it front loads the damage, so they behave the same but now do the damage they used to do?
  4. bronzes can join silver districts? golds can join silver districts?
  5. that makes the game pay2win and the argument starts again, then they get put in the joker store and they make no money...
  6. wasn't he doctor who? couldn't see why not, if they redo FE in UE4 then the customisation thing already exists as a plugin, think it was made by the guys who did the original APB one (not 100% certain though, i just hear rumours) if they did FE with 3.5 well they already have done the customisation, so it's perfectly logical that they could implement it in.
  7. when people KNOW the difference they behave differently and this community is full of folks who will just flat out refuse to do a test if they THINK the numbers don't work for THEM, this is a Blind test, companies do it all the time, its a legitimate research method.
  8. this is why i've always had a smooth experience in APB, overclock the shit out of my CPU regardless of requirement, last build was a Intel Core i5 4690K Processor (3.5 GHz, 6 MB Cache, LGA1150 Socket) which i have overclocked to 4.5ghz (a quick google shows i could get it to 4.9ghz) couple with decent ram and an SSD, ive never had a single issue playing APB, even from RTW days i had a core duo overclocked to 4ghz... so i've only been saying this for about 9 years ...
  9. i dont think they are temporary... like the snowball cannon and all that? they are just available at certain times, if its the ones with random mods, that's purely the mods that do it. i'm not saying it's impossible, but i bet it's a lot more work than spinning up a district with a slightly different weapon set, since THAT already exists as a function in the server.
  10. It's done like this because the district has the weapon information, its server based, so you'd have to make multiple variants of the same weapon to be able to mail them to everyone, which would cause a headache further down the line
  11. Oh look a thread that says "we are putting these here to test, please test them" which is followed by people saying "these changes suck" despite not testing it ... it's almost as if everyone wants things to change for the better but purely want to rely on incomplete information to perfectly balance everything ... just test and give actual feedback back and then LO will adjust things again and eventually we will have a whole load of perfectly balance weapons that we can all enjoy or you could could all moan about everything that ever gets given to you, miserable sods.
  12. yeah i was unsure about the 280 and 290 icons. but i like to think of it as an overall improvement, since the original icons get more stars or diamonds then one big one or something special, then Reloaded just made up a bunch of random icons, which actually could have suited for the base of at least the next 5-10 rank sets ...
  13. not that it matters, but i just felt like doing it...
  14. mongoose to their snake ... @CookiePuss i'd love the little fella as my rank, OMG in game vanity pet snake or mongoose that fight each other in social when idle!!! this is where its at !
  15. system already exists ... its how they gave out prizes in RTW before G1 scrapped it. Clans and Players have or at least HAD a score that was tracked, weekly and possibly monthly (i cant remember now) and you would get a mail with an item, better you did the better the prize pool your item came from, i tended to sell them on the market for premium currency. SOOoooo logically, if the code is still there, re-enable it and the scoreboard, dump out the JT's as prizes.
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