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Everything posted by Dahel

  1. Can u post here results of tracert? @ThEwIcKeD13 Better if u run cmd type command with jerico ip and wait till kick ya and instantly chk route. if on route hops failed better to turn to ur ips on the phone and explain em that on the route have trouble, they should find better way to connect, or they should contact another ips where equipment do failure, simillar if use vpn but this way is official and after setup will stay pernamently
  2. Definetly need one slot at specially far distances high calibers
  3. Issue with cpu sound like, run game, alt tab, at taskmngr fing abp exe right click, there is option to control thread of cpu, unchech all except #0 apply go back and see whats different. Sometimes cause chipset drivers not installed for mobo. who did build a pc? Prebuild or you did it. I would not recommended os 10 as MS added too much useless software I count em as malware, at several conditions can cause serious performance issue.
  4. Тебе сюда, https://support.gamersfirst.com/hc/en-us напиши все данные Элл почты ники персов обязательно транзакции потока денег пайпал банковские переводы это гарантия что они твои
  5. Right, You implemented trade system, it is sound good! but additionally we need for micro transactions a bit more advanced trading, I was scammed by clan chief/leader by sending to him item over auction for $G1, to pervert kind of "indoor transactions" we need additional system for trade, I would call it an "hire", simple add item to auction or trade to person but limited time period, $G1 for a week to try it out, but difference is, game mechanism will pervert/stop to scam me as after expire time/date item will return to my mail. simple-practicable-good
  6. It is must related to low tick rate, anyone did reseach what is actual responce???
  7. Dahel

    CTD/Freezing - Out of Memory

    must be a reason for it, set ur graphic card settings to default, at a game change settings to mid, apply restart a game, chk what is going on, if still a same I would change in game setting one by one and see difference, UE 3.0 is buggy.
  8. This must be fixed as new players doesnt know it makes us have advantage
  9. Why posting to ABP Reloaded
  10. Dahel

    FE LAG!!

    Hi, sry but its ABP Reloaded subforum u have to scroll down
  11. UEDK 3 not supported, if this req to re-develop those shaders, but they already added new weapons but how without uedk 3.
  12. Dahel

    CTD/Freezing - Out of Memory

    did ya tried lower filtering up to x4????
  13. Dahel

    FPS drop

    try out: in game setts: 1 medium overall 2 filtering to x4 not more than this 3 v sync on, also sooth refresh rate on, feedback???
  14. имхо - в каналиацию. они заняты и очень, а делают намного больше чем G1 в своё время, есть о чем поболтать, почему бы не обсудить в дискорде, в зависимости от твоего возроста, а то у нас матеряться, так надо, взрослые .) а не флэймить форум .)
  15. Ill ask not an permission but completely remove fog in setts with instructions and feedback as weather needs to be spin, fog untill spin done
  16. Blue, if u mean a color it is able adjust over color settings at ur monitor if not then video software, also gamma make a sence. about fog, we should wait untill UE3.5 if nothink there than 4+ as difference on those updates mainly on LIGHTS may color and fog. I know how to remove a fog but without permissions of LO not able to share.
  17. Ahk is not bannable, it is disallowed, Beye instant kick, about changing keys - do whatever u wish, if not possible in game menu go advanced ways, it is just a keys will not make you cheat. Any questions? Not agree? go to terms.
  18. Dahel

    CTD/Freezing - Out of Memory

    it is a bug from UE3 in game settings, one of setting not compatible with your os or os settings. I had out of memory caused if filtering in game more than x4. out of memory modern games got for corrupted game coding or user attempting violate it over mods. exe not able to unload unused files -/flush *in a past made tests with corrupted exe, no matter what u set ur pagefile or what side of RAM u have It will eat all of it, test made on 128GB RAM and 192GB pagefile = out of memory .) even monitoring was shown 100% drained all reserves .)
  19. Dahel

    Login Failed

    Error Code 8 usually means that the servers are down for maintenance 1 Start the APB Launcher 2 Click Options 3 Click Repair I've connected to Citadel just now. Did ya tried connect to OTW (test server). it is may down for maintenance
  20. разрабы заняты др делами, сам жду месяц ответ в поддержке. заметь что VPN помог, знач оборуование по пути к серверу рухнуло, барахлит. Только твой провайдер это может решить, у нас миллионы мостов по миру и только наши провайдеры могут решать эти вопросы, связываясь с др провадерами .) хош решай вопрос, не хош, отдыхай. (за соединение по миру отвечает твой провайдер а не разрабы игры, кстате, ребята ждут месяцами ответа от разрабов, а звонок можно сделать сейчас и решить прямо на месте) (последний раз решал за 5-10минут разговора с провайдером, плохое соединие с Московским серваком, пинг 320+-, танки, после разговора пинг стабилен 50-80)
  21. I have DeathAdder elite, 0 issue due connections.
  22. Could finish payment with Visa card, internal error. а ты через какую платформу пытался залить? Вчера пополнял все было ок, мож блокирует браузеп, блок рекламы и др фигни надо доьавить их сайт в белый список
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