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Everything posted by vsb

  1. I sure hope not. allowing armas items to be traded between two people who both have purchased said items would be a pretty amazing feature tbh
  2. Too bad you're not on their regardless huh? there* i wouldn’t want to be on ur friends list anyway, if i had actual human relationships i wouldn’t be able to bring joy to the forums like i do
  3. full of people who didn’t accept a friend request i don’t think that counts
  4. vsb


    the largest onerous can find, hopefully it fills the space between your ears
  5. pretty sure it just made tons of people mad because the counting system was fucked up and support was garbage and silvers/bronzes ended up taking up tons of space in the gold districts which left golds unable to play or at least that’s what i remember
  6. what are these stupid poll choices lmao
  7. sounds like a job for not the forums
  8. maybe you'd have a higher rep than me
  9. just got lucky, good players are just as good as they were pre-battleye
  10. i don’t think so, seems like too good of a deal to be true
  11. it would fit far better on a new unique legendary gun but it’s something that’s either going to be overpowered or useless tbh, anything that slows movement in apb is pretty much a death sentence
  12. there won’t be anymore clutching a kill at 1% hp because you’ll be a sitting duck - hit someone with an hvr in cqc and they won’t even be able to run away or fight back effectively tbh if ltl wasn’t already so underpowered i’d want the low stamina effect removed from that as well
  13. that’s gonna be a no from me dawg instantly makes any firefight 100% in favor of whoever gets the first shot off
  14. 4 / 10 kind of generic beatswaps
  15. id just stick to the semi auto rifles, what else do you need tbh
  16. i assume it wont be coming back until its actually useful for the new players who are getting referred
  17. just keep your socks on and you'll be fine
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