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Everything posted by vsb

  1. a world in which we want a solution for the inherent matchmaking and threat issues that come from a 50v50 district
  2. thanks for the list ngl i was expecting a little more but as long as it doesn’t get pushed to the back burner this is a good start edit: will there be any changes to the weird pricing/naming that’s still unfixed from the last joker store update?
  3. ironic i won’t attempt to speak for the community but my issue isn’t with riot itself, it’s the apparent inability for orbit to either stick to their schedule or announce a more accurate schedule that they can stick to - almost every significant milestone has blown past even the purposefully vague dates we’re given it’s been over a year, and it greatly concerns me that orbit seemingly doesn’t have a handle on their own capabilities yet
  4. damn dude, why’d you have to make it so dark all the sudden
  5. iirc the only thing mattscott has said about the threat system is that threat changes should be more gradual, thus making dethreating (and upthreating) more difficult
  6. if we don’t try (because who actually gets ashamed on the internet lol) then how will they learn not to beg
  7. probably just repeat my usual apb ritual
  8. i just murder to fit in with my colleagues, it’s not really who i am inside
  9. i actually don’t fart, its basically a superpower
  10. this seems like a good opportunity to add a "no begging like a hobo" section to the forum rules
  11. thats not what op is asking for and it wouldnt require any servers in the ocean, almost every modern game has regional instances
  12. yes, just like early everyone in apb i’ve used the fbw pretty extensively firstly there is no “jamming” mechanic second, the only ways to “fix” what you perceive as weapon jamming would be to A) uncap the rof for semi-auto guns, allowing every mouse click to fire a bullet no matter how fast (leading to players emptying an entire magazine in less than a second), or B) creating a new mechanic that allows players to spam click in order to fire at max rof, which would remove a large drawback from semi auto guns and totally screw up weapon balance
  13. a unified server with regional instances is already something orbit has stated they’re looking into, and imo it would be pretty helpful for the game that said idk if i want orbit taking any more projects before the engine upgrade, they’re clearly already struggling with just their current tasks
  14. iirc the only way rtw premium was optional was if someone who was already subscribed traded it to another player via the ingame marketplace
  15. as much as i might agree i think you’re giving a little too much credit to g1, they bought a game that had 100k players and by the time they were done with apb only 1% of that pop was left lol
  16. nice to know apb continues to be a joke
  17. jesus man warn a homeboy first before you give him glaucoma
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