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  1. Ya know what else is useless? Little Orbit. And stfu glaciers i dont want your input.
  2. maybe you suck so use cheats ever think of that tuff guy s
  3. Lick me LO you never fix it thats why ur pop is dead
  4. Ahaha! Very true. Good to see you still browse forums. KEKW ~Jesus ~Goat ~Hamburgler ~Rick ~scoredoggy (havnt seen this guy in a long time) ~sidewayzlife (yep 4x4 drifter) ~Norranda ~JakeFromStateFarm ~The walmart clan ( lotta names i forget ) ~DOUBLEY ~ikacake ~a bunch others but lazy and dont wanna type em all
  5. As far as i know, the update has been cancel'd and due to selling the property rights off to a mobile game dev with no knowledge of coding, ya can just enjoy whats left of APB Reloaded. I know this will strike some chords but...there wont be an engine update, nor anything new. Just the same events as per year. Everything good does come to an end eventually. Just how she blows. Edit: What i would be doing is screenshotting your designs and stuff ya made over the years that way you can have some memories to look at and/or add to your steam album or w/e.
  6. You will never see instant weapons in APB. If you rely on full autos and explosions, you will never be good at this game.. Prime your nades and invest in a rifle that you CAN kill using the magazine provided.
  7. NA is having 0.00 to 1.00 packetloss as of Jan 10th til now figure id let ya know so you can alert the technical support team.
  8. Found this pic, i wonder... https://apb.fandom.com/wiki/Rank Merged. Click the picture on the site, for some reason i cant post the pic itself.
  9. Thats what ya get for trying so hard, enjoy social, its your new district KEKW
  10. "oops im outta nades and half ammo, lets just give em a kill so i can spawn with stock." <InsertGolfClapHere> I like the medspray fix tho *Finally*
  11. Apb doesn't have an active anticheat according to reddit, BE is disabled, and EAC wasnt implemented even tho its free for developers...Im not gonna bother yall gonna defend your cheater buddies and im just gonna let ur NA server die, no point trying to argue when its obvious cheaters rule the game. Sorry i myself had enough, and sorry but not sorry i will not recommend apb in its current state to any new players, i refuse, don't like it ban me forever and ever!
  12. Just end it here, APB Reloaded does not have a active anticheat, its all manual, BE is disabled and even tho they said they can't afford EAC, guess what? It's free for developers. Move on. I tried to play today, and its ALL cheaters. If you're new and reading this, don't even bother til this game has proper Anticheat. Good day! PS: If ya do, expect some bull matchs. Designers and Clothing people, yea i guess its pretty wicked, car designs and kits is what made me stay around, just a driver not a shooter.
  13. Wont name and shame, but yall need to get some mods full time in each district, sure i got in crap before for it but now its so bad everyone im teamed with or against is using a swastika or offensive symbol towards it. Can people like stop being that way or is this what i have to see constantly...NA is so bad right now i wouldn't recommend playing, its actual cancer. DO SOMETHING!
  14. Datpaper420


    Ima go with Zombies "Im a bad silver, it must be a hacker" meme add it to the pile XD
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