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Everything posted by Ebola-Chan

  1. they should make it so that if you already own something you dont pay for it i mean for example if something costs 3200 and you already own a weapon from that pack so it should be lowered to 2800 for example and it count for how many items you own from that pack
  2. haHAA enza denino is hot af gj realising this scroll was pointless after posting it
  3. "i dont care anymore" proceeds to write a scroll full of complains
  4. these weapons are average i have the one with the reload mod its decent but pretty much every other smg can surpass it
  5. Now that we have battleeye make driving client side and make it that BE checks the files
  6. he already said that they wont bring back ban broadcast
  7. it would be cool if you'd share some data at some point to confirm how BE works to us just share some numbers and not names etc it would be cool if you'd share some data at some point to confirm how BE works to us just share some numbers and not names etc
  8. disable auto ready... you can just ready up and than instantly cancel it aswell
  9. they already stated they couldnt seperate between cheaters and other kind of bans so stop whining so much about it
  10. third party programs are not allowed.
  11. yeah so lets go whine about it in the forums where no body gives a crap
  12. som people in the community are special kind of people that have a rock for brains
  13. How long do you guys think will it take for people to cry about BE false bans to happend
  14. i dont care what you did you got banned and there is always a reason for that a clanmate of mine got falsly banned and he got unbanned after a few days because it was FALSE LO unbanning everyone out of kindness and all you people do is being even more greedy what next ? ask for free stuff because you were falsly banned ?
  15. oh boy give them a finger and they'll want the whole hand you're getting your accounts back be greatful and stop asking for more stuff ffs you shouldn't have cheated in the first place
  16. cheater's mentality will never change most of them cheat because they think every player thats better then them cheats so they cheat if we want to minimise the cheaters rate apb needs to have higher player base for more veraity of player skills and a better matchmake and like g1 promised once maychmaking will be server wide and not district wide
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