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Everything posted by Saxtus

  1. It's about using the democracy and freedom of speech as an excuse to be insensitive to sensitive people.
  2. It is very interesting. For now I am interested only of global population stats they we already have thanks to some nice guy.
  3. You forgot to post a link to the event calendar: https://teamup.com/kss2qvh49z1zvmfjaj
  4. 1) This. 2) Wasn't him exactly, but what happened with (1) was what made me lose hope.
  5. If it's not much fuss, can you post screenshots of before and after?
  6. There is a gamma slider in-game, no?
  7. I read your answer, just wanted more info. In case I was not clear, I will clarify with specific questions: Graphics for the better looking or for simpler looking? What stuff you don't want to see?
  8. Now I am curious. If you don't need it, what changes you planning to do?
  9. You should hope that you won't get an answer. If I could turn back time, I would never submitted my ticket. Could save me some disappointment.
  10. 1) Tried it, didn't work. 2) I've decided to go that way, but change the "10min" to "few months". I guess he won. 3) Not enough people on other districts. 3) He was helping his friends to win a mission, I think we fall to his "mini game" and not the other way around.
  11. I am from Greece too. Glad that Steam wallet works!
  12. If you're playing using the Steam edition and have connected your Gamersfirst account with Steam account, I think you can buy using Steam wallet using the in-game Steam overlay.
  13. Too many unpredictable things happened the last half of 2018, so it's normal for the engine update to be postponed for later in 2019.
  14. Saxtus

    Halloween Event

    Yes. Two weeks since the start of the event. https://forums.gamersfirst.com/topic/6293-halloween-events-start-the-morning-of-oct-30-pacific-time/
  15. For a moment I thought we had a conversation using actual facts and not a childish argument. I am sorry for butting in, I will show myself the exit of this thread.
  16. I have to agree with @LordVegetaon this one, as you seem to not actually read the TOS. More specifically: 3 ADDITIONAL LICENSE RESTRICTIONS 3.1 Without prejudice to the generality of condition 1 (the grant of the license), you shall not, and you agree not to: {...} 3.1.3 modify the Game or any files forming part of the Game in any way not expressly authorized by Reloaded; 3.1.4 use cheats, automation software (bots), hacks, modifications or any other unauthorized third-party software designed to modify the Game; Unfortunately for your argument, crosshairs fall under the cheats/hacks category that modify the game, unlike Discord that you're trying for some reason to make it appear as equal to cheating/modifying APB.
  17. You mean that we are losing half of the Cyrillic spam in district chat? Oh the horror!
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