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Everything posted by Todesklinge

  1. Yes use Kevlar 3 and when you can kill anyone, you are a true Warlord! Have used Perc before too, but after the nerf its useless right now. Qapla!
  2. Chuck Norris can defeat you without a N-Tec 5! Beware!
  3. The ISSRa have a longer range then the Ntec (look at the Range-Bar). You need 4 shots to kill a player. With Ntec 5-6 hits. Why also have a longer ranges weapon with more damage lesser chances? Why there is no Clotting Agent nerf? The game is so hard unbalanced and the Dev team dont do nothing?! Its to hard to set a few numbers lower to improve the game play. If the engine update comes and no one is left, whats happen?
  4. N-Tec 5 and 7 need a range and damage nerf, they are to much RIFLE and Assault Rifle in one. I am using ISSRa on long range with Kevlar 3 and i lose against an enemy without kevlar and N-Tec 5 & 7. What is this for an bad gameplay? Every game i play i need to report a player for cheating, this makes no more fun! I am silver on silver server and need to play against two gold players with 100% accuracy and cheater weapons
  5. For this you need a minimum of Unreal Engine 4... Now they will work for Unreal Engine 3.5... Thats why i allready sad, they just Skip 3.5 and getting UE 4.25 -> 5.0. Adding VR to the project is near simple like to add controller (from Playstation / Xbox). But to balance the game for VR is very hard. But VR just in Social is very easy, maybe 1 Week to implement. Right now APB is about 2 Timelines far away. PS: VR can be emulated on the Smartphone for an first impression. Real VR need a real VR object.
  6. Ok lets start do Downvote every post!
  7. Why the game have Anti-Vehicle Weapons if no one use it?! Concussion grenade dont cost a primary slot and you can kill every vehicle with it, this is so unbalanced. Why the Devs dont remove conussion grenade out of the game???
  8. No one uses anti vehicle weapons... if you can have concussion grenade, that can the same and dont need a primary weapon slot!
  9. Set 0$ Spawn Cost for all vehicles you have purchased from ARMAS, and without of the use of the Car-Detonator mod! Have purchased Waragi for Crimes and Enforcer from Armas and now both vehicles are useless
  10. I have corrected this for you.
  11. Hp nerf makes Anti-Vehicle weapons more useless.
  12. Why Pioneer becomes HP nerf, it needs a HP increase! Why drive a big and slow vehicle if it have no HP to keep income fire? Why Vegas have same HP like Pioneer but is faster and smaller?!
  13. Remove resupply boxes, no one need this! There is a weapon mod to increase stored ammo... but no one use it. Remove Car Spawn out of the game and every vehicle in the game have Car Spawn integrated. Need 80m+ to spawn in car, to the mission object.
  14. Remove the Dislike Function from the Forum! It makes no sense to have a Function that have no effect. There is allready to much negative language in the game, we dont need this 1:1 in the Forum. Dislike option only gives a place for Trolls.
  15. Please Reset the Trial for all weapons in Armas, thanks! Heavy allready contacted the support, but i can not Re-Trial the weapons i like to buy.
  16. Another option is to remove all servers and create one mega server. You activate "K" and the matchmaker is looking in the mega Server where ALL players registeted, to take the right team members and opponents that matches to you skill level. All players in this match are getting teleported to a new Inatanced-Server and you can play the game. There is no dethreating possible and you can get every time the (maybe) players on your personal skill level. You dont need to Wait on a server for a regional match. Its now global. Go to your server where you are stay for matchmaking (maybe Social District) for chatting or whatever and activate the matchmaker. Befor you join the game is asking you if you are ready for the match. The cool thing, in this mode the mission can be up to 45 versus 45 players (allso 90) IN ONE Mission! Maybe for Clanwar or big chain-missions?
  17. Servers; Bronze: 100% Rewards from Missions Silver: 200% Rewards Gold 300% Rewards
  18. Remove concussion Grenade. Reduces all vehicle damage on grenades. Remove the explosives from all vehicles. I dont know why vehicles explodes by NOT explosive damage?!
  19. Can we get an Armas Sale? Maybe 50% discount on all to celebrate the second test?
  20. you mean 1 trial per account? I have two characters and on both i cant Trial the 762 Spartan. But the 762 Broadsword Trial works, i know they are equal but i am looking for the 762 Spartan.
  21. Hi, i whould like to buy the 762 Spartan from Armas, but i can not TRIAL the weapon to get the -35% Discount. Same thing for C2 Entente, cant Re-Trial again
  22. What is CQC? Whata about the Maniac? What sort of weapon is this, more like a C2 or a PMG?
  23. Ok i was thinking we are talk about to buy JT from Armas to buy legendarys by renting from Anne. If i buy the 25.000 JT Package from the Armas i have a chance of 50% to get every weapon as permanent?
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