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Everything posted by Todesklinge

  1. 10$ cost to unban the account... if you need money for development.
  2. Who is sending the Datas to the official Database? You?
  3. Do you realy thinking it is "just" a reskin? How you can get the details from the weapon, Datamining? Skins are not just a optical change. If Skin A have a long barrel and skin B have a short barrel, this can make the difference in close combat (around a corner for example). Its because the bullet spawn can be different.
  4. Concurssion Grenade should be removed out of the game. The grenade makes every anti vehicle weapon usless! Some other weapons need a hard damage reduction. We have many anti vehcile weapons but they are to weak in general use. For the Concurssion Grenade you dont lose a primary weapon slot and can kill every vehicle fast. I see so much players they can throw the Concurssion Grenade with 100% to high speed vehciles and players in far distance. The grenade mechanic is bad. We have grenade launchers no one use it (only OPGL is usefull and OP). The EOL Grenade Launcher Series is total useless... because you lose an primary weapon. Also the general weapon system need to be reworked, not the weapon itself. But if you are Using NTec + AC 50. Pistol + Concurssion Grenade = you have the best of the best for all situations, why using other weapons?!
  5. There is no difference between a Veteran Player that is killing you 10 times without to die. And a cheater Player that is killing you 10 times without to die. Tell other player as cheater is easier to handle... The missing matchmaker (becausd of missing pupulation) is the core problem. Unbalanced weapons and modifications (Clotting Agent is total OP, all other green Mods are usless and to weak). This is an cycle of death. New player joining the game... and leave them after a short of time because of its issues! I am more and more frustated to get matched against better players. My Kevlat 3 gives me no protection to defeat them...
  6. The 12 Death of Xmass Event in the Beacon need a progress rework. The actually "Reach level 12 for all rewards" need to be removed and replaced with "Play 6 times, 12 Death of Xmass". Reason: Cheaters and Veterans are ruin the progress of the Event for other players. Same system like "Dev Gun Game" and "Holiday Cheer", they can be completed for everyone. But 12 Death of Xmass have a wrong system and this is frustrating.
  7. Can anyone explain how much Joker Tickets we can from the actually Event? Please detailed.
  8. Keep in mind there are other players (beginners etc.). If a mod only works as vereran/elite players, thats not meaning is balanced. Until the new engine upgrade is finished its time to make official tests with some adjustments in Gameplay. Thats are just a few numbers to fix.
  9. People they dont use Kevlar over a long time, dont know what the real problem of Kevlar is. I have a very long play time with Kevlar and i know whats the best buff is to improve this green Mod. Just rework the movement speed will unbalanced it, also the best way is to improve the Health. Over 99% of all players use Clotting Agent because it is overpowered and gives bonuses in every Situation. Thats called unbalanced when a mod is to strong like CA.
  10. I am using Kevlar 3 and i am die to fast with it against Player with Clotting Agent 3. Clotting Agent 3 need a additional downside of -8% HP as compensation! This makes me so much frustration when the game balance is absolute broken. I dont have a chance to defeat the enemys. Fix this!
  11. Kevlar 4 is best Kevlar... i am waiting since 2012!
  12. Got an Idea for next sales. Every 3 Month there is a Coupon for a -33-50% discount on ONE item if your choose. So you can get what you like, without Frustration! Lesser frustration, more happy Players!
  13. Can you add the FFA 5,56 III to the Armas (real money) for Account Wide for the same Price of the Obir III (3 slot)? Thank you I got the Harbinger and the Temptress, bot are a good deal. The Temptress is a realy awesome gun!
  14. More skimpy Thongs and Bikinis! Also more nudity content!
  15. All characters are locked to the district. Also i get automaticly disconnected from the Server after choose a Character and do next (to get District List). The support cant help me.
  16. It is better to ignore the TTK by adding multiple Hitboxes + Armor. Better aiming and accuracy should be more important than spray and prey. Another thing. The better a Player is, the weaker weapon he can use to compensate this.
  17. I can not enter the Game because i got automatic disconnected with the error: "Your character is locked to a district, try again in a 15 minutes". Have tryed this over a few days and the issue is there :( Cant finish the Christmass event if i cant play the game.
  18. Before starting "Nerf/Buffing of weapons" you need to balance the community. A good player with a bad weapons is balanced like a bad player with a good weapon. How do you Nerf-Buff this... this dont works (thats why most games do mistakes here). In my opinion the best solution is to reduce and remove the unlimited ammo... also remove ammo ressuply stuff and limit the ammount of ammo for weapons. Strong weapons should have lesser ammo and with this a limitation of use + a reduced accuracy. Weaker weapons have more ammo more accuracy and better in general use. So you need to build a good balanced way of high risk or lesser risk. When the matchmaker do 2 veterans against 2 beginners in the mission, no weapon balance have a chance. For an example: Veteran players have lesser or no grenades and other downsides!
  19. The goal is to be equal different to GTA. And that includes PvE and PvP in one. It is heavy recommendet to use Unreal Engine 5.1 for this!
  20. Thats sounds good with the Battlepass Pack of the year! About 90% of the regular Battlepass in other games with a limited time, are filled with scrap that no one need or like! This scrap only exist to reach level 100... also to strech the content. If the Battlepiss can not expire, you can add more quality stuff to it, that makes much more sense. The best of it, you can play the game if you like. To make progress in the Battlepass you can use the same system from Bayland Shipping (the tasks system). But you need to expand this! Actually you need to complete the task... this is boring and a very bad system! I hate the grenade kill tasks... also thats an huge downside to do Tasks you dont like! The new Task system is much better and possible for everyone (beginners or veterany). In the new Task there are all Tasks running at the same time! Example: Kills: 4/10 Grenade kills: 0/2 Secondary Skills: 4/5 Roadkill: 0/2 Assists: 9/10 Stun Enemy: 0/3 Etc. Also all Tasks are running at the same time. If you complete one of them (also +1 more assist). You have completed the tasks and all task progress is reset to 0! So you can do whatever you like, without to have the frustrading of none progress! You can easy edit the numbers. But this is the best way to make progress in the Battlepass in every gameplay of APB! This is not limited to a specifig level or game mode. You can add the option to buy battlepass levels with Joker Tickets! Wow, you can make more money with that... if the players cant wait All systems works well together. At the end of the battlepass you can add a permanent sloted Weapon or a special skin/sound or whatever... or just joker Ticketd maybe... or JTs on every 10 levels. I can help you if you need! When do you add new game modes, maybe a RACING district. You cann add a racing Task to the multiple task system. Example: "Do racing place 5 (of 10 players) or better to complete the tasks." 0/2 "Do racing place 3 or better." 0/1 With the new Task-System what i have suggested, you can add faster and easier gameplay content to the game and integrade this in to the upcoming Battlepass System. Players have stuff todo, your company makes profit and all are happy. More profit = more content.
  21. I hate Battlepasses, because they are limited in time. If you play multiple games (everyone do), you can not finish. Also make the game Pass UNLIMITED in time and more expensive! Everyone is pleased to this! Make the Pass revealed in seasons. So you are motivated to play APB sometimes and not every day. If you NEED to play a game every day, because of the BP progress, this is bad! Fill the BP with Skins for Weapons, Weapon Sounds, Car Engine Sounds, Stickers etc. Add a Clanwar System and PvE Stuff for alternative gameplay to increase the population = more possible players = more income = more playerw in general by itself. Remove the green mods and add a system that works like green mods, but with skills (passive or active), also more alternative posibilitys. Actually its boring if Clotting Agent is the one and only green mod. More difference in options (skills) can give more indirect gameplay to play and build with it. Remove the Crime and Enforcer system and makes this individual as "Mercenary". So both sides can better be filled with players.
  22. New Players left the game, because they got slayed by Veterans! The bots help to fill the game with enemys they can be defeated and not with undefeatable players, like hackers or veterans. I am mid skilled player and its horrible to play against other player they can make a huge ammount of kills without to die or many time. I am using Kevlar 3 and this dont helps, also there are so much problems in the game. -> There is no difference between a hacker or a veteran player, if they do the same K/D Ratio. <-
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