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Everything posted by Talla

  1. An exploit means there is a bug abuse. It isn't an exploit, but it's a very unfair mechanic, especially for new players who have almost no means to counter it. Can you still "Run, Drop, Jump, Grab" (a.k.a. jump-running) with a medium sized item? That one is what I'd call an exploit. Some missions finale should trigger a 300m radius "designated fight zone" around the objective initial location. Going outside of it would hurt -100hp/sec.
  2. Biggest news since the addition of EasyAntiCheat. GG Matt & Team, you just made me log into the game. Still held back by the 125 slots in the weapon locker though. For ARMAS purchases, would it be possible to get unlocks (to purchase from contacts with APB$) instead of the item? That would bypass the locker limitation.
  3. Someone should make a thread: "What would make you consider playing APB missions once again?" For me : - Player pop trending back up - Effective anticheat - New content - Improving scoring, mission & loadout balance - Good & reliable server performance Are we there yet?
  4. The need for fair & balanced gameplay supplants the need to uphold customer expectations. You don't want to disgust potential new players away. Plus, that'd make the game stale quicker ( less loadout diversity, everyone using the same wespons, mods, cars).
  5. Hopefully, we'll reach a point where characters can move freely between servers at some point. That, or Jericho magically recovers some attendance somehow.
  6. Indeed. New contacts would have been a safe bet. Still, APB is starving for fixes & new content of any kind, so I can't really complain they try to salvage G1's project while 3.5 integration is getting done. Really bad analogy: Let's say you buy someone's house while they're in the middle of making a carrot cake. The cake is almost done, just need to add the icing. Everybody coming to your housewarming party said they dislike carrot cake. Do you: Throw away the cake? Try to tweak the cake so it looks like a chocolate cake? Everybody likes chocolate cake these days! Complete the carrot cake and hope that someone will want to eat it? Put the half-done cake in the fridge and try to finish it someday, hopefully? (It might not be edible when you come back)
  7. This new mode isn't the main dish we were waiting for. Everybody seems to agree on that. Still, from a developer perspective, making a new feature with the tools already available at your disposal is a great way to get familiar with the codebase. This is a necessary step that will increase the pace of meaningful updates. Now, let's just hope the focus will align with the community needs.
  8. We can post constructive criticism all we want, it's worth nothing if no workforce is available listen and implement those ideas. It's also very inefficient to measure player feedback via forums. Please add a polling/surveying system.
  9. You can't /logout to switch instance when you're in the RIOT dynamic event.
  10. I agree with all of that. A good blog from one of RTW original dev: https://lukehalliwell.wordpress.com/2010/09/15/where-realtime-worlds-went-wrong/ I personally left APB:Reloaded under G1 management because of poor execution / lack of meaningful changes.
  11. Hey, we finally agree on this. I remember we discussed Limited-time content before LO took over, in a thread concerning redistribution of the Asylum skin. Also, thanks Matt for acknowledging most of the concerns we voice out on the forums. A+ PR management.
  12. One of the best threads I've seen in a long time. Very informative and well explained. Thank you for sharing this Ketog.
  13. Glad to see you're still around. Everything you just mentioned, I feel the same way. I once thought threads like these were valuable. Giving feedback is the way to get closer to the APB we all want to play. In reality, the demands far exceed the studio's capacity to deliver. Asking for meaningful changes through a forum post, most likely... Un coup d'épée dans l'eau I wish they'd follow OSRS content-voting model. Or at least introduce a better way to measure player feedback. Something less time consuming and more accurate. I'll just keep checking the Admin tracker every once in a while, see if the game manages to rise again.
  14. Anyone knows why Character data is bound to regional servers in the first place? Best case scenario, all accounts are merged under the same "Citadel" database, then regional servers are launched according to demand.
  15. I can vouch for those guys. All of them have been very implicated and caring for the game. Pretty confident their testing & reports will be of the utmost quality too. Main problem with OTW has always been finding enough people to playtest at the same time. Thanks alot guys for helping APB recover from its dark era. Let's get there
  16. Just throwing an idea, Weapons with IR equipped could have a penalty at close range. Ex: IR3, Increase effective range by 15%+3m, reduces damage dealt by 50% if target under 15m distance.
  17. Can we have polls to measure player feedback? Both in-game and on the forums. Voting would require Premium or attendency requirements (Played 20 match in the last month and/or Sum of account character action district playtime >=100 hours, etc.)
  18. How do you goldfarm APB? Create a ramraiding bot? It would really ease the divide between paying users & F2Pers. Ever heard something along the lines of: "Your Armas CR-5/PDW-57 is OP"?
  19. That would work. Lemme add to that. Change ARMAS item sales into 2 kinds: 1. Mail-sent Items, tradeable to other players after refurbishing. Activated leases cannot be refurbished. 2. Mail-sent Unlocks, allowing to purchase unlimited lease of an item from a contact. Purchasable for the duration of the account, but untradeable. (Has the advantage to be deletable from your locker but retrievable, great if you're busting max capacity) Why? It would be the perfect opportunity to turn the game into a true Free-to-Play, where any player can access any content within the game. By allowing Armas shoppers to trade in-game items to other, non-paying players' APB$, you increase content accessibility and boost sales at the same time. For many reasons, some players will never spend a dime in a F2P. This would work better if there was an actual reason to accumulate APB$ for players who reached the "endgame". You could even sell a "<3 || 7 || 30> days premium" tradeable consumable. I bet that would become really popular.
  20. I guess they didn't want to completely devalue using the marketplace, since it's a necessary APB$ sink. Trade delays usually are a layer of security in case your account gets hijacked, but it's irrelevant here since you can already bypass it via player-reserved offers in the marketplace. Player-reserved offers are also a way to bypass the gold sink since the market tax scales according to sale price (if you are willing to resort to multi-step trading or middlemen). Are market bots still a thing in 2018?
  21. A natural reaction, especially since it's a new administration. Most players never seen a GM in-game. Concerning your complains, try to convey them in a timely way through the appropriate channels. Pretty sure the devs were experiencing an information overflow. Anyone would be. Question: Which dev in the office is the better APB player? Call me a bigot if you want, but balancing weapons requires a good understanding of the gameplay, which usually translate in a higher threat.
  22. That's an optimist deadline you've set yourself. The new pace of progress is refreshing. Thanks for being outright on communication Matt. You really well described the challenges left before UE 3.5 EDIT: To measure player feedback (test districts, live version updates, etc.) should we get polls?
  23. if they had the account email id imagine it would be pretty simple, if tedious, to just brute force the password Isn't there a Captcha after too many failed login attempts to prevent that?
  24. This topic is important. Personally, I'd add a 100th or 150th box, one-time, garanteed legendary drop, in order to prevent obsessive gamblers of eating solely ramen noodles for months.
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