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Everything posted by Talla

  1. That would be saying the current mission / weapon balance is "intended"...
  2. A non-profit organization in charge of centralized authentication of people on the internet will be needed in the future. Besides an internet 'licence', gamedevs need to design their game in a way where cheating wouldn't give an advantage (i.e. because the ability is already in the game), add consistency checks to prevent cheats by client reverse-engineering, & send information to the client only when the server judges it should be sent. Those kinds of check would make lag more apparent & require more CPU-time on the server, but we're at a point were parallel computation & widespread fiber optic Internet access are good enough to make it viable.
  3. Probably linked... EDIT: Mods seem to have locked access to the warning thread I created. In any case, friendly reminder to activate 2FA & change password at least every 6 months. Stay safe all
  4. Share your literally unplayable moment! That will help clean up the game before 2.1 release. Keep it civil plz no comments like "Haha whole game broke"
  5. When you choose your in-game shoes not because of aesthetics, but based on how much noise they generate. (Yep, that's what I totally did. )
  6. EDIT: Seems like APBDB is out of date, but recent enough to be accurate (March 7, 2020) Let's get some math, see if the PMG is objectively matched to the OCA EW-626. Numbers here assume using of Reflex Sight III & Cooling Jacket III (i.e. the norm). Kills per mag PMG : 4.2 (21x200 dmg / 1000 HP ) (Winner) OCA : 3.75 (30x125 dmg / 1000 HP) Minimum TTK PMG : 0.650 sec OCA : 0.650 sec Firing Interval PMG : 0.163 sec OCA : 0.093 sec (Winner) DPS Formula : Damage / Firing Interval PMG : 200/ 0.163 = 1227 OCA : 125/ 0.093 = 1344 (Winner) Reload Time PMG : 1.80 sec (Winner) OCA : 1.90 sec Equip Time PMG : 1.00 sec OCA : 0.80 sec (Winner) Firing time yield Formula : Magazine Capacity * Firing Interval / Reload Time PMG : 21 * 0.163 / 0.180 = 19.02 (Winner) OCA : 30 * 0.093 / 0.190 = 14.68 Damage over distance plot area PMG : (200*35) + (60*65) + (200-60)*20/2 = 12300 (Winner) OCA : (125*30) + (70*37) + (125-37)*20/2 = 7220 Sustained accuracy index Formula : Shot Modifier Cap * (Recovery Per Shot - Modifier Per Shot) Formula : Shot Modifier Cap * ( Min( Firing Interval - Recovery Delay, 0) * Recovery Per Second - Modifier Per Shot) PMG : 1 * (0.063 * 7.2 - 0.5) = -0.046 OCA : 1.28 * (0.093 * 5.15 - 0.5) = -0.027 (Winner) Reference: https://apbdb.com/items/Weapon_SMG_OCA_Slot3_Armas https://apbdb.com/items/Weapon_SMG_PMG_Slot3 Armas The OCA is more forgiving if you miss a few shots, has a slightly higher DPS & has better sustained accuracy. The PMG is better for melees (encountering multiple opponents), has time-efficient reloading & has a more versatile range. Sustained accuracy is, arguably, not as important in CQC (<25m). If both guns had slightly worse initial accuracy, or if Kevlar finally becomes viable, the OCA benefits could have a chance to shine more often.
  7. Being able to dynamically "turncoat" would solve team balancing problems. A lot. Characters keep their main allegiance, but can change team as required. For lore purposes, label those who turncoat as double agents or mercenaries.
  8. The main reason I play APB is the weapon variety. Virtually unlimited loadout combinations to try! But now I can't test new weapons because I'm out of locker space. Please consider selling (or gifting) weapon locker extenders. Some players create hoarding accounts to store their legendary weapons, but that's a hassle. The problem could be circumvented by making permanent ARMAS purchases unlocks at contacts (w/ free purchase) instead of objects added to the locker. Thank you for considering this. Keep up your good work!
  9. I thought new laws on virtual gambling would have shut down Joker boxes by now. Still, I'm eager to see the new gun in action. It's been years I wanted something like this.
  10. You know you're a vet when you spend more time on the forums than playing the actual game.
  11. A mix between lmg & smg, try the norseman hoenir. Try the tyr variant if you really cant handle the already low recoil. With the mag capacity and firerate, you are garanteed to hit them at least once before dying in cqc.
  12. I long for the day where there will be only 2 types of Armas content purchase : Account-wide, untradeable unlocks & tradeable, inventory-bound items.
  13. I think he means boosting a car with another car is exploiting. He'd be right on that one. I wouldn't want a patch to make the escape car impervious to collisions though.
  14. Nothing in the tutorials tells you each weapon has different stats for health damage AND physical damage. How about adding in-game links to APBDB?
  15. Jumping with a shotgun breaks that perfect accuracy, right? Having perfect accuracy while jumping was one of the best advantages of shotguns back in the days. If they have less DPS over time than submachine guns, they got to have a counterbalance to make them viable. Instant-DPS was the advantage, but it seems LO is not too fond of corner-camping meta. EDIT: To add to @Genobee's point, get rid of consumables. I'd add those to the utility slot (like the supply box), in case some want that content to stay in-game.
  16. An exploit means there is a bug abuse. It isn't an exploit, but it's a very unfair mechanic, especially for new players who have almost no means to counter it. Can you still "Run, Drop, Jump, Grab" (a.k.a. jump-running) with a medium sized item? That one is what I'd call an exploit. Some missions finale should trigger a 300m radius "designated fight zone" around the objective initial location. Going outside of it would hurt -100hp/sec.
  17. Biggest news since the addition of EasyAntiCheat. GG Matt & Team, you just made me log into the game. Still held back by the 125 slots in the weapon locker though. For ARMAS purchases, would it be possible to get unlocks (to purchase from contacts with APB$) instead of the item? That would bypass the locker limitation.
  18. Someone should make a thread: "What would make you consider playing APB missions once again?" For me : - Player pop trending back up - Effective anticheat - New content - Improving scoring, mission & loadout balance - Good & reliable server performance Are we there yet?
  19. The need for fair & balanced gameplay supplants the need to uphold customer expectations. You don't want to disgust potential new players away. Plus, that'd make the game stale quicker ( less loadout diversity, everyone using the same wespons, mods, cars).
  20. Hopefully, we'll reach a point where characters can move freely between servers at some point. That, or Jericho magically recovers some attendance somehow.
  21. Indeed. New contacts would have been a safe bet. Still, APB is starving for fixes & new content of any kind, so I can't really complain they try to salvage G1's project while 3.5 integration is getting done. Really bad analogy: Let's say you buy someone's house while they're in the middle of making a carrot cake. The cake is almost done, just need to add the icing. Everybody coming to your housewarming party said they dislike carrot cake. Do you: Throw away the cake? Try to tweak the cake so it looks like a chocolate cake? Everybody likes chocolate cake these days! Complete the carrot cake and hope that someone will want to eat it? Put the half-done cake in the fridge and try to finish it someday, hopefully? (It might not be edible when you come back)
  22. This new mode isn't the main dish we were waiting for. Everybody seems to agree on that. Still, from a developer perspective, making a new feature with the tools already available at your disposal is a great way to get familiar with the codebase. This is a necessary step that will increase the pace of meaningful updates. Now, let's just hope the focus will align with the community needs.
  23. We can post constructive criticism all we want, it's worth nothing if no workforce is available listen and implement those ideas. It's also very inefficient to measure player feedback via forums. Please add a polling/surveying system.
  24. You can't /logout to switch instance when you're in the RIOT dynamic event.
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