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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Might as well wait til you need to spend it I guess.
  2. Aww... A certain LO staff member actually worked really hard on that.
  3. I never did understand while on top of having to make an arrest after a stun, you also have to do so with weapons having worse tts than comparable lethal weapons have ttk.
  4. I hate to bring this up, but Ive never been a fan of the FAR STAR comparison Base accuracy is the same, however they have different shot modifier caps, different marksman modifiers, different reload times, different mag sizes, different refire rates, and of course different ttk's
  5. Imagine being this upset that YOU can't juggle medium items. Trololololololo
  6. Or just you know... Use the Corsair and dont worry about the mail?
  7. Man... You folks need to work on reading comprehension. Would save us from a lot of pointless posts.
  8. It had its own sound in testing. You sure your ears don't suck?
  9. Yeah bunch of people are already playing with the new weapon. Y'all cry a lot.
  10. I think it's like 0.70 to throw a perc. For comparison the ttk of the PMG is .70
  11. ^this^ The patch is for the game, not the website.
  12. Yeah, I'm pretty sure the average before was less than 1 jt per mission. Not really a significant amount.
  13. Half the community thinks Crims should get some LTL type stuff... The other half thinks it will ruin what little difference there is between factions. I personally hate LTL. Getting an LTL teammate is just a handicap. I'd prefer it was removed entirely.
  14. ... You are planning to farm free weapons from missions alone? Bruh, why would you do that to yourself?
  15. I think this topic has been brought up a thousand times already.
  16. I don't know why people make threads like this. It won't help. And as far as the content of the post, how are any of us supposed to know if you are being truthful? It's not like LO is going to pop in and call you a liar, even if you are lying. I'm sorry you lost your account as you do seem upset about it, but you gotta take it up with support.
  17. wym the dude just showed he's getting like more than 5x the old amount
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