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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. If they just delete it its because they are being nice and not putting a mark on your record. Ive had many posts removed, many warnings, temp bans, etc Im grateful when they just remove a post. I gotta be close to being perma banned.
  2. It’s semi auto, so there is no bursting. that being said, min ttk only happens in closer ranges, as bloom kind of explodes after the second shot. So you go pew pew pause pew pew
  3. Shame we can’t simply get someone to enforce the current rules.
  4. That would suck for so many players though.
  5. Nitro 3, High Burn Fuel, Steel Plating 3, Mobile Radar Tower Pioneer gang.
  6. Yeah I was gonna say, "when tf did that get changed???" ... it didnt
  7. Honestly if you didn't pick the ALIG as your perm tutorial weapon, you should delete your character and start again.
  8. Unfortunately, my point was that its the foundation itself that is faulty. APB for some reason decided to combine progression unlocked combat improvement, the kind of thing you normally see in PvE games, and a competitive shooter. It still boggles the mind that anyone thought that was a good idea.
  9. Not sure. But Selali will see this thread, so maybe this will get some traction.
  10. what exactly would that do? player skills would be the same... your opp would be the same... they'd just maybe have a different color symbol by their name that would be the only difference
  11. to be fair, the game would have to be redesigned from the ground up 3.5 ain't gonna do shit tbh... Its APB itself that need to change, and fundamentally Imagine playing Overwatch, but the Soldier 76 on the other team has played longer, so his gun kills faster than yours. thats apb.. its unbalanced at its core it really only becomes "fair" at r255 and having either spent cash on ARMAS or accumulated an absurd amount of JT. Otherwise you will have matches where your opp has more weapon choices, better mods, better vehicles etc... and even then its only fair for you, but not your opp unless they also are r255 and all the rest unbalanced at its core, and not being addressed in any way big RIP
  12. If this happens again, go HAM and take some screenshots, or if you can video, and send it to support. Cuz that shit is not ok.
  13. Everyone leaves out the part where it allows N/P 5 players to fuck up anyone's mission they want. bAlAnCe
  14. I don’t think you understand what balance means, but in any case, this isn’t permanent.
  15. Tell you what, stand 28m from someone and tell me how many mags you have to dump before you kill him. mags? Drums? bullet holdy things
  16. Last guy that did that got reported, with evidence, and banned. Balls in your court, fam.
  17. Its not that the AR97 is bad, its just that everything else is better.
  18. APB does not do "fair" and it never has. No reason to start now.
  19. 1st World problems. Just lease the sight zero.
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