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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. CookiePuss


    I don't either, unfortunately.
  2. CookiePuss


    Can I assume there is video of this? If so, let support see it.
  3. Nice catch... @Speedz would know more, so I have summoned his spirit for guidance.
  4. CookiePuss


    ... How can you be sure they are wall hacking? Keep in mind that positioning and prediction are the two most important skills in APB.
  5. Sweet, thats only 44 years for me to do the same on all of my characters!
  6. If a woman has sex with 10 different men, she's considered a wh0r3, but if a man does the same thing... ...he is gay. Definitely gay. Jokes aside, the forum rules are inconsistent at best. I don't know how much of that is trying to retain what edge they can while complying with laws, or how much is just sloppy decision making. You could probably message @Sakebee about it. I think Matt's pretty busy with not only APB but also a great many other things, so Sakebee is probably your best bet to get quick answers.
  7. With only JT and titles as rewards, I'll be taking two weeks off from APB while I wait for mission districts to repopulate.
  8. Forum rules are different than in-game rules. Not defending either rule set, just saying they are different.
  9. It has nothing to do with the few players left. We alone cannot keep the game alive.
  10. You cant do that with the advanced launcher. I think technically its not allowed, but there are plenty of configs out there offering it.
  11. I promise you are vastly overestimating the influence SPCT has, while also underestimating the influence you and everyone else on the forum has. The folks at LO do what they think is best based on all the input they get. I'm telling you man, that's the truth.
  12. Maybe they are making room for horses and a beach district.
  13. CookiePuss


    Try to remember, I almost never play on Citadel as on a good day I get like 250ms. Jericho, luckily has far far fewer cheaters. I'm pretty bored of Fight Club, so I wont comment on that, but I do play missions daily and I honestly cannot remember the last time I felt the need to report someone for cheating. I don't know anything about paying to be able to cheat, or anything about some of the fishier bans and unbans from back in the day as Tiggs and Co never gave explanations for anything. I do remember Goat, and got to know him a tiny bit while moderating the big APB discord. I found him to be completely dishonest and untrustworthy, but he apparently lost all interest in APB once Tiggs was gone. I never believed it, but it seems he really did just hate Tiggs. That being said, Goat cheated in an insanely blatant way, there really wasn't a time he was respected as a player, he was just a cheater. And yeah he would stream it and Twitch would ban him before G1, but he did get banned, he ALWAYS got banned. And if you remember him releasing his free cheat "ReGoated", you'll remember that everyone using it caught bans. (god those were wild times... driving your Vegas and getting passed by a dude on foot lol) I would NEVER say there are no cheaters. There are many players using macros (no idea why they would need to , but they do). What you are thinking of as "exploits" are used regularly by some players. No one likes these things. At a certain level exploits only become the norm when your opp uses them against you. No one really likes it, but its already a game that punishes you heavily for playing anything off meta, and you risk the same thing by playing without the "exploits". I don't do it myself, but then again, I am certainly NOT a top level player. As for Little Orbit, whatever their failings, they care about you. They care about the players. They care about the game. They have in my opinion, made a great number of mistakes, but at no point have they done anything but give it their all, at no point did they stop caring. And I know they gave us these SPCT tags, but really we are just unpaid workers lol. We have no authority over anything and while we do get to kind of hang out with LO staff, our opinions carry no more weight than anyone else's and often choices are made based on points players have made on these very forums. tl;dr we argue over details here, but there are many basic concepts we do agree on... we don't have to hate each other
  14. You uh... you didn't think APB invented the Oni mask did you?
  15. Broken as in not performing as intended, not broken as in OP.
  16. CookiePuss


    Cool cool, I thought you meant people were streaming while cheating.
  17. better delete spotter while you are at it, meteor as well, sometimes the game forces me out of ADS, so lets remove that as well, car spawn too since it doesn't always perform correctly, nades sometimes disappear instead of explode so lets get rid of those, Ntec audio doesn't always match number of shots fired, so 86 that gun, etc etc etc... or I suppose, and stay with me here, those things could be fixed instead of deleted?
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