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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Like Kemp said no changes to the n-tec have been made in quite some time. Feel free to check for yourselves... https://db.apbvault.net/items/Weapon_AssaultRifle_NTEC All data is pulled directly from the game files.
  2. I know the ability to spectate players exists and was used in the past, I just do not know if that ability has been granted to the current generation of volunteer GMs. We could ask @Lixil but that may be a detail Little Orbit doesn't want to share.
  3. In order to facilitate the discussion... here are the DB entries for the weapons in question with the relevant data highlighted.
  4. I only see you when you are dethreating in silver districts, so I honestly don't understand where you get off making the complaints you make.
  5. We had a guy on Jericho last year go from r9 to r255 in 28 days.
  6. So... you want rewards for nothing then?
  7. Actually spent the evening playing NFAS only, and I gotta say you may have a point. It was kinda gross.
  8. Phasing will still only match you with people in the same district category... that is if you are in financial, you will be matched against everyone in a financial dist but no one in a waterfront. Otherwise you'd have no control over which contacts you can grind.
  9. Hard pass. Adding FC contacts would be cool though.
  10. Man if you think no one plays waterfront now... Imagine if no one ever HAD to play waterfront. Might as well delete the district.
  11. I assume its just not easy enough for the "hold mb1" crowd.
  12. But the NFAS has 10m less range than it did before, and nothing at all has changed with IR. What are you even talking about?
  13. You know they nerfed the range on the NFAS by 50% right? And that IR has always been allowed on shotguns?
  14. It's less balanced. That's my main issue.
  15. I've been lucky as well lately. Then again I also don't play a lot of fight club.
  16. CookiePuss


    SPCT have absolutely no power at all, nor should we. All we do is test. Idiots say a lot of things, the trick is knowing how to ignore them.
  17. Ahhh... I'll be honest I haven't payed much attention to Flaws in months. (Does he even still stream?) But at the time I said that I'm sure I believed it.
  18. Which 13 times banned cheater are we talking about? And what did you mean with the rest of this word soup? There are both volunteer (player) GMs as well as GMs who are actually employed by LO. But yeah, even when they are present, which at least on Jericho is almost never, they are more or less useless. I'm honestly not even sure why they exist. They did sometimes kick players during autumn assault (when they weren't asking players to let others win lol) but even then players just rejoined. They do silence players, but if words are that much of an issue for you, probs should just get off the internet. Any mention of cheating is just met with "please report". So yeah... feminine features on a boar basically. Also, your second point was pretty funny... You got me there! Lol GMs do not kick for being gold in bronze as it's not against any rules.
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