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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. I should have been more clear. The topic of this thread has been discussed ad nauseum on the forums over the course of the last year. There is no new information here, no new suggestions, no new anything. In fact the OP basically laid out LOs stated roadmap as his idea for how to save the game. It's a post written by someone who hasn't even been paying attention.
  2. Fine here... I hope you are happy now.
  3. Wym, we've had clear pictures for years now. Before LO even before consoles.
  4. Thats a good point. Most banks / credit cards will have a limit on how long you can wait for a chargeback. Making customers wait beyond that point is a serious issue.
  5. I have an i74820k which gets a single thread performance score of 2,013 and I have mine overclocked to 4.5Ghz from 3.7 Here is my benchmarked performance in APB using standard APB, the Advanced launcher, and a personal config. So yes, its APB and not the hardware causing the game to run poorly. Also, unless you have benchmarked data about your performance, you are just guessing.
  6. Good thing they are working on it non stop then, eh?
  7. Jericho is over the tuxedo tshirts that are clothing creations.
  8. Currently, as stated before, adding more people to a given job will not equate to increased productivity. Missing soft deadlines is a problem, but that problem is making the promises in the first place, not the missing of the deadlines.
  9. Yes, this seems to be the most common misconception. LO has separate groups working on different projects. That is, RIOT is separate from 3.5 3.5 is at a point where adding more manpower wont accelerate progress. All else relies on 3.5 to fix. that being said, you realise that your OP is more or less you giving us LOs already stated roadmap as the cure for APB
  10. Luckily for you thats no longer possible... since its a bannable offense.
  11. Just as a heads up... LO wants the same thing as the community. Literally, the same thing. Im not sure how treating LO as an adversary will help anything.
  12. The RIOT build? Cuz consoles already have 3.5 And forgive me, I thought we were talking about PC.
  13. Incorrect. 3.5 is going to be released as soon as it is ready regardless of the state of RIOT.
  14. Everything we tested worked as intended. You are welcome.
  15. It still amazes me that so many of you are too dense to understand that all SPCT does is test. We do not design anything. I do. And I have no excuse for why that news has yet to arrive.
  16. Wait a minute... are you saying Im NOT your role model???
  17. Your massive ego aside, nothing you wrote was an original idea. Nothing you've suggested hasn't been suggested hundreds of times before. Everything you've said has already been suggested to LO dozens and dozens of times. Next time, try the search function before your ego convinces you that you are the chosen one, the one to show the way to success.
  18. Yay another one of these posts. Another player claiming they "know the way". add it to the pile
  19. Crap... Im not sure if Im allowed to comment on that just yet. What I can say is its important to remember that consoles aren't running the game on "max" settings. So even before the visual tweaking PC looks better. As far as where LO is with the final look, I think Matt's the only one who can comment on that for now.
  20. 3.5 is still being tested by both SPCT and QA.
  21. Could you give us an explanation how you would improve matchmaking among a opposition pool of max 40 Players. Please take into consideration the 4 man premades, the solo players, the fact that at least some of your opp won't be k'd up, and others being in missions. Also remember that the clock is ticking while you try to find suitable opposition.
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