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Everything posted by wibsey

  1. Depending on how many 13 year olds get gg'd and cry about it, I may have to.
  2. I look forward to typing "/report" on the daily again.
  3. Can you stop talking about my grandmother please?
  4. By what I see on the forums, Battle eye is going down the same route if they're not careful.
  5. Imagine the EU server having to deal with the Brazilian MS haha
  6. Funny, they said that about FF till people stopped believing in the system.
  7. Players are not for eating, thanks.
  8. Never jump to conclusions, even thought my op had nothing to do with your "support"
  9. define "support". Being around doesn't mean support friendo, hasn't the guy got the account back from the mass unbans? Lol
  10. Good job you're not running the company then.
  11. We've had worse things, still not empty.
  12. You're quoting a blog post from 2017 when they moved 4games Innova server to G1s Nekrova server. They legit gave them a server to keep the weapons that are not in the main g1 game and the old stats that changed. So what is your point?
  13. It's because the weapon stats from the 4game servers are different from the main G1s.
  14. Shit, @MattScott I bought the new razer phone especially for retribution...
  15. Such a waist of time that you had to give him bullet points... Lol
  16. If LO was smart, they'd utilise the test servers.
  17. Wouldn't surprise me if LO didnt even know about the chances between the Nekrova server to the others...
  18. Even if they did, the Russian community will get all kinds of abuse simply for typing in Cyrillic so are you sure you want new players to be part of that?
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