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Everything posted by Spheri

  1. As far as I know people want the regular HVR nerfed, not the scouts. They also don't need any buffs. Jump-shooting was originally an "oversight" I'd rather not see back.
  2. It's top-secret, if you want to know you'll have to contact him. But if ur crap he'll waist you and his time.
  3. Something tells me it might be TRON-related.
  4. No offence, but why can't the Spanish community just learn English? I'm an ESL person too by the way.
  5. That person who calls in backup at the last 10-30 seconds of a final stage mission when they're losing. Such an easy fix to it too.
  6. While the old threat system was probably still the best up to now and while I certainly miss that "x has entered the district." I for one welcome a higher threat rank that is something like Diamond. It'll separate the fake golds with the "real" golds. Just let them join silver districts or we're never going to play a game. Add the "x has entered the district" for motivational purposes so people can gain more e-peen points.
  7. Hopefully soon, although I can't speak for everyone, a lot still need a lot of polishing because some people returned recently and need a bit of polishing cause we're rusty. This may be an unpopular opinion but sometimes playing against a low-rank cheater really is a good experience because it will or rather should make you think around the box. Conventional means will probably end up you being dead, but it makes you think of tactics you could use and later against non-cheaters who are just better than you when BattlEye hopefully clears most cheaters away. The first week of when BattlEye is fully integrated is going to be a great one though.
  8. Judging by the effort you've made in making these outfits aesthetically pleasing to the eye means you were pretty serious about the uniforms. If anyone would take offense to this then it's probably because you're a "nice wallhack/aimbot/noob weapon" kinda guy and not cause you're looking like that. Low effort would be a fat half-naked black guy with an afro running around with kfc drumstick tattoo's all over his body. would still be funny though for immature me APB shouldn't be moderated that badly, just keep your penises and/or(?) vagina's in the pants. On a side note make some female versions, I'd love to buy those if you're on Citadel.
  9. Not to scare you off, but this game is full of battle-hardened veteran man children that tend to whisper dirty things you if you kill them. Good luck though.
  10. Spheri


    I might have sounded pretty negative, but I for one welcome our new APB overlords. The only problem is that G1 made a lot of empty promises too, and said they would arrive with content multiple times. It never happened, and it made me very skeptical. If I see BattlEye actually being integrated and a "Patch notes xx/xx/xxxx" in the news section, then it's clear that "IT'S HAPPENING." and we as the community need to help out here and there. Perhaps a little bit less Toxicity, but that's going to be a long road. Either way, they can't do much worse than G1. But that still doesn't mean anyone should spend money right now.
  11. The Agrotech DMR AV is a monster sound-wise and visually, balancing aside I would love to see that gun penetrate our bulletproof glass in our vehicles. and then complain about it being unbalanced Fresno still holds a special place in my heart as the car that does not give a fuck.
  12. Spheri


    If I were you I wouldn't spend a single dime on this game until LO arrives with content. They've made promises and a fairly humble open letter, but you shouldn't get that to your head. The game is still dead. Don't spend money until they revive it or show signs in-game that they're planning on reviving it.
  13. But that's where you're wrong, some of the legendary's are gimmick guns cause G1 can't balance for shit, but the Volcano is just a straight upgrade from the OSMAW. Objectively speaking. If they're not "supposed to be good" then explain to me why everyone still goes for them? If they're at least meant to be like that, then they could at least do balancing on legendary's that don't see much spotlight as well. The Anubis Adeen isn't a gimmick gun at this point, it's a broken mess cause the fixed modification ruins the experience depending where your enemy is located. Certainly an unique experience, but not a positive one.
  14. There'll always be a meta, some guns will always outshine others, nerfing x and y will just make Z more popular. I don't think nerfing NTEC is an option, buffing the guns that don't see much spotlight for obvious reasons seems like a more viable option. But HVR, HVR is always Z. It needs reduced damage on every range, because the alternative, damage value's changing depending where you've hit your target, would be impossible.
  15. Change kevlar three to car-surfer, chad's dont drive cars. They let someone else do it for them while they stand on top of one.
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