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Everything posted by Lign

  1. I agree that it should take a lot of time to get 1 permanent for one character but even if you do everything and spent 10 hours in game per day you will get your 3 slotted perm in about 1.5-3 months, depends on your luck and character level, 1.5-3 months it's in the best situtation when you're living in the game. Now imagine how long it will take for an average player. It's too long. It should take only one month if you do everything you're able to do for a day and about 3 months if you're doing it lazily
  2. First of all, 16 roles are completely different reward. It gives you unique cosmetic skin. So, there’s no point to farm it if you don’t need it. Second, 16 role grind is not timegated, you can farm it as much as you can when you have limits on jt, that’s the reason why I spent for for pointman, marksman and rifleman 16 roles only 3 weeks in asylum to get it(except sniper and lmg roles). The reason why I asked for increased jt rewards is because the game is not in good statement. Imagine farming 3 perms for only character for year and year later the game will be shut down.
  3. Imagine banning someone when the population consists of one and half cripple
  4. Because you don’t want to click as fast as possible, you have to click after each shot, start from slow clicking and increase the click rate each time until you hit to the fastest possible firerate Cj is useless on obeya, you can’t use this gun on the fastest possible firerate with cj3 and being able to land each shot because of slow bloom recover. I need sometimes to shoot slower with ir3 to keep my bloom at maximum
  5. FAR is the next choice if you want exactly the AR but if you want a gun that perform as good as the current ntec then obeya is goto
  6. Not really, I think they wanted to merge the pop because innova's and eu's pop were low. Or they wanted to sell the game but they couldn't do it while they were providing license. Because innova said they were fine to keep servers online
  7. It just doesn’t make sense. At the current statement those who wants to get 3 slotted perm gun can just neglect playing 20 missions a day and complete only daily missions from contacts and fc. it takes 1-2 hours a day
  8. It doesn’t encourage anyone who I ask who stopped playing the game. Everyone saying the same: what’s the point of farming 2 months and spend 8 hours a day and getting 1jt every 4th mission in the game to obtain permanent and for one character when it is dying. On innova you could get thousands of jt by playing missions and getting points and players with the highest amount of points at the end of the month were getting jt. People were farming it to the bone. And innova was okay with it for 2 years until g1 decided to not renewal license
  9. Even if it's a way to get free stuff it's a bit long, if you will complete everything everyday it takes about 2 months to work for one 10k jt permanent on one character, while I agree that it shouldn't be easy to obtain 3 slotted permanents it's still too long for the game like apb especially when it's in the statement when you don't really know is it worth to work for perms and not be scared of shutting down the game year later
  10. Why not? Why is there even limit then if it's not possible to hit it
  11. It's not possible to get to daily cap 200jt by playing missions. Even if you're lucky enough getting 10jt every mission you still have to complete 20 missions that is already incredible deed for the current statement of the game because on average every mission takes 20minutes and can go up to 40 minutes if you're playing against equal skill level opponents
  12. Weren’t there like 50ppl on average on Brazilian server before it was transferred?
  13. They don't think it's op because they rarely see someone using it. The same happened to obir, in 2014-2015 none whined at obir until more and more players started using it. The same happened to ntec when g1 buffed it after overnerfing. I started a topic that with that buff ntec is going to be one of the strongest meta in the game and everyone literally disliked me in to the ground, now the same people are whining at this gun
  14. On mid range it doesn't matter when you're tapping. Ursus has faster effective ttk on 50+m because of its stk
  15. That’s how forum people think. They don’t play the game or maybe logging once per week to stay in social. But it seems they know better than those who actually play the game. There’re few high tier skill players on forums because most of them just play the game, but if you ask them in game balance related things, they will have completely different opinions on it comparing to common opinions from forum people with thousands of comments here
  16. You will see the difference in recovery time. Remember when g1 buffed oca to 0.65, it was a completely mess until they buffed bloom recovery. Now LO nerfed oca back to 0.7 and nerfed recovery as well but it feels more accurate than pre-LO oca because the fire interval is lower makes the recovery modifier running over the ttk
  17. You can’t say it without playing normal missions with it. People thought that nerfed ntec by g1 was okay until they played it for a month. I agree the current ntec is overpowered but I don’t see any reason to nerf its ttk with nerfing bloom recovery to make it worse than star, it’s overnerfed, ntec just needs removed jumpshots and nerfed bloom recovery, nothing else. If you think it will make people using star often, you’re wrong, people will just abuse obeya and ursus and with that ntec nerf LO just removes it from the meta circle without adding star and far in it, so people will just use remaining meta weapons
  18. Don't you understand that by nerfing ntec into the ground you're doing more negative than positive. None will start using star or far, everyone will just switch to obeya or ursus because they're two the strongest weapons after ntec. Later, People will be whining at those weapons. Just nerf the ntec accuracy a bit without touching its ttk and buff other ARs that need it. The only thing I really like about NTEC from B is nerfed recovery everything else will just make it useless
  19. What if you allow to take names on accs with mobile Authenticator
  20. oh really? So, you wanna say the gun that is almost immortal at the corners and doesn't force you to track the enemy with 100% uptime is not stronger than oca? It's disgusting that some ppl think shotguns are undertuned. I'm not maining them but I still perform much better with jg than with something that requires always track the enemy. So stupid that sometimes I can kill the entire team from the corner without losing more than half hp because it's hard to hit me when I'm cornerpopping
  21. Imagine nerfing oca and going back to pre-LO shotties. Seems fair.
  22. When I see ntec stack in an opposite team I switch to ntec because I can’t beat them with oca or obeya but I beat them easily by using only ntec. Does it mean I am a bad player? 4 stack ntec of good players doesn’t let me maximize oca or obeya by outplaying and forces me to switch to ntec to be able to win them. It’s the same when opponents abuse cargameplay and makes me switching to concs and alig
  23. It has lower max bloom without hs3 than ntec with hs3
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