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Everything posted by LilyV3

  1. Either the Blast radius is HUUUUGE, so that even the worst average joe can use it, or it is just going to be a an inferior conc. otherwise all this is going to be is an easy troll mode for running because try toc chase someone throwing them to a following car. :P Honestly, it's concept sounds like a bad idea, it does not really add anything to the game a regular conc can't do or just do better. Why would i want to disable a car instead of easily blowing it up? if disabling cars should be a valid tactic then we would need to remove all primary anti vehicle weapons and grenades or massively buff car health to make them not blow up that easily. Only then will disabling a car be a tactical choice over the effort to destroy them. But wit how easy you can destroy them, EMP's are dead on arrival.
  2. To prevent hording they could still make it limited, like 1 week only for name changes and only 2 names per account and account solder than the announcement was. then the rest gets free for all. Hoarders would make accounts in advance and then just spam create character random and give names they would also prepare a list. I wonder if people are goign to sell names even, surely against ToS, but well it's people.
  3. So Yous ay Kevlar 1 suddenly would have a use? The TTK nerf practically only happens for cqc situations because otherwise you don't fire the n-tec at max RoF anyways. anything past 30m needs burst or tapfire anyways. So at these ranges the increased RoF has a negliable impact if any at all.
  4. thats still a good bunch of time to come by until it happens. We wouldn't even need a threat color based payout at all, the only reason this can have is to prevent people from dethreating, But i doubt some JT's would be a good motivator anyways.
  5. Sinc they do not clip into each other they should be able to be worn together. But don't forget that some cloth items get a blocky texture when your character becomes to complex and then stuff starts looking quite shit. Take the heels, headphones and flounced skit and the texture on the skirt starts getting extremely blocky if you place symbols on that.
  6. impossible, soem cannot stand the bronze Life ad better cheat than go legit.
  7. Somewhere in an alternate APB without grenades this looks like a good idea xD
  8. I guess the intervall change is to make it less competitive in the short ttk face spray scenarios.
  9. because the october 2nd one is canceled you cannot delay it, well you can but that means we have to wait a whole year xD
  10. better would ahve been removing the cap from the threat of the character and put it into the threat of the district they are played. would be a tiny motivator to go to higher threeted districts.
  11. Something totally avoildable if someone gave that info like a few days ago. And given Support hast capacity issues this isn't going to mane any of this better at the moment.
  12. How much does the Damage change affect in shots to kill? and at which ranges? Check that and you see how much effect it truly has. This effect really just has a lot impact on specific longer ranges during dropoff so it's impact is small and affects, together with the range nerf, the long range capabilities. It sounds much but truly isn't The RoF change is to make it less competitive with cqc guns, which is good, because the natural ttk of the N-tec always was too low. These two changes put the n-tec more into it's bracket it always should have had. The Debloom however, I cannot yet make out how much impact it will have, it always had a crazy debloom, and 3 is still a lot. it will probably be the biggest impact as it affects accuracy and ttk directly at ranges. But so far even if it sounds all drastically it is not too much it is needed to give th n-tec a proper area to perform good without performing too good in other weapons niche.
  13. Hey Matt, It would be nice if you tell us what you do NOT want to happen and how you want to prevent this. Then we can brainstorm and see if we find gaps in that strategy.
  14. reset the pumpkins again, I really wanna go hunting them again
  15. so after Matts post https://forums.gamersfirst.com/topic/10969-important-releasing-unused-character-and-clan-names/?do=findComment&comment=147811 what does the timeline change mean the consolidation of names will not happen and we only get wepaon adjustments?
  16. Never notioced this happening but the crosshai was just always too big at range to reliably hit anything. And that is even on the GM. But after the change I am definately going to try it again. always liked the GM a lot visual wise.
  17. The act and RSA changes are nice, maybe finally the act 44 will hit stuff ^^
  18. In those games it was surely implemented properly from the beginning to work. In APB, not sure, maybe it is, maybe not.
  19. would only make sense if groups are not allowed and the game mixes all threats so that teams get a balanced mix. definately yes when we had true threat seggregation during the gold rush event even pretty empty servers got instant mission after instant mission because the right threats were available. So phasing should us bring back to such alike state.
  20. thats not about being easy. I can imagine that adding stuff like ( ) would mean many side effects in the code if it was never properly implemented to contain such characters. And with all the custom code APB got additionally it could be a huge effort from technical side to make this happen.
  21. Since they do some more than just maintenance, is there any info from when till when APB will be down?
  22. well if names aren't ID's how would oen /w NAME if 2 of the same people are online? it's mostly the whole chat and console commands that are important why names are the ID's + also messing up with proeple recognising each other. Thats why I think one or 2 blanks so people could have fore and surenames would be cool. Much more namespace for unique names.
  23. looks good on the billboards, the rest is pretty vomit worthy. @snubnose that looks actually better.
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