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Everything posted by yood

  1. I don't feel for this guy at all . sorry but you're a sheep .
  2. I don't understand this community forum where people played 1000 hours in a fighting game club think they are big players , forum moderators seeing the word spam poison you warning ...
  3. the population of Jericho is fine. PYRITE playing in a silver district is EVIL . Clans, closed groups playing against strong players is EVIL . the game is NOT WORKING . P.S. why Europe does not like Russian -you play in most cases with Western part of Russia . and the players are technically quite able to resist you .
  4. I don't see cheaters in the game . THE GAME DOES NOT WORK IN PRINCIPLE .
  5. it's just funny to read-and again in a circle . THE GAME IS NOT WORKING .
  6. game not working . you and many other people face the same problem . There is NO balance of groups , teams , solo players , weapons , mods ..
  7. Agreed try to play OGRE with ping in 300 MS and I am sure you will choose Shredders .
  8. if you have run out of money for school dining room need to to accumulate gaming money and to purchase a pistol on auction
  9. everything works as it should be . example : It turns out that the probability of winning the lotteryEuroMillions is 2 118 760 x 66 = 139 838 160. Until now, we talked only about winning the main prize (jackpot )! But in fact in all lotteries there are also secondary prizes. 1 Mar. 2017 https://www.google.ru/search?q=lottery+win+percentage&rlz=1C1CHBD_ruRU804RU804&oq=lottery+win+percentage&aqs=chrome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Misterff1 you don't care how much the company earns - you want to get EVERYTHING at ONCE !
  10. continue to kill the game. the forum has been engaged in this for 8 years. Misterff1 gold playing in a silver area.
  11. Bravo ! job done ! and again, YOU do NOT LIKE SOMETHING !!! Yes, Yes , Yes !!!! need to REDO EVERYTHING !!!! ( dull sarcasm )
  12. the orbit is simply MUST! improve the game for new players. and again go around the circle ! ) THE GAME IS NOT WORKING .
  13. the forum leads the team at little orbit to do a lot of unnecessary things . you drive them in one circle many times based on the short term .
  14. there is no sense in reducing prices. Joker boxes work as expected.
  15. "The social brain»* * The term "social brain" is introduced into neuropsychology in studies of disorders of emotional response and interpersonal communication after lesions of the right hemisphere of the brain. Then neuropsychologists began to use this term in a broader context to characterize the processing of social information (social cognition) and brain support of the human psyche as a whole. Primas'. TRANS. In addition to activating the reward center in the brain, the onset of puberty seems to stimulate changes in the areas of the brain responsible for a person's response to other people's opinions. Areas of the brain that collectively are sometimes called the "social brain" become more active when teenagers are shown pictures showing other people's emotions; when asked to think about their friends; when asked to assess whether other people's feelings have been hurt, or when forced to feel social acceptance or rejection. Any of us pays attention to the opinions of others, their thoughts and emotions. Simply adolescents it is manifested to a greater extent than adults. (Many experts involved in the study of autism, believe that the cause of this disease may lie in violations in the "social brain.) The transformation of the" social brain " continues in adolescence. That is why teenagers are especially concerned about the opinion of their peers. It's the perfect neurobiological storm (at least if you want a person to go through a painful process of self-awareness): improving the functioning of brain areas responsible for understanding what other people are thinking; increasing the excitability of brain areas sensitive to social acceptance or rejection; increasing susceptibility to other people's emotional States, such as facial expressions. That's why changes in these areas of the brain lead to the fact that teenagers are increasing the importance of the issue of their status in the group of peers; they become more susceptible to pressure from them, begin to discuss the rest and "gossip" (as well as more worry if they themselves become the object of gossip). Specialists in the study of the brain found neurobiological reasons for this social drama. «Awkward age. Don't miss the moment» «Awkward age. Don't miss the moment» Feel rejected very unpleasant at any age,but in his youth it is particularly painful. (Pain from social rejection is so similar to physical pain in its neurobiological characteristics that paracetamol helps to reduce it a little.) Increased sensitivity to others ' opinions can have serious consequences: for example, many experts believe, to cause a sharp increase in cases of depression in adolescence and to explain why girls are more prone to depression than boys. From early childhood, girls are more receptive to everything related to interpersonal relationships. The psychological characteristics of girls can be an advantage when it comes to empathy, but they are more at risk of depression in a situation of social rejection. Regardless of gender, adolescents ' increased attention to other people's emotions can reduce their ability to perceive potentially important information from the environment. In a series of experiments, scientists scanned the brains of adolescents and adults while demonstrating a changing sequence of four types of images: red circles, abstract images, photographs of people with a neutral facial expression and people experiencing emotions. Participants were given the task to mark when they see red circles. Unlike adults, the brain activity of teenagers increased when they saw photos with emotional people: it distracted them and prevented them from noticing the appearance of red circles. That's why shouting isn't the most effective way to convey a message to a teenager: it pays more attention to the speaker's emotions than to the content of his speech. I always advise parents who are angry with the behavior of their teenage children to take a break to calm down, but in the meantime to say: "Now I'm too angry to discuss with you your act, but we will talk about it later, when I calm down." Such a strategy will increase the chances that the subsequent dialogue will be more productive. https://theoryandpractice.ru/posts/15921-effekt-sverstnikov-i-kollektivnaya-glupost-chto-proiskhodit-s-mozgom-podrostka Teenage stupidity .
  16. strictly personal opinion . CookiePuss or on topic or keep quiet . there is no alternative to this game . this is a very large and long game . 90 % of the players leaving the game ( temporarily or permanently ) return to 10%.
  17. the OVT server is only an interesting addition to the main game , its content is justified-a small number of staff little orbit.
  18. every day in the arena the same clowns . CookiePuss the artist you're just as bad , like all your thoughts in General .
  19. what will be different your screenshot to the server OWT and the real servers ?( money , weapons , Joker card ) . DELIRIUM.
  20. I do not understand this community . you were given access to the beta server, you were given almost all the weapons, you were given modifications that do not have a binding to the level .now you want to get and levels ??? you're sick .
  21. sometimes killing someone from your team is justified technically correct changing the team composition sometimes the player ignores the mission . sometimes he's very bad . you get killed provoking a personal fight to change the team . all murders of players of the FRACTION having 5 level of threat are BAD !
  22. interesting bug in the principle of execution . everyone knows the problem when in team is the problematic element ( the player ) but you as the leader can't kick him from the group until he does not will in the AFK or will not kill someone from the team . such a mistake can extend the rights of the leader .
  23. the return of the REFER A FRIEND inevitably . this is a campaign to attract new customers . past the event was held with violations and was closed ( creating accounts with one ID . )
  24. you didn't know. constructive, informational statement
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