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Everything posted by yood

  1. if you play on the nearest server from your place of residence 100 is normal . the problem of a small population is the problem of Jericho's server . it's your own fault . now I have 12/100
  2. I've said this many times before: if players want new crosshairs , they should only be made by developers and be available to all players .
  3. attempt to legalize crimes. everything that is in the game should be legitimate and processed only by developers .
  4. well done. trend of the game has not changed : macros , crosshair .... if your representatives use third-party programs . think about what simple players do . ( I'm cheating but just a little bit )
  5. I haven't seen the districts full in the last year . 150 -200 old vets with lots of character names .
  6. there are individual elf ears , there is an elf hat with ears . ( different years ) p.s . individual elf ears do not work with any cap
  7. what's stopping you from playing in the test area ? NOTHING .
  8. the old rank system ranks in apb reloaded https://www.google.com/search?q=ranks+in+apb+reloaded&rlz=1C1CHBD_ruRU875RU875&sxsrf=ACYBGNTBSSS0GI1zCGkoclN33348GgT1Qw:1577265472759&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj_peHhu9DmAhVU6aYKHQ2KDYwQ_AUoAXoECAwQAw&biw=1228&bih=902 no more than .
  9. calm . this was a problem for Steam players
  10. he who does nothing is not mistaken . simple player has a chance to make a mistake, developers do not have the right to make a mistake .
  11. yood

    There are many

    hurt ? I'm not a doctor .
  12. in the autumn 2019 event, achievements were not listed at all . at this stage of the event what do you expect from a team that can not perform a full volume of work in time for two years ? Will FIX the next patch
  13. the proposed method worked in 99 % of cases .
  14. ignoring the mission leads you to a manual ban .
  15. it's not a players ' problem . disabling antivirus to download the launcher is just idiocy .
  16. if hands grow from the patootie nothing can be done . disabled the antivirus, carried out an emergency update of the launcher
  17. yood

    There are many

    The stupidest hare is the one who thinks that if he behaves well, the wolves will not dare to eat him.
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