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Everything posted by Westford

  1. Jericho suffered a minor disconnect. Seems like people are getting back in .. Edit: Gesundheit .........
  2. I would hope, cheat points only expire while that character(account) is active in game. They are active in game, and no longer using cheats. Accumulated cheat points start to decrement. If cheat points expire when a user decides not to use that account for a period of time, that would be a poor way of implementing the "cheat point" expiration. JMO Another thought. If a player that is cheating and has reached the threshold for a shadow ban, they might decide to offload any weapons/mods/cash to another account, and just abandon their current shadow banned account, and continue on their newly prepared account to receive all that bounty. There should be a Trade lock on that shadow banned account at some level of cheat points accumulated before they dump their ill gotten gains.
  3. I’m kind of up in the air about the proposed “Cheat Points” accrual, and subsequent segregation pools. I’m guessing this approach is specific to Districts and not Fight Club. A segregation pool for Fight Club would imply that Cheaters would be forwarded to one instance of FC , but non-Cheaters would be forwarded to another instance of FC. I do not believe Jericho has the population to populate 2 FC’s. If this is the case than Cheaters and non-Cheaters would still exist in only one FC instance, defeating the purpose of “Cheat Points” and segregation. And with no more bans, FC might not be the best place for non-Cheaters to engage in any competitive gameplay, as it has not been able to exist between these two player types. So basically no competitive gameplay would be had in FC. So with Districts being the viable option where the population “might” support this concept of segregation pools, then comes the question of incentives. No Bans anymore for Cheaters. Cheaters can enjoy the use of 3rd party tools, potentially a short lived experience going up against non-Cheaters until that Cheater reaches a certain threshold to be segregated to the Cheater Pool. A fair assumption that there will always be some Cheaters that have not yet reached that threshold, and until such time, will continue competing against non-Cheaters. What incentive will there be for non-Cheaters to not Cheat ? There are no longer any penalties for Cheating, so …… There really is no incentive that I can see for a Cheater to not cheat. They will continue playing, potentially going up against other Cheaters. May the best Aimbot win, so to speak. I’m still trying to wrap my head around how this is all going to all play out. Although, it may be a few months I guess until Microsoft certifies the SARD drivers and such. Curious how this will all work. If Matt ever wants to do a Q/A specially about this new concept, that would be an interesting discussion. EDIT: Here's another scenario that will probably come up, but not sure how it would be handled. 4 friends create their group to team up and play. One of the players has reached the "Cheater" threshold, and marked for segregation. The other 3 friends have not, or are non=Cheating characters/players. They K up for a mission. How is segregation handled in this scenario ?
  4. I think @VanilleKeks has a point, concerning NO real ramifications for using 3rd part tools. On one point, the solution would be to ban the offender to insure fair game play. APB has followed this Mantra for a some time.. Just like any other gaming company. The other argument is to segregate the offenders to match up with other offenders, assuming that all have reached the “Cheat Point” threshold. Citadel, may very well survive this approach, as their population’s high point, on any given day is around 350 players. Probably less time to wait for a “K” up mission to start. Jericho will have a problem, as their population on a good day is around 120. I hope Jericho's population decline is not because of players using 3rd party tools...... Smaller pool of players to create segregation pools based on “Cheat Points” A legit player, or even a segregated player will probably have to wait longer for a district match up in Jericho. Penalties: Penalties for using 3rd party tools to gain an advantage. A) Perma ban.. Lose character and Inventory. with a possible unban 2 or 3 years later. (the unban is not a guarantee) (Goal of the cheater is to test the efficacy of 3rd party tools, and to forward all ill-gotten gains to the primary account - Non-cheating account) (alt accounts are throw aways) Pros: Clean district for a very short window of time for competitive game play. (window of time has been around 3-10 days) Cons: Banned player starts new account with anon email of 20+ waiting to start up. (need to direct proceeds to Primary (non-cheating) account.) (money, weapons, etc) Report discrepancies to “Tool Maker” for updates. As Matt Scott has explained.. “Rinse & Repeat” B) Segregation: Players using 3rd party tools to gain advantage earn “Cheat Points” to create a segregation pool for match up. Might be effective depending on what server. Server with a larger player base might work. Question: If players using 3rd party tools to gain an advantage will only be segregated and not banned, or at the very least, lose some inventory, does that not “promote” the concept of…. “When in Rome”.. I mean, everyone could use 3rd party tools with no concerns of being banned. Would that not bring us back to competitive game play ? Albeit with the help of some 3rd party tools ? (this discussion should be interesting .. haha) C) Inventory Loss: Player achieves a certain threshold of “Cheat Points” Segregation and the following potential losses. Let’s use a Cheat Point score to 100. 1) 25-50 Segregation 2) 50-75 Segregation Loss of money & 2-3 inventory items (player receives email of Cheat Point notoriety) (they have 20+ email accounts, will they ever see the email ?) 3) 75-100 Segregation Loss of money & most of their inventory items Maintains a threshold of 75-100 for a period of time. Bank Wipe.. Also, let us keep track of who they are trading with. Co- Conspirators… or maybe the Primary account. Yeah, no punishment… I dunno, maybe we should all just jump in the pool.
  5. I think divulging any information that potentially compromises sources and methods should be avoided. Thank you for your interest.
  6. Admittedly , I have not participated in any holiday events that were hosted in the last 10 ,, maybe 12 years. Sorry G1 .. But this Epidemic looks interesting. Edit: Although I did shoot a few pumpkins.
  7. Although I cannot pronounce your Forum Name, in any recognizable form, I always wondered if players help players in game with tips, and whatnot .. Playing in PUB groups is not my 1st choice. Intuitive Teamwork gameplay with no Voice comm is rare, but does happen. I always liked voice comm when playing, But that's me .
  8. I am reminded of the many times I was outgunned where my unskilled opponent using 3rd party tools to gain an advantage, outgunned me with their FBW secondary against my primary "badder gun" the SHAW. Many people told me that it was probably lag, but I didn't believe them. Thank God that we have SARD now.
  9. So , are you saying that all of my silent prayers each night after the implementation of SARD to insure fare gameplay against unskilled players using 3rd party tools to gain an advantage for the win have gone unanswered ? Oh Christ ...
  10. I can't speak for everyone, but I thank God that we have SARD to help insure fair gameplay.
  11. I'm gonna have to second this motion... I understand that SARD is doing it's thing, collecting / analyzing data and such... And we all know Matt does not like to ban players( cheaters) ... We get it . But, at some point, we need to prioritize player (Customer) experience, and allow for a level playing field and competitive gameplay. As much as there is a high appreciation for the multiple UnBann waves over the last few years, at some point we need to protect competitive gameplay, and lure those players that have turned their backs on 3rd party tools, back in to San Paro. Many of us are still waiting .. Little Orbit ... what say you ?
  12. Thanks for explaining this. I remember that LO changed the weight of the Cisco, and there was no noticeable difference in the vehicles acceleration from a stopped position. I noticed that the acceleration was not as "punchy" when I last played on 9/28. I thought it was lag at first, but when looking at the output using /fps, I was not experiencing any lag. So it seems something did change after the weight change. Cheers !!
  13. I have the Cisco JX04 "DevilDog", so I am assuming that the changes to the Charge Cisco applies to the Devil Dog. Question for the ill-informed ? How does this affect the car ? Charge Cisco: Reduced the amount the Cisco's chassis moves when accelerating. ChassisTorqueFactor reduced from 0.04 to 0.01 I never really noticed the chassis swaying about before, ( if that's what is meant by "chassis moves when accelerating" ) I did notice a few days ago (9/28), that the Cisco was not as quick in acceleration as it was a couple of weeks ago. Not sure if changes were snuck in during the 9/25 patch or I was imagining it.
  14. I am guessing that we should be adding an exception for SARD in our virus scanners. https://imgur.com/s86YVoS I tried to use the Insert image from URL, but that does not seem to work for me. Edit: The following files were Quarentined: D:\Program Files(x86)\Gamersfirst\APB Reloaded\Binaries\SARD\armour.dll C:\User\<name>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Internet Exploerer\MSIMGSIZ.DAT
  15. So, crosshair overlays, a 3rd party tool, would negate, the in game crosshair bloom effect when firing ? Hmm. I suppose that might provide a competitive advantage vs vanilla APB.
  16. Instead of creating a separate post, as this post is related to the OTW test server. The last time I logged into the OTW test server was about a year ago. At that time, it required a separate APB client install. Is that still the case, or....... do you use the standard APB client and then connect to an OTW district. The post from Staff:Emily on Jan 17th mentioned the OTW testing for matchmaking, but nothing in the post on how to access. Not sure what the turnout was for the test, but if the turn out was low, I'm guessing that LO did not have much to work on for testing purposes. Any insight would be great. Thanks
  17. Who the hell is Darlene ? I am "so" out of the loop from this game.. The other night in District Chat, plebs were blaming "Carla"... Who the hell is Carla ? I need to work on my "muscle memory" ...
  18. Never had a problem using a VPN. I don't use it often. The only time I used a VPN was when in District, there were times that I might have been trolling a bit. Not being mean or anything, but kind of a jerk. It was those occasions that I would lose connection, and get kicked from district. Usually, after the second or third "expulsion" within a 10-15 min period, I would hop back on using a VPN. Added a bit of lag... but for the remainder of the evening I was "kick free". No more disconnects. Someone was mad !!
  19. I am not sure what to do next .. ?
  20. It looks like most of the Votes are in ... haha Not a huge margin. Oh well..
  21. /snip Yeah, I'm not real big on "tier" lists, taking into account many on the list have enjoyed the use of 3rd party tools. I thought that an Alphabetical list might provide more substance. and ease of use. I added myself and YooD , cause ,, well YooD ... ___________________________________________________________________ AbbyCakes AcrobatSniper Aeronaut/ABCedra Afr0mang Agentv Aggression Alibearz Alphabetic Altamont Amancia Amanzia AnActualCat Anarq Ange1ofd4rkness Arato AshleyNeko AshReloaded Asylith Atropine Avalani Avelle Badtz Baeofchoice/baekon Bigbeam Bigbragg Birdmanz Birrymays BitsyKitty BlastinFools/One BlueRobin Bobbyboy Boltz Bombs Boswa Brenton BrIIcE Brixxx BTATCOM BUKKAKEQUEEN BwallStreet CaioSparks Cakey CDAT Chauklet/vop Cheeball Chev Chirp Chooka ChrisL Chucks Cindylouwho Coach Comedian CTFxCFTW Cykoblast Cyndel Daggeris Dante DarlaCrowley Dbaby Delta something (was in wasp) Desertrose Desire desolation/felid Dexem Difficulties Dipper Doland DrCapo Dreamss DuffingOne Elara ElGuapo Elix Elyx En4cer Eradic Ethlyn Eunoia EveDisaster/Gladwrapped Evo Evrina Exile Exilecard Exona Exultant Failues Faith Fapalina FASHA Faythe Financial Firstdimension Fourwall FreakingFerret Fuccdrop FUCK Fur Gage Gr3nadier Grease Monkey Griffith Grillsmash Haeling Haggins Hailkasa Hannibal Hectorcrush Heshers Heyiirawr Hotcops icallshotgun/tiff IcyBB Ihope IIsland Illgot ImAustria/Ebnko Immortality Indianola InfernalPaladin Infinitumx InifnitumX Innistrad Inteoix Ionox Iry Isock Itsmarissayolol Jakemilano Jobi JusticeShepeard Kaily Kaprice Kasull Kazoobles Kazumia Kimiko Kogey Krucifix Kteku KudaOP LAPDAlonzo Laptop Laracroft Laser Lawss LazyViper Leah Leotek lexySparks LilyV3 Little Lolita LordVegeta LTgh0st Lucidy Lucifer Lucy LunaTikTunaLik Lusty LuxyPunk Manni Mattskoii Metalcandy Mfwicy MichelleV MicHelleV Mikeytux Moneychixx Monstro Movis Mstrix Mushy Nahtze Natalieholloway Nekolin Ner4zza Newtrick Newtrickk Nipze Noko NoLifeKid Noviihna NSFW NSJDAWG Nubcamps Nyv Nzev Obsession Ohshii Omgbees/eugenides OneLegitPubera OnlyByNature/baeture Pajamalama Palin PancakePower Pandy Phresh Pimpsclan PlushieTeddy Poedgirl pogotheclown Propanity Pufferina Pve Qualified Quote Radial RainbowDash Rainbowdash Rapid99 Raskul RavenRoxie Ray taylor Redbird Reddragons/papasmurf Redemption RedPandaPrince Rhjhguihhfr Richgang roh1t Ruckus SABR Sadira Saela Saela Salek / racksmile Sammistriker Scrublord Seiser Sephrase ShaneInsane Shizzy Sicopet Sidewayz Sinfulprodigy Skittles Skrill/godiva Skrux SlabJesus Sluttles Smexii Smoothdomino Snax Squidlips Sslick Stevemcgarret StringTheory Sulaman SunsetCrook Sup Superfuzz Sword Sylv Sylvur Sylvur T0AST TabithaSammuals Tallgeese Tame Tea Tele Telepath Temptations Tempz Temu Tev TGColCheese Th3Rock Thelinux Thicc TIMMEH Tko Tonedown Tonokon Tornhaze Tracerbullet Tranquility Trauma Turmoils Tyberious UnethicalPanda USPStyle Vanillakeks Vaya Vestradah/Fang Vetian Vinylscratch Viollette Virtual Vitorax Voerman Vulc Vut Westford Wh0r3 Willow/Meowies/Wicket Wingedarc withoutXeffort Woogie Xenonshift/Shokk YooD YoushallPerish Zeals Zelly/MaximumPlayer Zhiex Zirrick ZoePayne ZombieBiscoitO Zombiebiscuit ZroTheCrooked Zubzero
  22. Some news is better than no news. Appreciate the update. Getting a bit excited for the future. EDIT: Please don't change the road around the Abington tower's map like you did in the 2.1 Beta version. Way too many divots, bumps, clefts, dips and such. (got my car stuck on a divot once) The current roadway around the map is difficult enough as it is.
  23. Thanks Uhtdred. Although I do not consider myself to be top tier, my game play skills have significantly improved over the years, and this is without the use of any 3rd party tools or scripts of any kind.
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