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Everything posted by FakeBungo

  1. patch notes 1. introducing joker box 23 2. introducing joker box 24 3. introducing joker box 25 4. introducing joker box 26 5. introducing joker box 27 6. servers fixed soon tm 7. engine upgrade soon tm 8. cheaters banned soon tm 9. game balance soon tm 10. new content soon tm 11. riot mode with >0 pop soon tm
  2. maybe its due to the game being literally unplayably laggy and cheaters being everywhere
  3. FakeBungo


    go to twitch.tv and the apb reloaded section, there is a cheater streaming alot of the time. even 3 cheaters can be streaming at once, and they are never banned. we have LO to thank for this LOL.
  4. this is what we will be up against in citadel, nty x100 jericho has no pop because its laggy, normally my kdr will be around 50:1 now my kdr is 1:1 if im lucky because guns dont do any damage apparently twitch doesnt work here
  5. make everything from riot, NOT available on armas. also delete riot or atleast turn it into somewhat of a racing/hardcore parkour district
  6. yea should be RIOT exclusive skin 10000%, its like being able to buy platinum weapon role skins, lame
  7. meanwhile top jericho streamer on twitch is a cheater with cheaters in his premade vsing another premade full of cheaters, and armas isnt pay2win? so a 3 slot ntec is no better than a stock ntec? ok buddy im sure every1 who ever bought armas was because they wanted cool new skins, not exclusive pay2win weapons that are broken and demolish players who dont even know what they are fighting against Merged. why does anyone use an armas exclusive gun EVER, if the normal guns are equally good? weird bro might require >60 iq to figure this one out
  8. FBW does not progress Secondary Kills in fightclub baylan shipping storage
  9. ghandi was the guy who said indians should be viewed as whites and not blacks or primitive or savages
  10. it was bad because 1. no friends 2. can only select so many items also the 'friend' didnt receive anything
  11. "i view banning as a failure" the logical conclusion of this idea, rampant cheaters and a dead game
  12. 1. ddos/server issue, i literally dont do damage, like 1/4 of my shots will do full damage (eg using shotgun) and even when i hit, they might not even show a hitmarker, and no its NOTHING to do with my pc or internet, i probably have a better setup than 99.9% of players 2. cheaters, jericho has a ridiculous amount of cheaters, as of this post there are around 6 cheaters in Asylum although theres only approx 12 crims 13 enfs total there 3. dumb game balance, everything useful requires >R195 or armas, this takes way to long to accomplish and not every1 wants to buy armas (pay2win)
  13. FakeBungo


    "i view banning as a failure"
  14. ppl stream on twitch.tv themselves hacking on apb and dont get banned lul
  15. maybe due to earthquake or outages in america idk
  16. FakeBungo

    jericho server dead

    cant join district
  17. pretty sure its not because i just lagged so badly i quit out of the game
  18. the new ddos measures didnt change much, i shoot players and they take no damage. there is still random teleporting, although some hackers are taking advantage of this and using teleport hacks.
  19. FakeBungo

    OPGL Bug

    i believe it only happens at ground level so should be an easy fix for developers to prevent grenades going under the map
  20. those poor big owners have some competition from other cheaters now Merged. its pretty epic that the top (highest viewcount) apb stream at any given time is a blatant cheater for a significant portion of the time, also more epic is the amount of genius brains who defend these people after we true apb 2legit2quit gamers have clipped them snapping across the screen so quickly youd need several mousepads. or maybe we are just all silvers hackusating the pro apbers who for some reason cant throw a grenade for the life of them, yet FLAWlessly track and lock onto enemies in all situations.
  21. the cheaters in this thread complaining about other cheaters, >60 iq for sure
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