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Everything posted by FakeBungo

  1. join game and theres like 3 people online play match versus 1 cheater and 1 silver cheater starts teamkilling the silver silver quits to desktop after being tked for no reason cheater calls backup another cheater joins his side one cheater is speedhacking or server is lagging win match anyway because no1 with half a brain still plays this game 0/10
  2. i miss winning games not because the playerbase is dead, but because i wasnt lagging
  3. i keep getting mexicans even though its american server, and they are no good teammates... they just dethreating everytime
  4. jsut go to twitch tv and u can watch cheaters everyday on apb... u can even see clips of them showing cheats blatantly. still not banned
  5. spct defending cheaters, big surprise
  6. if they made anyone useful a gm, all the cheaters wouldve gotten banned already. i could ban over half the cheaters in one sitting if i was gm
  7. along with making all of these mods available to players <r195 matt u should remove limited lease contact weapons, because its pay2win
  8. so my 5 shot kill JG will now be 7-8 shots to kill? epic 3 low yields are way better to spam at players and not having grenades means enemies will be infinitely more inclined to spam nades at you because ur defenceless concs are useless because high burn + kev3 cars + slow asf to throw + dont even hurt big cars + people can just exit cars in <1 seconds and shoot u while u hold the grenade like a smart and then tbag u Merged. 40m is the current dropoff and 1.05 TTK is the current TTK. matt wrote something wrong. rfp does WAY too much damage in 1 burst (399 damage) which is why its cancerous, its basically better than obir cos its lightweight
  9. will LO ban the 20 or 30 odd cheaters on twitch.tv apb section? emp is a gimmick to make kids grind new contacts and buy premium to do so
  10. Is the population dropping due to that cheaters ain't getting banned? yes, and because they unbanned cheaters Is it dropping because we almost keep versing 24/7 the same peoples? yes and no Is it the communication between LO and the community? yes, LO sucks and doesnt even play their own game(s) ..or just cause of that the "Eninge Upgrade" is not getting live. no, no1 cares about engine upgrade its cringe bro. for example minecraft got updated and no1 even likes the new minecraft
  11. having less than 20 ping is best gun
  12. no substantive answers from u, just nonsense all u have said is 'ur wrong because ur wrong' https://streamable.com/7ojgi
  13. "no need to elaborate" the people of apb will decide if either u or i have the highground, sorry but facts dont care about ur feelings it is clear that mattscott meant he doesnt want to lose a player because he views us as statistics
  14. i see more hackers everyday now yes they are all low iq but i prefer to vs low iq people who arent cheating mattscott has done nothing to address cheaters infact he openly supports cheaters viewing them only as dollar bills because he has some warped perception of video games mattscott u can still do a 180 on this issue if u want apb to see the light of day and actually put some effort into issuing bans there is a monolith of evidence of cheaters, this idea that we have insufficient video evidence of someone who has been banned 30 times by fairfight prior is proof u have a mental blockage when hearing the words cheater the ceo of apb shouldnt be a cheater defender have some guts pls thx
  15. patch notes 1. introducing joker box 23 2. introducing joker box 24 3. introducing joker box 25 4. introducing joker box 26 5. introducing joker box 27 6. servers fixed soon tm 7. engine upgrade soon tm 8. cheaters banned soon tm 9. game balance soon tm 10. new content soon tm 11. riot mode with >0 pop soon tm
  16. maybe its due to the game being literally unplayably laggy and cheaters being everywhere
  17. FakeBungo


    go to twitch.tv and the apb reloaded section, there is a cheater streaming alot of the time. even 3 cheaters can be streaming at once, and they are never banned. we have LO to thank for this LOL.
  18. this is what we will be up against in citadel, nty x100 jericho has no pop because its laggy, normally my kdr will be around 50:1 now my kdr is 1:1 if im lucky because guns dont do any damage apparently twitch doesnt work here
  19. make everything from riot, NOT available on armas. also delete riot or atleast turn it into somewhat of a racing/hardcore parkour district
  20. yea should be RIOT exclusive skin 10000%, its like being able to buy platinum weapon role skins, lame
  21. meanwhile top jericho streamer on twitch is a cheater with cheaters in his premade vsing another premade full of cheaters, and armas isnt pay2win? so a 3 slot ntec is no better than a stock ntec? ok buddy im sure every1 who ever bought armas was because they wanted cool new skins, not exclusive pay2win weapons that are broken and demolish players who dont even know what they are fighting against Merged. why does anyone use an armas exclusive gun EVER, if the normal guns are equally good? weird bro might require >60 iq to figure this one out
  22. FBW does not progress Secondary Kills in fightclub baylan shipping storage
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