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Everything posted by Shui

  1. Shui


    So you can hit easier with your OPGL ? You cant even reach gold but try to make suggestions which affect gameplay ... smh
  2. Shui


    Who is PoundOfFlesh?
  3. How long until we have EU on live servers? Q1 or Q2 ?
  4. Lets imagine LO would realize this more than stupid suggestion. It still wouldnt change your 0.1 kd every match in bronze district.
  5. You are talking so much bs ... Why are bronze players even allowed to post anything
  6. Hm ... they dont login anymore because they cant compete against actually good players?
  7. Oh ... Im so sorry! I thought APB is a competitive game somehow. Lets remove PvP and make APB PvE only!
  8. Your comment makes no sense ... 1st - 3 weekends were more than enough to join the Autumn Assault and get the skin. 2nd - Now there is still the thing with being too bad to get the rewards. Thats why most people were whining. All the whining about "Uh ... im bad and the good players win over and over again, not fair, cant get the skin, pls cookie and skin, thx, mentally 12 btw" 3rd - It was a bad move to "listen" to that whining and apologize for nothing. And to give them the reward was even more ridiculous.
  9. @MattScott So .. why should I play future events when the rewards will be sent out afterwards anyway? You should give out Christmas Event Rewards to everyone too. Some people have no time or are too bad to get the rewards again Same conditions like autumn assault. This aint fair The next event too. And the event after too. Srsly. do you know how many people flamed me already for winning almost every beacon match and didnt give them a chance? Not that I care about them ... but it annoys me these people/scrubs think they are playing a non competitive game. And thats your fault.
  10. Shui


    Thats the only way these scrubs can keep their illusion of being good at the game.
  11. Hi @MattScott, The idea to give the skin to everyone is really bad. Thats the wrong way to compensate a bad event. The scrubs dont deserve the skin, the winners deserve something better than a damn title. Instead you should make a new reward as compensation for everyone. Or do something like the Daily Events again with cool rewards ...
  12. 90% of the APB Com are actually bad players. The result of this poll was decided before it was even made. From T to average Golds.
  13. Where are all the people who said "damage isnt the problem" btw
  14. Ye .. sadly the downvotes do nothing. I am working hard for my reputation. @OP I would really love to see your "100% verified list of cheaters" LUL Gitgud
  15. Hello Mr. ZB, lets follow the rules and stay friendly to each other. I dont think @Flight would like your behavior! Thanks, H.
  16. Hi there, you made a nice list Kev! I cant conform this by myself so lets ask @Flight Thanks, H.
  17. Hi guys. I think they got something planned. Another Gun-Game would be boring, right? But lets ask @Flight for clarification. Thanks, H.
  18. Hello Sir, this is the wrong section. Thanks, H. @Flight
  19. Oof, I just started to like you. Add it to the pile
  20. Where can I make a complaint against a mod? I bet one of you nice guys have experience with that Btw @Flight Tell me @Flight Yo @Flight Sup @Flight You here? @Flight
  21. I will write an email to Valve later today. They shall lower prices for cases and keys to 0.01$ so I can have the cool skins too. Im poor, you know ... and this aint fair.
  22. It worked fine. Looking forward for more like this reward for skill only events. Even some scrubs were able to get the skin somehow.
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