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Everything posted by UnawarePolarBear

  1. No server status thread No updates on changes they were "testing" Lags going on two days with no communication at all from a company with a very good track record of communicating whats happening. I think its quite reasonable for a separate thread.
  2. I wish I was filming my session last night, because I got so triggered and sweaty I wanted to Summit my monitor so hard.
  3. Because those instances are already spooled up. The menu just places you in a server thats already up. This is a specific instance in which the game-server for Social 2 is not spooling up. Clicking on that menu will just tell you that it can't find an available instance to use. It does not spawn a new instance.
  4. He's been like this for years. Always fun to watch the trainwreck from afar.
  5. Server is dead, bois. Packet loss followed by a mass DC. All districts systematically shut down.
  6. Probably to do with folks buying legendaries with G1C, etc.
  7. @MattScott - If you have time, maybe an update?
  8. This thread in server status literally confirms it's a DDoS attack that they've been mitigating for some time. Your packet verification approach has a lot of overhead. Even with tACLs and uRPF (depending on the switches their Network providers use) attacks of large scale 50 gigabit+ are often not simple to mitigate. Cisco IOS can be a finnicky mistress if improperly configured (went with Cisco as they make up nearly all major switching for mid-tier providers). It's often not a 10 Ms difference. It's usually a 25-30 MS difference with partial packet loss as individual packets are dropped when filtered due to a number of issues between your ISP and the game servers. I.E. all these folks saying it should be fixed ASAP likely have never dealt with a DDoS attack outside of their Minecraft server and a little booter. Look at all major companies that still get brought down by synfloods and the sorts. It's a problem that plagues even the largest Network providers.
  9. A DDoS attack isn't easy to fix. Separating "good packets" and "bad packets" isn't as easy as a snap of the finger. Blizzard had these issues for years and then they decided to over-engineer their network, and yet attacks still take down portions of their system. Whichever provider they're using to "scrub" their packets during the DDoS attack is probably hitting some "good" packets as well along the pipeline (hence why you warp, your car drives by itself, etc.) It's just the name of the game. Hope is that they relent, eventually.
  10. I hope the same. The forum software they're using (Invision Community) has a neat pages module where they can design a nice blog with great features. Hopefully they take advantage of that.
  11. Neat + Xnetexe's current outfit is... Risque. Shout-out to "Grope" for telling me my character has a pretty face and that I did a nice job. Feelsgoodman.
  12. He literally said, clear as day, that they will keep bans of folks who did illegal things in-tact. I.E. Credit card fraud.
  13. sir u arent a staff member please reassess your position in this thread
  14. Their intention is not to remove players from the game (quite the contrary I imagine). The reason it was suggested you not use it, is because they are unsure if BattlEye will detect it as something it is not and ban your account. Additionally, they're looking to add those features to the game instead. All I can suggest is use at your own risk.
  15. What if I told you, if they turn off mitigation, you'd be lagging even crazier...
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