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Everything posted by Nickolai

  1. I was there when G1 made threat segregation. That was their biggest mistake and I hope when LO took over all of them got fired. It still boggles my mind why LO hasn't removed the number one reason why the game is in a dead state and thats threat segragation. A lot of people left after that infamous update and event (Gold Rush Event, the OGs know it) and never came back. Just make a tutorial district (like in Beta) and make it accessible to people up to silver threat and R100. Its like putting a band aid on a gaping would, but atleast its a start!
  2. Agreed. I own both. The greatest trait of the N-FA9 is that nobody expects it. N-FA9 = TTK Beast Showstopper = Packs a mean punch.
  3. I really don't like making a thread about this (unlike another individual who's name is associated with footwear) but it would be nice to know if a Server Merge is still on the table. They said the upcoming weeks but it has been a month and they are pretty hush hush about it. Can you clarifiy on this @MattScott?
  4. I agree 100% with op. 3 of my real life friends tried this game. They only lasted a few hours and never came back. Game is just too hostile to rookies and gives them 0 chance to win. I despise dethreaters who do this and I show no mercy when I'm up againts them. If Matt won't fix this or atleast address this problem then it won't matter whatever update they put out. This game could attract thousands but they will be slaughtered at the gates. And again we are stuck with the sweatlords/tryhards. I disagree here. I went out and I tried to help R30 Enforcers. Shockigly all of them refused help/coaching/training, said they "don't need it, I can handle myself". If only they knew.....so I gave up on the coaching part and I have left them to fend for themselves. However If I face someone who is brand spaking new I don't whip out my seal clubbing bat. I lay off the gas, let them kill me even give them a win so they could believe they have a chance. I don't want to part of the problem, but be the solution instead. Unfortunetly the vets egos are too big and they stomp everyone into quitting (including my veteran friends who stopped playing due to tryhards/sweatlords). I still have hope though......
  5. Nerfing the Strife will fuck over everyone who purchased the overpriced pack (lets be honest most people bought it because of the Strife). It's a hard gun to use and if they make shotguns 3STK then they will be complety useless. Everyone will switch to PMG/OCA and we will again forget shotguns existed. Also I agree with the Oblivion absolutely sucking. It feels a role that the ISSR beats it in every category (except range) There is also an accuracy bug. When using HS3 the gun is more accurate when moving then standing still.
  6. Appreciate the extra effort you guys put it to make it slighty different from last year. Good job!
  7. When all of my APB friends (who have invested hundred of dollars and thousands of hours) tell me that they refuse to come back because of the toxicity, the sweatlords/tryhards then you know you have a community problem.
  8. Tis the main reason why it died.
  9. Any chance we will get Districts in Texas (where Jericho was)
  10. All the edgy verbs have been taken so that could be a problem.
  11. I'd kill for one of those. Exactly what I want. Then I can be like: SAAAAAAAAAAABOTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE!!!
  12. As someone who owns the gun, I won't mind a nerf. I know that gun is just unfair and is too strong at range. I'm all about balance.
  13. I can already taste the delicious tears of the NTEC mains. Thanks LO.
  14. Ahem, in the Colby NA Best days we called the Yellows. That was a legit insult back then. As for the Golds hiding in Bronze I ain't got love for you.
  15. For all the Fallen Earth players, this one's for you.
  16. Agreed. This community can never be satisfied. That's why I can't wait for the influx of new players.
  17. I can already feel the over monetization and season passes for the new APB and how at its core is a game made for the Asian market and not for the global market. It was fun while it lasted fellas.
  18. I don't know how I feel about this. Excited yet terrified. This means you have no control over the sequel and will just develop APB: Reloaded as much as possible?
  19. After all these years I will have to say goodbye to my US lag shield. RIP Lag shield 2011 - 2019 EU 20 ms Ping here I come
  20. When you are so desperate for attention you gotta make a thread just for one screenshot....
  21. The most toxic individual to ever grace the US servers got banned? Who would have thought? Such a shame really. Here are your 5 minutes of Forum Fame. See you on your new account.
  22. I do want to try out the changes. Kinda funny how a few years ago nobody used the RFP and all of a sudden it becomes the most OP secondary so they had to nerf it to the ground. Gonna miss my 3 Burst kill Fang but in the name of balance....Ok Was it too hard to implement the ACT44/RSA Buffs in?
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