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Everything posted by ok

  1. Esc-District Select-click on Social Breakwater
  2. This is what happens when you have an anime avatar
  3. What the frick is global depression ?
  4. It did for me, switched from an HD 7850 to an RX 470 and it went from 45-50 to 60
  5. Trash tier gpu, you will get 60 with everything turned down and even then with dips
  6. Because it happens all the time, in all the games? Which is why most communities request separate servers for ruskies, not to mention the toxicity, lack of team support and refusal to speak in english
  7. Fair enough, but don't expect me to say sorry
  8. You're a fool if you refuse to aknowledge that cheating is common amongst all russian communities in all games
  9. At this point, I seriously doubt new players are put off by saltiness, but rather being stomped by dethreaters
  10. And where's the problem in that? If you see two people swearing at eachother do you call police on them ?
  11. How about brainlets using macros ?
  12. Blocking russian ip's is a start
  13. Sorry for offtopic but I must ask, is it possible to import a song in-game ? Making a theme that way?
  14. ok

    Daily log in bonus

    Instead of login, maybe better daily activity rewards and an increased bonus for each consecutive day in which you complete a daily activity
  15. Hopefully never, more russians do no good
  16. ok

    Armas refund

    There are absolutely no free trials given for buying on Armas, just the Loyalty Rewards I've bought guns, skin and a Nomad and haven't been given anything extra And in 30 minutes you think it's enough to test different setups with different mods? FC is not a good place to try because neither Asylum nor the docks are similar to Financial or the rest of Waterfront (also, how can I try a sniper for example on Asylum, where everyone uses shotgun and oca?)
  17. I agree that it needs a nerf, maybe longer ttk, but it's still beatable..I am more concerned with the other shotguns
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