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[Media heavy] APB History 101 : The Butcher Skin

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A.K.A. "Why are a bunch of you being annoying over pixels?"

CHAPTER 1 : The origin of the Butcher Skin


It's some time around 2012. Before the release of 1.8.0


Jack "Montecristo" Oakman, a name older APB:Reloaded players are most certainly familiar with, begins dropping some really strange hints all over the Gamersfirst Forums.

Sadly - finding the original hints has become quite a hard task. Most of the forum sections containing the original posts are now inaccessible to us mere mortals.

One such entry was made by a good friend of mine. The butcher. Slice and Dice. Get in and get out.


Another entry, in video form :

The rewards is where things get interesting.

As some of you may know - there are some completely unique weapons in the game.
These have a special tagger and a skin, and were made available for purchase only on Innova - the G1 APB servers had those weapons limited to their rightful owners only.
Find a sample of such weapons below, the N-HVR 762 'Rapid99' and the N-HVR 243 SD 'sluttles'


"Next is the prize that everyone who entered will be receiving. "
This prize was what would soon become the object of eternal contention : the Butcher Skin.

The skin would only be available to those few people (forever), and only on those few weapons (for a limited time) - nowadays even the most niche ARMAS guns can display the skin.
That was the end.


...was it?


Edited by Nitronik
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I'm just here to brag that I have the Butcher skin. Thanks Nitronik. Downvotes to the right.

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CHAPTER 2 : Montecristo has a bad day.

Community member Kogey begged and begged.


"That's right, I absolutely NEED it."
"It matches my outfit so well," -the post read- "I must have those sexy colors all over my guns. It is time for us all to come together as a community and help someone who's obsessed with red and black to have their weapons match them."
" :­D "


Little did they know, Lady Luck would be on their side that day.


"Right, seeing as I am bored this morning, I'm feeling generous. Semi-generous. So. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours."

Montecristo's words echoed across the forums, like a leather glove slapping the buffoon's face.

He was pissed someone dared waste his time, and he was out for blood.

"The listed people and only them will be eligible for the butcher skin if they can provide me with proof that they deserve it. Namely...
[Nitronik's note : the thread kept getting updated with more and more people, this post was edited and I can't find the original]
1) Provide a montage image of 5 screen-shots of display points around Financial that say "Reloaded Productions Rule!" I'll accept 1 of these if there is a picture of a kitten playing with a ball of wool in the picture. Reference image provided in the Emoticons section.

2) Provide a montage image of 5 display points around Waterfront that say: [Nitronik's note : I think it's safer if I get rid of the link and name]
Bonus points if you add words to the effect of how awesome she is or suggestions that people support her by purchasing her calendar (any negativity made towards the goddess that is [See note above] risks resulting in a suspended account).

3) 1 image on Display Point in both fight club maps of a monkey playing a banjo made out of ham. It needs to be good. Or very crap. Either way I'll probably be content. Actually. Put that on a car, too, and screengrab yourself jumping off of the roof of Tiptoe's garage.

4) Lastly and most importantly. Teabag 5 separate vanquished foes and supply the following words in the chat window:
If you do this I will consider your "WILD GOOSE CHASE" achievement unlocked and will reward you with a butcher skin.
That is all. "


Our hero, Kogey Fox, set forth to complete this most difficult challenge.
In spite of all the hardships, he managed to swiftly work his way past any and all hurdles put forth by the devilish artist.

[Nitronik's note : He was more than "just" an artist (that's already a lot of work) on the team, please don't mind me]

This is where his efforts culminated - Stage four.


'nuff said.

More people began begging.
More people kept being added to the list.
It was the spark that ignited the fire.



Edited by Nitronik
formattin + grammar
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Me want anyways.

Edited by Sadira
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CHAPTER 3 : Montecristo has a good day, but not really


A chain reaction had been set forth.
Many people joined.

Far too many.

Even I got a chance to join.


After all, all you had to do was request your totem animal. Mine was a goat playing a banjo made out of ham. Wonderful days.

Something beautiful had come to be. Something unusual : The APB:Reloaded community working together, side by side, rather than against each other.



Beautiful, never lasts.

As the demand to partake in the competition increased, so did Montecristo's lust for players' time.
Many players [me included, sorry!] had asked for preferential treatment. An unique reward. Something even more special than the butcher skin.

A crime so gross could not go unpunished.

Now I have five minutes to sit down and recap your efforts since I last did so. I've seen a lot of wonderful things...

I've seen players running around on top of players, dodging exploding cars.
I've seen a variety of marvelous animals playing banjos out of ham, including hummingbirds, swans, penguins and even a snake.
I've seen all kinds of misspellings of [See above] but nonetheless I count all these efforts, for the intention was good. I've seen all manner of vanquished foes being tea-bagged in my name simply because I asked for it to be so.

This pleases me.


However, I've also seen people attempting to cajole me into affording them special attention simply because they seem to have mistaken me for a nice fellow...

'Tis a foolish notion, for I am a sir; and therefore: an a$$hole. I have always been one, and will continue to be one. So much so, that I have decided to cancel this competition."


"Therefore, another video must be created that pleases me."

The people of the forums trembled at the sight of those words. The whole competition canceled, unless..

...what would be next?



Edited by Nitronik
formatting plus
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CHAPTER 4 : Everyone has a good day


The forum dwellers could not risk seeing all of their efforts be in vain.

Criminals and enforcers set their differences aside. Timezones were no matter of importance, as the players of Joker, Colby, Obeya, Patriot and Han all worked tirelessly around the globe to sate the developer's thirst for destruction, silliness, and just seeing how far he could push it.


Sadly, many of the videos were lost to time.
Here is an account from yours truly of the EU1 suicide wave :


And here is a video from Colby NA Best :


The sacrifice was well received.

A sacrifice was demanded in order to:

  Keep me from destroying the competition on an evil whim.
  Create the addition of an exclusive prize element, which is up for grabs to those who appear on the list.

A raffle was announced shortly after. Only one person would be... the chosen one.

Only they would behold the glorious sight of  "THE B@ST4RD" - the only permanent OSMAW NFCP3 in the game.



[Nitronik's note : Winner, you know who you are. Can we arrange something to get a couple screenshots directly from the source? thank you ❤️ ]


Edited by Nitronik
Formatting and Censorship filter. I'm not kidding, that's what the weapon is actually called
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I think I accidentaly created chain reaction.

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  On 12/7/2018 at 10:35 PM, Mitne said:

I think I accidentaly created chain reaction.

don’t flatter yourself 

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  On 12/7/2018 at 10:37 PM, BXNNXD said:

don’t flatter yourself 

Sorry but as overly complexed individual I have need to flatter myself often.

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CHAPTER 5 : Wrapping things up.

Dear APB Forums...
"I created the B@st4rd today."
"I wanted to create something subtle and stylish and undeniably cool. Something that wouldn't stand out too much. I wanted to do that..."
"But then I thought "f**k it, where's the fun ?" So I created this obnoxious piece of sh*t..."

Stylish, as always.

"That's right. The one permanent OSMAW in the game looks like it fell out of a clown's bum-hole. Hopefully we should be able to get it to play some stupid music and explode confetti, too. But for now, this is it."

The end draws near.

The forum dwellers are anxious. Fingers trembling. Sweat pouring down foreheads into keyboards.
It's happening. This will soon be over.

"The gods of Luck have heard your pitiful prayers, they have sifted, twisted,deliberated and mastur...
...never mind.

Anyway, "The Hat" has chosen. "

"Picked by Monte, witnessed by FarFletched and Revoemag -- although he was playing with his belly button at the time and not really paying attention. So without further ado.. the poor unfortunate to win this shocking eye-sore of an item is:


[Nitronik's note : pretty sure most of us know, not going to put their name out there because I am nice after all]

The original image showcasing the end result has been lost.


Once more,

I plead the winner to throw me a bone, give us a chance to admire the ultimate work of art crafted by the mastermind himself.


With this, our little journey down memory lane ends.
Nearly six years and a half ago. Time sure flies!


Naturally, squabbles, fights and anger followed. Some people just can't stand losing, or not winning. But this is not the point.
The point is - this skin has some history behind it, and given how peculiar it is, I felt like sharing it with all the newcomers to the game, be it players or developers

Thank you for reading this giant steaming dump which I've hastily put together before bedtime. Enjoy some APB history, and until next time...
heavy barrel should reduce shotgun spread



Edited by Nitronik
formattin + grammar

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  On 12/7/2018 at 10:18 PM, NotZombieBiscuit said:

I'm just here to brag that I have the Butcher skin. Thanks Nitronik. Downvotes to the right.

Tiggs gave it out to a few streamers and I was one to receive it as well. I never use it though.

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  On 12/7/2018 at 11:22 PM, Triksterism said:

Tiggs gave it out to a few streamers and I was one to receive it as well. I never use it though.

She also gave it away randomly at various points in the games history. She didn't like the idea of things being rare or super tough to get. So she kinda worked towards tossing that out the window. 'Tis the reason why 3D glasses and the likes made a comeback if I recall right. 

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  On 12/7/2018 at 11:22 PM, Triksterism said:

Tiggs gave it out to a few streamers and I was one to receive it as well. I never use it though.

I'm guessing your twitch was somewhat popular?

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I was doing my weekly data dive where i go through Russian websites , web archives even the original forums and just get as much information of anything and everything about apb

right now I'm mostly interested in "BandeDehoufs"http://bandedehoufs.net/BDHapbnotespatchs2018.html .


Yes none of this has to do with the butcher i just wanted to point out i was literally reading about the "history of the butcher skin" from the original forum topic it started in when i did my dive (Montecristo no longer works for reloaded last i saw he was working at Epic Games and his "website" jackoakmen.com where he posts all his work on apb is Down.)


So what's this post about not much just wanted an excuse to share my favorite Montecristo quote.


'MonteCristo', on 12 May 2012 - 03:12 AM, said:


"Brick Regeneration Interfermamorphasization Component Kit (B.R.I.C.K)."

It basically dissolves the existing Brick, and replaces it in the sole component of your shoe, allowing you to redeploy said housebrick. Of course, we deliberately mislead you into thinking it was just a plane ole' house brick because then, you'd all be off making them. In fact these bricks are generated by ambient, unobtantium dust particles so as to avoid carrying a cumbersome stash of the things on your person.
Charging $60,000 for a regular house brick would be stupid.


here's a link to it the entire thread is gold.




Edited by Zolerox
p.s the winners of these "unique" rewards don't play anymore Rapid99 is one of the few survivors.

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  On 12/8/2018 at 8:01 PM, SyllyBear said:

Or just buy it.

Seeing as you somehow missed the point and survived a forum ban :

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  On 12/9/2018 at 10:43 AM, Nitronik said:

Seeing as you somehow missed the point and survived a forum ban :

Well, 4x4 was exclusive 2 full months. It would take you more if you couldn't or missed a week in fc, and mission to get jt didn't exist at that moment. So imagine, me farming it for full 2 months, waiting a week for fc and jt and repeat... but then? Jt were easier to get and they released 4x4 for real money.

What cry could i do to revert such damage? Everyone has a 4x4 like if its a fucking calabria and is not special anymore. Losers everywhere enjoying with a purchase or less than a month their 4x4 that took me long to farm. No one fucking cared and everyone enjoyed their cheap win.


What is a shitty skin compared to that?

Backstab after backstab after backstab (and lies ofc), and they still thinking what goes so wrong with this game.


OH but wait right there, if you dare to say anything or acumulate all that fucking shit to yourself, you are TOXIC!!!!

"We understand your frustration" no fucking shit you do.

Edited by SyllyBear

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