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The Great Debate: What is the best vechicle in APB.

The Great Debate: What is the best vechicle in APB.  

27 members have voted

  1. 1. Choose the best car.

    • Patriot Vegas G24 4x4
    • Seiyo Espacio/Citadel
    • Nulander Pioneer/Nomad
    • Bishada Rapier
    • Patriot Jericho
    • Patriot Vegas G20
    • Han Coywolf
    • Packer Vaquero / Charge Mikro
    • Charge Cisco
    • Dolton Fresno
    • Patriot T25
    • Packer Ceresco
    • IO Growl

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What do you think the best vechicle is and why? (Vechicles added to the poll are the ones that are generally most used)


I personally believe its gonna be Seiyo Espacio.


I just love its design.

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Objectively, the Vegas 4x4 is (sadly) the best vehicle overall.
Fast, durable, and can tank a direct OSMAW hit, or two mid range AAEPD rockets.


Subjectively, I love the Jericho. It just looks cool and sounds cool with the correct kit.

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Dolton Broadwing is not on the list

49 minutes ago, Winter Shyvana said:

Objectively, the Vegas 4x4 is (sadly) the best vehicle overall.
Fast, durable, and can tank a direct OSMAW hit, or two mid range AAEPD rockets.

I think you missed the patchnotes that changed it to have 1,150 health

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51 minutes ago, Acornie said:

I think you missed the patchnotes that changed it to have 1,150 health

Wow and that was a long time ago! Thanks for the heads up!

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vegas, coywolf, and pioneer/espacio are pretty interchangeable at this point, with the exception of cargo space


jericho, bishada, kurai, moirai, t-25, mikro/vaquero, and the fresno are now useable, although they all have various issues that need fixing 


everything else is still useless

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Most cars in this game dont even feel like drivin cars-is more like some object movin.I know this game is not nfs,gran turismo or some drivin simulator but still this aspect of the game is pretty poor(in my opinion)

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Pioneer all the Way. Why. Weight Power. If you hit me, I Win, Period. 

 Now I'd like to agree the Vegas is a close second but ya nerfed it, took out the wheelies.

Your pick up trucks are dwarfs in size to the pioneer and both seem to be light duty or Eco Trucks.

Plus your Vegas nor the other trucks or Fresno have a Sound Kit.

I'm fond of the Fresno, but the sounds are like a farm tractor and no sound kit.

This pretty much goes for any vehicle u have, its not worth buying perm, if no sound kit.

And U have to remember, I can listen to music off line or not in the game.

You no longer have the sort of community that appreciates good music, for me to play for.

Ah am I starting to rant, Yes, ok end of post.

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1 hour ago, vsb said:

vegas, coywolf, and pioneer/espacio are pretty interchangeable at this point, with the exception of cargo space


jericho, bishada, kurai, moirai, t-25, mikro/vaquero, and the fresno are now useable, although they all have various issues that need fixing 


everything else is still useless

moirai needs to stop clipping wheels into the floor, and fix for reverse being too slow


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i don't remember it's name, but jeep is the best because it can fit in hallways. it's supper fast makes a good car bomb. and it pisses people off when you drive it inside asylum becuase theres no escaping the jeep barreling at you in a one way hall way


also it does stuns and what not

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Mikro is a lot more fun than the Vaquero.

People sleep on the Mikro, never let me down unlike the Vegas with it's constant bouncing and flipping

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41 minutes ago, R3ACT3M said:

Mikro is a lot more fun than the Vaquero.

People sleep on the Mikro, never let me down unlike the Vegas with it's constant bouncing and flipping

mikro is also good at running people over. the bishda is aso good at rolling like the vegas. Should call them the biscuit wagons

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7 hours ago, BlatMan said:

Macchina Calabria.

This, but unironically. It only has two drawbacks (which granted, are pretty major), being paper durability and non-linear acceleration that gives you one of the strongest kicks off the starting line but takes a long time to reach the game's speed cap. On the flip side, it has the single best handling in the game. Only Mikro comes close, but unlike Mikro the Calabria has blue mod flexibility. It also is unique in that it's the only vehicle in the game that the grieftruck consistently loses to in head on collisions (and sometimes sending the grieftruck into the skybox as a bonus).

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19 hours ago, vsb said:

j and the fresno are now useable, although they all have various issues that need fixing 


Hey, fresno has always been useable and very strong. Other than being crouch-height cover and the fact that it likes to eat curbs and railroad tracks for breakfast, it's the best car.

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10 hours ago, Hexerin said:

This, but unironically. It only has two drawbacks (which granted, are pretty major), being paper durability and non-linear acceleration that gives you one of the strongest kicks off the starting line but takes a long time to reach the game's speed cap. On the flip side, it has the single best handling in the game. Only Mikro comes close, but unlike Mikro the Calabria has blue mod flexibility. It also is unique in that it's the only vehicle in the game that the grieftruck consistently loses to in head on collisions (and sometimes sending the grieftruck into the skybox as a bonus).

I wasn't being ironic. There's plenty of scenarios where that car is the best vehicle for the job. It's not as twitchy as the Mikro which makes it easier to navigate through allies. It's low center of gravity makes it less likely to get stuck upside down. It's impossible to get it stuck sideways. I wish the physics box was a little higher so I can drive up more stairs.

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On 8/19/2023 at 5:46 AM, GhosT said:

the fact that it likes to eat curbs and railroad tracks for breakfast

Which could be easily fixed with a single stat tweak, if LO bothered to care. Dolton Broadwing has the same issue.

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3 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

Still the Coywolf. 

they patched my favorite past time which is running with it

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