Jilleroo 349 Posted March 30, 2021 On 3/29/2021 at 6:32 AM, Lucesan said: Are y'all children or what ? Insulting each others and stuff I'm shocked this still surprises anyone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ElectroStingz 53 Posted March 30, 2021 On 3/28/2021 at 10:40 PM, R3ACT3M said: I thought the video would provide insight...just seems like silver stupidity... In the now 3 years of me playing this game. I realized that just because you played for 9 years doesn't automatically make you right, or wiser than everyone else. The new engine isn't supposed to be APB Reloaded: Remastered,remake, what ever. There are people who have to mess with game files just to play due to crashing. This engine takes apb from 32bit -> 64bit effectively letting those who got RTX cards to once again play normally. The byproduct of this is also supposed to be better performance. Which hopefully LO is dialing in. Because if you knew anything about this game. You would know RTW did a lot of "cheating" in the code department. And a lot of this code went initially unnoticed. Stuff that provided graphical effects we see with little performance hit. I mean LO found out that the Ambient occlusion in APB is mapped. And not rendered real-time like SSAO. Plus there just comes the part where with this new engine LO can easily import new content. AND AGAIN if you followed twitch streams etc. YOU WOULD KNOW new content is coming in the final launch of the new engine. Weapon balance is not an issue in APB. Something will always be broken players will always find the best gun in the game. In every game. Every gun in apb can kill everyone it's just a matter of learning. I still suck with the ntec...but I play weapons that I'm good with and I usually hold my own. Cheating is bad in apb, but I'm gonna go on a whim and say no anti-cheat is going to fix the BIG cheats. Or most common ones. More common cheats need to be delt with on a game redesign level/change something in the game to make cheating hard and more annoying than playing without cheats. That's my two cents No one actually said 9 years vs X years is to suggest said person is right, the statement highlights that said player is still loyal to the game and this is even mentioned at the end. However what is does show is that the said player has seen a lot of changes and the question is, why have certain aspects of the game only been changed now when it never used to be a problem back then? It is questioning the introduction of new content and if you look deeply at what has happened over the course of APB you will see a pattern, for example. A new weapon gets introduced, the gun / gameplay meta is changed. Something happens, oh no we broke the game by introducing 1 new weapon. Oh, OK, lets re-balance everything to make it work. Cycle repeats, new weapon, something happens, re-balance. Nobody likes this and I could talk about a time when the OCA Silverado was a decent gun compared to what it is right now. Who decided these changes? Who was complaining? The video is highlighting a serious issue with the game management and development, that is, WHO IS IN CONTROL OF THE GAME? WHO IS SETTING THE DIRECTION? Think about that, the players or the developers? I am by no means suggesting that players should simply put up with things that are game breaking but at the same time there needs to be decent direction and control by the developers to know what is right. And this is where the 9 year player can truely say the game play and gun mechanics at a certain point in APB's history were actually not bad compared to what is happening right now. No one is against content if the circumstances are right and it is done correctly, everyone knows the engine upgrade will help achieve this but as stated above the issue is the balancing act, It is not about using the best gun and or "learning" to use a broken one, that is the illogical thought process which simply ignores the true nature of the problem. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vsb 6181 Posted March 30, 2021 6 minutes ago, ElectroStingz said: why have certain aspects of the game only been changed now when it never used to be a problem back then? i have no idea how long ago "back then" means, but is it really surprising that a new company would have a different vision for apb? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
R3ACT3M 489 Posted March 30, 2021 5 hours ago, ElectroStingz said: I tried to write a reply a couple times now. Each time eventually ending up as a rant. So im going to sum up my opinion The video is not a good one. You're friend put inspirational music over complaints. It would be a whole new story, if your friend sat down, wrote out some kind of script and talked about their opinion on the future of apb and how to help fix it, with facts supporting each statement. This would make the video a whole lot more powerful. But to me, it's just complaining. Next it annoys me when people say they have 9 years of experience. I have met some 9 years of experience players who never knew that there was a 1 hitbox rules all thing in APB. So sure, 9 years of experience can truly say they have seen the most change. But with the video above, only shows me they aren't part of the solution. 5 hours ago, ElectroStingz said: No one is against content if the circumstances are right and it is done correctly Also what does this even mean? I can't imagine LO making cars, clothing, guns, contacts, etc. Can be done, "incorrectly" it's all new content and LO will get better at making it as time goes on. Sometimes they just sell it wrong. Like that new gas mask. The one with the filter to the side. The default colors are ugly, and make it look like a toy. But when you go to actually customize it. It looks really nice. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TzickyT 212 Posted March 31, 2021 On 3/28/2021 at 3:54 PM, ElectroStingz said: My friend made this, it's a message to the APB community and Little Orbit. if possible i would like to do a colab with u on a twitch stream - if possible to contact me that would be great. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gro 108 Posted April 1, 2021 On 3/28/2021 at 9:41 PM, kokejn said: Idk with this managment its dead, even if i hated G1 and called them first many many years ago here on forums Moneyfirst. It was more alive. Managment was more alive and stuffs were happening. Not really. The only happenings were Tiggs getting out of her vacation to push another extra armas sale. I was always an opponent to weapon rebalance, and they have taken it too far, but there are great things LO implemented, which would never happen under G1: Hand to hand trade system; Getting the game rid of a shame of having lootboxes; Putting armas stuff to the joker store, giving the store purpose and bringing down the paywall. These three were great achievements of LO. Sadly, it won't save the game if one can't play it due to rererebalancing stuff and letting cheaters play. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ShawLOL 50 Posted April 1, 2021 they keep talking about a dead game Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Goldtiger 133 Posted April 5, 2021 Honestly, I've just kind of moved on to other things. I can't really see APB coming back from the grave unless they literally make a new game built from the ground up. I realize that would require a huge investment of money, which I doubt LO can fork out, but that's honestly the only way this game will be something big again. That and, as stated in the video, you can't polish a turd. I have lots of good memories of this game, and I wish it would come back and be successful - especially given all of its potential - but that chances of that happening are so slim with what we currently have. The video was spot on though. The only thing that didn't make sense was him complaining about "rebalancing the rebalance of the rebalance". Like, has he never played any other FPS game? The whole point of a rebalance it to get things closer to being balanced. Often times, you don't hit the spot, and have to adjust things further; or in some cases, go a completely different way about it. Regardless though, it's been clear to me they don't really know what they're doing with balancing though, cause some things they nerfed genuinely didn't need a nerf (i.e. the FAR nerf I saw someone mention). Anyways, APB is definitely a dying game, and it sucks to say that. But I do still keep up with Matt's Engine Upgrade posts cause I do want to see if the upgrade ever comes out... and if it does, what it will mean for the game both in the short and long run. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ElectroStingz 53 Posted April 21, 2021 On 3/30/2021 at 11:57 PM, R3ACT3M said: Also what does this even mean? E.g, It means you do not introduce new mechanics or content that is game breaking, On 3/30/2021 at 11:57 PM, R3ACT3M said: But with the video above, only shows me they aren't part of the solution. Exactly the point which the developers need to consider. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VickyFox 353 Posted April 21, 2021 After 2018 with the Epidemic, the GM hosted events with the autumn assault, and then the Slay Bells all in a span of 3 or 4 months... It was then I knew that Little Orbit was naïve, testing the waters and are not take feedback from player on what needs to be addressed, what we'd like to see, what works well and what we'd like to see improved. With events bringing back trolls, some hackers, potentially distracting focus from development, If such naive actions were being done on events, It was inevitable that the engine upgrade was going to be underestimated. After 3 years, there isn't an excuse for floundering. As much as one tries to keep spirits up of fellow community members, there's only so much slack that can be given. People can say just polish the game and do another ad campaign to recruit new players but customer acquisition vs retention is always going to be in favour for the loyal customers that keep returning. There is only so much polishing you can do and the cracks that show in APB are too big to ignore. Also there is a point where polishing the game is no longer viable considering the engine is being pushed to it's limit in capability. In the past people suggested just make APB from the ground up as a new game, I didn't like the idea before of starting over, but in hind sight it probably would of been easier and quicker to do. I used to be addicted to APB and also love this game to the point of hating the flaws and mistakes, but now emotionally I feel like I'm back with the old GamersFirst... I'd rather just see APB shut down the servers and have a dignified. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jinsen 11 Posted April 23, 2021 Honestly, I don't think anything will save this game... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rapid99 50 Posted May 4, 2021 I was just amazed that this video started off with a clip of Gold players in Financial district, in an opposed mission. Jesus, hold old is that footage? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EVInezca 81 Posted May 5, 2021 On 4/23/2021 at 10:30 PM, Jinsen said: Honestly, I don't think anything will save this game... Engine update + New Content (More high Lvl what need much exp to get. more hairs, more clothing and a new car) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites