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1 minute ago, xDoomGuardx said:

Well then you're another Troll or a provocateur who was happy with everything.

Another stupid thing to say.  We're not trolling or trying to provoke you.  We're just against your really bad idea.

3 minutes ago, xDoomGuardx said:

But now everything is fine, when no one is banned, right?

You don't know that nobody is getting banned.  Don't say it like its a fact when its just an assumption.  They most likely haven't been speaking up about it because they know they won't get any sympathy like they would back when we had the unreliable FairFight that everyone was skeptical of.

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For those who have not yet understood. We are at war. There are several camps: the Cheaters, the trolls, their suction, normal players, who are all always good and the administration. Cheaters and trolls-a minority, but they kill the game. Those who are all excellent support cheaters, even if they say otherwise. Normal players either try to fight or just walk away from the game. Administration - feeds promises and does nothing. What camp do you belong to? I know that the residents of the forum most trolls.

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6 minutes ago, xDoomGuardx said:

For those who have not yet understood. We are at war. There are several camps: the Cheaters, the trolls, their suction, normal players, who are all always good and the administration. Cheaters and trolls-a minority, but they kill the game. Those who are all excellent support cheaters, even if they say otherwise. Normal players either try to fight or just walk away from the game. Administration - feeds promises and does nothing. What camp do you belong to? I know that the residents of the forum most trolls.

You're acting like we aren't just calling out your stupid idea.  That's really all its about, it doesn't go any deeper than that.  Your idea is bad.  We all hate cheaters, you're just too dense to understand that boycotting a company that already is making no profit would more quickly put them under than cheaters could drive everyone away.  Not to mention that this would be the absolute WORST time to do this considering all the shit LO is going through right now.

Edited by BrandonBranderson

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1 minute ago, xDoomGuardx said:

Banned list - confirmation of the effective operation of anti-cheat and support. Now neither Tony nor the other do not work.

If you have something to offer, say, no suggestions? Well then you're another Troll or a provocateur who was happy with everything.

I simply explained why I think your idea wouldn't work. Result: you call me a "troll or provocateur".

If I wasn't used to nonsense like this I'd say something rude.

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15 minutes ago, xDoomGuardx said:

But now everything is fine, when no one is banned, right?

Are you sure about that? Because you're wrong. I know for a fact people are getting banned. Cheats are actually getting detected and people are banned instantly for using them, within minutes.

I'm not allowed to discuss cheats here, so I can't tell you more. But you are simply wrong.

Edited by SilverCrow

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3 minutes ago, SilverCrow said:

I simply explained why I think your idea wouldn't work. Result: you call me a "troll or provocateur".

If I wasn't used to nonsense like this I'd say something rude.

Well, other than saying it doesn't work, you haven't done anything. if you're not helping, you're interfering. That is the question now. And prevent provocateurs and trolls, the choice of whose side to take only for you.

1 minute ago, SilverCrow said:

Are you sure about that? Because you're wrong. I know for a fact people are getting banned. Cheats are actually getting detected and people are banned instantly for using them, within minutes.

I'm not allowed to discuss cheats here, so I can't tell you more. But you are simply wrong.

If you don't have your word confirmed, you're a liar. Because I know for a fact it's not.

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22 minutes ago, SilverCrow said:

That's like saying you don't want cancer and then demand that they build your house next to a nuclear power plant!

living near a nuclear power plant doesn't increase the chances of cancer


unless it explodes i guess



18 minutes ago, xDoomGuardx said:

Banned list - confirmation of the effective operation of anti-cheat and support.

are you forgetting the part where there were people listed on ffbans that didn't cheat, and some that didn't break any rules at all?



18 minutes ago, xDoomGuardx said:

But now everything is fine, when no one is banned, right?

stop forcing the issue into a black and white situation, its obvious that everything isn't fine but the cheating situation is definitely better than it was under g1 imo




11 minutes ago, xDoomGuardx said:

Normal players either try to fight or just walk away from the game.

just because people disagree with you doesn't mean they support cheaters, stop acting like you and your opinions are the only options



2 minutes ago, xDoomGuardx said:

If you don't have your word confirmed, you're a liar. Because I know for a fact it's not.

prove that no cheaters are being banned otherwise you're a liar


see how that works both ways?



Edited by Solamente
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better yet.


broadcast all bans on the game district chat and track it on twitter, then let some random create a website and make money off of people getting banned again



because that bettered the community alright!

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1 minute ago, Alani said:

better yet.


broadcast all bans on the game district chat and track it on twitter, then let some random create a website and make money off of people getting banned again



because that bettered the community alright!

Is that your suggestion?

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Just now, xDoomGuardx said:

Is that your suggestion?

that's what happened the last time bans were broadcasted

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4 minutes ago, xDoomGuardx said:

Well, other than saying it doesn't work, you haven't done anything. if you're not helping, you're interfering. That is the question now. And prevent provocateurs and trolls, the choice of whose side to take only for you.

If you don't have your word confirmed, you're a liar. Because I know for a fact it's not.

I was trying to help you by pointing out a problem in your reasoning. You've refused to even address my point but you've called me a troll, provocateur and now a liar.




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36 minutes ago, xDoomGuardx said:

But now everything is fine, when no one is banned, right?

we just had people post the past two weeks about bans happening to them.

its working but you seem a bit broken

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48 minutes ago, xDoomGuardx said:

Is that your suggestion?



add it your list. it will definitely not make the community more toxic, nor will will it let the company staff see how awful people can be towards people who have been banned and how degenerate people are in this game.



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4 minutes ago, Alani said:



add it your list. it will definitely not make the community more toxic, nor will will it let the company staff see how awful people can be towards people who have been banned and how degenerate people are in this game.



very funny...

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Does anti-cheat works rn?

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5 minutes ago, Nagletz said:


Does anti-cheat works rn?

Administration and local "experts" convince that this is so. Practice shows that they are either honestly mistaken (what I believe) or lying. In any case, it does not fulfill the stated functions. The number of cheaters every day only increases.

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I have moved this topic to the Game Suggestions section.


- Mina_

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3 hours ago, xDoomGuardx said:

Well if you are a specialist, offer better. If you can. So far, I only see trolls and provocateurs.

Real life is more complicated than "Here are six one line suggestions that'll fix everything". But I'll humour you.

By my count, we're on APB's 4th anti-cheat measure in the form of EAC (Punkbuster, FF and BattlEye have all been used). And cheaters are still getting through. Not many cheaters, but still a few. I think it's pretty clear that there is no anti-cheat programme that will eliminate all the cheaters. Part of it is because the game is F2P so it's easy to make new accounts, part of it is because APB isn't like other shooters and it's possible there are fundamental vunerabilities in the game's messed up code that let cheaters in too.


So what are Little Orbit meant to do? There's no magic anti-cheat that they can turn on that'll get every cheater.


The only thing they can do is get more active in game GMs, with the ability to ban players. But where do you get those GMs? I certainly wouldn't give volunteer players, like you or me, the ability to ban other players. Because I don't trust the judgment of most APB players, and I think that's a generally shared view. So, Little Orbit would have to hire more professional GMs (they already have a couple).


That costs money. The game isn't making money. And secondly, because APB is so unique, it'd take a long time to train a GM to recognise any cheater other than a really blatant one, like a speedhacker. There aren't many speedhackers in APB. I saw a couple about 2 months ago and not since, and not for a long time before that either.


All a new GM or two could really do is ban the occasional speedhacker that turns up and watch Twitch for players who stream themselves hacking, and ban those. Oh, and stop people from saying mean things.


Beyond that, you're looking at things like the Engine Upgrade to bring the game onto architecture that's better supported by third parties. They're working on that, but there's not a lot of point in hopping up and down yelling at them to do it faster. It'll take however long it'll take.


So, tl;dr your "petition" is pointless and stupid, and the reason everyone here is calling you stupid without suggesting something else is not because they're a troll or a provocatuer. It's because they know there aren't magic solutions to cheaters in APB.


And there aren't as many cheaters as you think anyway.

Edited by MrChan

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1. Run anti-cheat in normal mode, with constant updates. --- Already done. (Easy Anti Cheat)

2. Every week to show the results of anti-cheat. Banned list. --- Why would we bring back name and shame?

3. Work on complaints to support. Without standard formal replies. --- Support has been getting faster over the last few months as they work through backlog. ( I believe it takes 2 weeks now)

4. to realize the normal operation of the report. -- what?

5. Regularly check for cheats and cheaters. ---  EAC was already added and has shown to be effective we don't have an exact idea of the GM side of things but EAC is regularly checking and has banned people.

6. Issue compensation for cooperation with the administration and assistance in identifying cheaters. Failure to comply with the above requests will result in a boycott. --- "give me free stuff cause out of the 50 people i called a cheater today one was a cheater"


To assume no one is getting banned is literally ignoring the facts multiple people have posted to the forums and community discord about getting banned for using banned clients and other rule breaks. I don't know who you are but your English is terrible and you seem to generally have a lack of understanding as to what is going on with APB, I get it you and your 5 friends circle jerk all your shitty theories about whats going on but the fact you didn't even realize a new anti cheat was added to the game and has been shown to have results from the cheaters themselves bitching about getting banned is astounding. Name and shame is a system that Little orbit doesn't want if you have a problem with that tough shit. 


It is genuinely amazing how stupid some people are, its not hard to follow public knowledge about the game and see whats going on in the community, all the energy you used to make this post could have been spent reading up on all the shit you got wrong. Also while you may think you and a few friends not spending money on the game will change anything it wont, the games player base may be small but a minority of people not spending money isn't going to change anything your better off moving to a new game or keeping yourself informed with whats going on and not asking for shit that is already added.

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People say we need more gm's who can ban.

people refuse to spend money on APB to fund new gm's who can ban.

then we dont get new gm's who can ban.

then people say they want to stop spending until we have new gms who can ban.

you are doing a circle that harms - not a good thing.


Also do not forget - APB is losing money , it is in the red on spending

which means you are pushing us towards failure and not success to have less money to finance APB with.

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I doubt that they will Name & Shame again since people actually abused rewards for reporting

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FF Bans had a lot of false positives, all that did was trash the name of players to be seen as "Cheaters" after being unbanned.


@Mina_ Could you lock this post? this is getting heated. OP made his/her point and it was rejected. From reading all 2 pages it looks like the discussion has ended with a No.

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Well actually what we wanted to prove. Everyone is satisfied. No real offer. Only a Troll, under the guise of useless criticism. Poydi will assure that all is good and nothing needs to be done. I feel sorry for you, when your insignificant efforts, and the efforts of cheaters, the game will die it will be too late to do something.


I'm here alone, there are many of you. You in the best traditions of jackals all together rushed to hate me, criticize and Troll. Despite the fact that I'm the only one who writes anything in an attempt to resolve the situation, which according to some local forum too, not triple (in this case they did not try to do). You don't offer, pressuring the pity in respect LO (although where do the players who by all other things, not just play and get paid for your game - buy a box, premium, etc.) You are real jackals, ready to tear anyone who does not fit into what you want. Even if at the same time your desires make everything only worse.



14 hours ago, MrM0dZ said:

I doubt that they will Name & Shame again since people actually abused rewards for reporting

Without a report, there is no confidence in the effective work of anti-cheat, support, reporting system. (all these services-fake, the myth of which is diligently supported by all who benefit from it)

Edited by xDoomGuardx

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