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Found 228 results

  1. ThugLife001

    hacked my account

    NOT RECEIVING PASSWORD RESET EMAIL,i create a ticket,but quiet,can you help me?
  2. Hey I put a support ticket in about 36 hours ago now, I was just wondering how long it takes to get a reply? As I can't access my account anymore due to Two-Factor Authentication, I've gave them all the info they need etc. I really want to play, What is the rough time frame tickets usually get responded? Many thanks.
  3. Hello, game manager.My account can't buy things that others sell.No prompt for unlocking time.Please deal with it in time.Character name TellMeKiller (EU) and XxBlackBreeyxX {NA} thankyou!
  4. Hello, my account got banned like 4 years ago by FairFight, it seems like even after the battle eye update my account seems to be removed, I've devoted countless hours into the account and it just shows it's not there, I mean if I would be banned it wouldn't let me get into the account all together, won't it?
  5. Hey , I need help ! When i joining to a distract i kicked and it is wrote : internet connection / your account has been locked for 15 minutes . This message is like 3 days ago .
  6. Hey , my acc as been locked for 38days ago. Im still waiting to get unlock on my account . Support isnt respond me for a while and im gonna miss 10 university . What can i do ? New acc same problem.
  7. I have purchase 12000 G1C and have not received it in my account, I messaged support and have provided proof of purchase and have not heard anything back from support in the last 48 hours
  8. alcholism

    Account Moving

    Getting accounts moved from Pc to Ps4 has been a debatable topic andni just want to know everyones thoughts on it.
  9. I think it would be a huge quality of life thing if you guys would merge the console accounts with pc ones so you keep the purchases you made on one platform to the other since you guys are making armas more account focused now, I have spend at least £100+ on xbox specifically it would be nice too see that all the account perms to crossover I know a potential issue with merging rn is some of the new weapons aren't on the console so guess you would have to grey the weapons out or something similar and there could be other potential issues I wouldn't know of, Anyway I'd like to hear at least a stance on this.
  10. Sure it's been mentioned at some point. But for those of us who have many characters (I myself have 5) having a shared bank would be really nice for the normal in-game $ (not JT) Currently the only way to get money from one character to another is via trading with a middle man. Which if you have someone you trust readily available that's great but a bit of an inconvenience. I think GTA 5 has this as a feature that the bank is shared between both characters but money can be withdrawn so it's directly in the characters inventory. Next, as most APB players know. leveling in APB...is SO FREAKING SLOW. It would be nice to see in the future double xp events to attract players back for the time frame and help with some of the grind.
  11. hi, I paid $5 today at 10:18 pm. but it is not credited to my account. I contacted support regarding the issue, but there was no response. what can I do. thanks Server : Citadel Chacter: CxHeYo Terminal3 24.09.22 10:18 5$ pay
  12. how i can back my old account while i enter my email and pass old account after i join game its tell me create like i m start the game as new any help how to back my old account ?
  13. hey guys i was scrolling on gamers first while apb is down and came aross fallen earth thought i'd give it a try and can seem to find out how to create an acc everytime i click on the create account just comes up with download the game any solutions?
  14. So I want to change my name to janga but the name has been taken and whoever it is hasnt come online for years (i added them to see if they would ever come online around a year or two ago) so is there anything I can do ?
  15. Would be cool to have an account merge option, specially when most of us who have our old account back doesnt have to switch, and can have everything on one account again. Maybe even charge some G1C for accountmerge and some of us might still do it
  16. haha jk it was just a prank =P (delete post i cant)
  17. I lost access to an account ive had on apb since 2012. i have emailed the apb support team a few times when i had the chance and or access to internet but the last email i sent never came back with a reply. the last reply i'd had from gamersfirst support team asked me for information about the account ie character names server details and the new email address i was wanting to use for the account. since sending them this infomation sometime in may/june last year i still have had no reply. the account in question had alot of money and time invested in it and would like to have access to it and begin playing again. is gamersfirst still the support best for handling this situation or do i need to contact some one else as ive herd its not just gamersfirst involved in looking after the game anymore. thank you.
  18. can not login characters after account merging, characters names : MeganNicle MeganNiclle MeganNicola they are all in NA now pls somebody can help me pls pls pls
  19. Any one else unable to log into a character? (Yes i'm probably just being impatient and not letting the server properly reboot) @MattScott
  20. Hello sir @MattScott There would be some possibility of merge 2 different accounts, this now I have my other account that was in Han and now it is in Jericho, and I would like to join that character with my currently account in use. the other account had many unique skings and tittles and other things that I would like to have in the same account instead of having to use 2 different accounts, I would like to know if it can be done? I can pay if necessary. sorry for my english its not perfect xd
  21. Hello guys, i've been thinking of making this thread for a while now as every day i see people complaining about tradelocks. So we all know that system that claims to make your account more secure by preventing people to trade your items if they stole your account, but while one of my friend and i had a tradelock i noticed a bit problem about that system. Trade locks actually do not make your account more secure at all, it only makes you think it does, and will only slow down a person with bad intentions. Here's why : Im sure many of you guys reading here got a trade lock out of nowhere and didn't knew the reason of it, well that's one of the problems, you don't get a reason on why you have been tradelocked , let's keep that in mind alright ? When i was tradelocked , i noticed that while my account was locked on my main machine, i was not on a computer that i previously logged onto earlier , which makes sense as it's already one of my known locations, but that's where the problem right there : You are tradelocked ONLY if you're playing in from a location that's considered to be a new computer. That means if im on my main computer with my main character, i log off ,and my hacker uses my account to login, he will get a tradelock , he will then logout Here on my side i can login back up on my account and i don't have a tradelock, everything looks normal, and i never knew anyone logged in from a new location Basically the only thing my hacker has to do now , is wait 3 days to steal my items . So that's the first flaw of the trade lock system, you do not get any notification that your account was acessed from anywhere else. Now to the second part ; there are no reasons given on why you have been tradelocked and that is another big problem, so you guys probably got a trade lock at some point and didn't knew why, usually that's caused by any big hardware change or a windows update (and that may vary still...). The problem with that is that it makes people diregard the tradelock, all of them usually just wait 3 days and tell themselves " another one of those false positives by that dumb system " not seeing a reason for your tradelock will basically make people ignore how important that message actually is. and thus they won't change their password completely making the trade lock system useless. Still following me yet ? Not sure if you noticed by this point but what i said above contradicts the first problem with tradelocks i mentionned, remember ? tradelocks is only showing on devices that are considered new computers, you actually don't get a warning anywhere else than on the hacker's computer. That means when you see a tradelock on your computer, it is ALWAYS a false positive. So why did i say that then ? : Well all of this is to prove my point : -The current trade lock system is completely pointless and doesn't give any kind of extra security for your account if you understand how the system works : -The current system is actually more of an annoyance to people only to give them a sense of security. Here's a few solutions widely used by games : -2FA (which is already in APB, it doesn't work really well but at least it does work fine). -2FA by email (Which is my favorite type of 2FA). -Email warning on connection from a new device. 2FA by email could simply require to enter a code(which is sent to your email) when logging in from a new location. that would prevent anyone from logging in without your email acess. An Email warning on connection from a new device could also be another solution, you could basically login from anywhere, but you would get tradelocked from everywhere as long as you don't confirm that new device from your recived email. (Sligthly riskier as a hacker could still delete your items without stealing them) In the end this shows that APB's current account security is more of an illusion that anything else if you don't use 2FA. On an extra note : i also thought of making tradelock more of an account lock by making you unable to use the delete button anywhere in your inventory, and preventing you to use the chat and spend money. (basically making any kind of account intrusion impossible to affect you negatively). Thanks for reading.
  22. Is such thing possible at the moment? It would go a long way in terms of upgrades and player satisfaction. I'm certain many of us would like to upgrade their character permanent weapons/vehicles to account wide permanents. Is it doable?
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