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Found 228 results

  1. Simply put, I'm positing that legendary weapons become accessible no matter what character on. If you've got it on your r255 enforcer, you can use it on your r9 criminal. Mods may make this difficult, but you can either have it unmodded account wide and each character can mod it. Or the character that first got it can use a "share" button or similar and then whatever form it is in, is then shared across characters. Naturally this can be updated whenever. I haven't fully thought through implications and options, thoughts?
  2. Hi guys, 2 years ago I was playing apb with the console (ps4), I would like to know if it is possible to migrate my old account with which I played the PC?
  3. Im trying to log in but i cant i know my password its correct , i dont find nothing about this till now so i wanted to know what is happening
  4. I contacted GamersFirst support over 2 weeks ago as I tried to log into my steam account and was told I needed to reset my password (must have been required since I haven't logged in for ages). Since it's my steam account I can't log into the gamersfirst website and have no idea how to do it. I contacted support over two weeks ago to try and reclaim my account or even find out more information about my steam account so I could reset my password. I've had no response from them after bumping the post again a few days ago. Considering I've spent £100+ on multiple characters over the years I would expect the support to at least be helpful but it's just been pure ignorance...
  5. Hello Mr Scott, I don't know if you or a member of your staff are going to read this post, but I submitted a support ticket 2 days ago about an issue with my main account. So it seems that my email adress linked to my account has a technical problem with your website because I got this error message "We've discovered an error with your email. Please contact us at support@littleorbit.com for more assistance". Well, I had a long break on the game and I forgot unfortunately my old password and need to change it for a new one. I read an other post about this problem encountered by other people. Is this right that it happens for PC players using steam auto logging-in ? (like me) So the logging-in is still working good and I can continue to play but I would like to resolve this problem as soon as possible... What do you think about it ? How long do you think I'll have to wait to have an answer for my ticket ? Thx alot for your help !
  6. Hello, An unusual move for me but seen it is restricting me in APB I'll make a topic here. My main account seems tradelocked for no apparent reason. I can't trade nor put items on the market, but I do not get a message of "3 days trade lock" which usually happens after a windows update. It has been a week now and it is restricting my gameplay. What can I do? My main character on this account is HenkTheTank.
  7. i have a old accound i used like 2 years ago and cant log into anymore i need help please my steam id is STEAM_1:0:157827813 thanks
  8. I don't sure this is the right place to write about the problem, but still. After purchasing 20000+5000 G1C, they simple has not beed shown on my armas. I made ticket to support, but what if Paymentwall just needs more time to complete purchase? if that so, i wish to know this to be more calm. Anyway, i need some advices and help. Thanks and sorry for my bad English .
  9. Has anyone had luck in transferring their account to any other server ? I have moved to Canada permanently and I get lower latency on Joker !
  10. Hi, a couple of months ago I changed my emails for an account to a new one and then 2FA it. It worked fine and normal as usual, I hadn't logged in for a couple of weeks and when I tried right now, it kept saying my password was incorrect and then when I reset password I never get an email to reset password. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am able to log in through steam log in just not manually through a password/password reset. The email is still the same when I checked through armas so I have no idea what the issue is. I made a second account to check it this was account specific and it is since the new account sends me the change email just fine. --- Nevermind, it was sending all the emails to my spam folder.
  11. Any thoughts on making the Friends list account-wide? Pros / cons? I personally think it would be a good idea as I've had a few players I've had the pleasure of teaming up with and have forgotten the name when on one of my other characters. If the list were account-wide, you'd be able to see them on-line and if they were a different faction, you would could return to lobby and switch to the other faction to play with them. This is great when you are stuck playing with yourse .. .uhh, BY yourself and would like to play in a group.
  12. Can you please allow the option to select Account bound for any and all of the ARMAS items? I don't understand why you would only allow it on certain of the items... Bump the price up for Account bound weapons, etc like you do for the select few that do give you that option. Pretty please with a cherry on top?
  13. Hey, so I haven't played in years and I downloaded the game today opend new account and character - tried to join a district for the first time, I can't choose which one for some reason or I don't know how. and on the overlay loading screen it says "connecting to district" and after 15 minutes "exiting current district" for like 5 minutes and then I get logged out of my account. I tried on EU server and on the NA server. plus my game runs on around 10-30 fps before starting to play with a pc that can run it, I can run Rust, GTA, League (highest graphic options) almost all the games except this one for some reason. something wrong with the files or idk what's going on. SD Card , 16GB RAM, I5-7400, GTX 1070.
  14. [!]For administration only [!] I didn’t change the password on the account from registration, today I decided to go play and the system notified me that I need to update the password to continue the game. But the problem is that the mail to which the account is linked is deleted long ago. And I just can’t restore my account. If you need additional information on this issue, write me in private messages, I will send everything that is required from me.
  15. I how make a account and play game I have steam but does not accept
  16. So I'm playing by a steam account so I don't write any email with password to enter the account. When I enter the ARMAS to buy or try smth for 30 minutes it says that "Your account is not active" Btw my steam account is verificated
  17. Hello dear players and administration. I want to ask a question, why did innocent players be massively blocked? Where can I get an answer to this question? It does not make sense to send support, many players have received a lock, and this is not the fault of the players themselves, this is the fault of Easy-Anticheat, where can I get help on this?
  18. Is there a possible way of unlinking a steam account without having to contact support? The response time for ticket is slow and I already gave all informations needed... why the extra wait time? Thank you for help!
  19. I keep getting the error that says my password is expired but, I don't remember having created a gamersfirst account. I made a ticket and its been about two weeks now. I want to play this game but this really makes me frustrated that they don't answer the ticket in time. If someone has any solutions please let me know, Thank you!
  20. Title says it all, I don't know what to do! This has gotta be a mistake or some kind of false ban. I don't use hacks or cheats in any other games and I just came home to this from work lol!
  21. message from server is "password or email is invalid" (impossible)
  22. Hi, I've been playing APB for a long while on PC and have just started on Xbox. Rather than have to start all over, is it possible to link my PC Gamersfirst to Xbox?, or to login to Xbox with my old account or something? Thanks!
  23. Back when G1 was still around, some clothing items were made available, mainly some of the items from the Revelations pack. However, now when I look at those items on Armas there's no option to purchase them as account bound. Can we still buy them as account bound or was that feature scrapped all together?
  24. Just saying hi, finally merged the account. Been keeping up with the updates since the Kickstarter started. Liking the progress and direction and hope this game delivers!
  25. Not sure where this goes but it seems my toon wasnt transferred over to this server and I cant log into my account. PLease can some one help me get it back? I have submitted alot of tickets and there ignored. I dont know where else to go for help. So Im here asking for someone to please help me get my account fixed. Thanks in advance.
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