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  1. Hello, Please reach out to the customer support at https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/support/ This is an account related issue topic, I am now locking this topic.
  2. Hello APB Reloaded Community Today, we would like to give you all a PSA on dealing with trade locks and what you should do if you are affected by one, as well as how to get help from our Customer Support team most effectively. Customer Support: Our Customer Support team is currently working very hard on getting through the backlog of Tickets but is receiving more tickets in a day than they can solve. Which is why they may take longer than usual to reply to your Ticket. Please do not submit multiple Tickets for the same issue — We have received the initial Ticket and are working hard on getting to it to help you get the issue you are inquiring about resolved. Submitting multiple tickets for the same issue is going to result in you having to wait longer. Trade locks: Once you notice that a trade lock has been applied to your account, you should check for how long said trade lock lasts. To do so, join the Social District and check the chat for a message that contains information about your trade lock. What should I do if I have been trade-locked for 3 days? These temporary trade locks are a safety measure to prevent your items from being stolen, these only last for 3 days, after which you will be able to trade again. Please do not contact our Customer Support Team to help with this issue, as they will not be able to assist you. What should I do if I have been permanently trade-locked? If you have been permanently trade-locked you will need to contact our Customer Support Team so they can have a look as to why and if possible work with you on getting the trade lock removed. Please use Two-Factor Authentication The best way to protect your account from potential theft is to use Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) and we plan on integrating changes to how temporary trade locks work for accounts that use Two-Factor Authentication in the future.
  3. So basically put APB once again tried to use a half patootie anti cheat solution that failed epically and instead of actually doing the work to see what was legit or wasnt they let all the hackers once again run rampant in game by unbanning their main accounts. Here is an idea. Start caring enough to have a 0 tolerance policy and get an anti cheat that works, both server and client side. Then have GMs who care about the game to watch it and ban hackers on the spot instead of ones that just babysit, troll and dont do anything. In my 13+ years playing APB and moreso gaming in general I have never seen a company that screwed up as badly as G1/LO, and then repeat the same mistakes over and over.
  4. account connection hi is there a chance to link the accounts? ten years ago my account was stolen and returned with a ban, only now I got an unban. is there any chance of linking the account at least? the old with the new? or at all thanks for the reply.
  5. Won't be any manual bans, not for hacking. Only people gonna get banned now are those that speak out against hackers. Which means me. But all you hacker helpers keep running your mouths in chat. Do You think You Own chat. Do You really think you're fooling people to be running multiple pc and have Your second pc as your 'Buddy in Training' That You are allegedly Teaching. Your error in thinking is that If you ward Mack off chat that you win some popularity points with all the blatants. All this has done is show your allegiance to the hackers. The only thing You're doing is keeping me from spending, and the way I see it. Matt condones the actions of these toxics and the hackers. Keep it up, I could always clone you. Be real ez. I got 4 slots im not even using. You gonna look awful funny telling yourself to shut up. Thats why I say Toxics, Golds, Hackers Hate fun, hate anyone in chat thats not hacking. I think Matt gets the same jollys off of letting toxics into bronze district as the hackers do by hacking, he seems to think back stabbing his customers is an acceptable way to run a business. Now I realize that Matt probly doesn't personally know all these hackers and toxics, but he did this. And deserves to take part of the blame. Every line of toxic chat, every shot fired by an aimbot or smooth aim. Each time and or line is partially blamed directly on Matt. Not only did he let them in, he rewards toxicity with Gold. I don't much care about my account with the mass of criminals in district, and yes i consider them actual real life criminals. I'm putting it down right here, YOU Messed with the Wrong Person.
  6. Manual review requires manual effort by a person. With LO being comprised of only a few people, it's obviously not feasible to manually review the probably thousands of banned accounts to find the handful that were actually falsely banned. It's much more reasonable to just globally unban all banned accounts, and then review new bans as they happen. Not a complicated thing to understand.
  7. What point would that be, the delusion that banning Cheaters or keeping them banned would stop them? Are you not aware of the simple fact that Cheaters don't need any permanent account to do their thing? Let's be real. If you were amongst those that got falsely banned, would you agree to stay banned.... Be the sacrifice in order for throwabble cheat-accounts to stay banned? We both know your answer to that is no. Therefore, you're the hypocrite here.
  8. People don't really change, they just follow the path of least resistance. If creating new accounts feels more restrictive than playing legit, they'll play legit. Giving them their old account back negates that feeling. I can see the future. This new anti-cheat will have another wave of "false" bans, and LO will unban everyone.
  9. Cheaters will cheat anyway, primary accounts or not. They don't care about their accounts and nobody should either. The number of Cheaters in APB's population will remain the same regardless. Don't give them the false-pleasure of obsessing over their so precious accounts.
  10. I’m not sure exactly what you are asking but for anything related to your account you have to go through support. Just as a heads up though, response times from support are measured in weeks not days.
  11. Any LO staff can help to retridve my email I have on my main character in NA? Second chance?
  12. Second or third unban, worst decision, and a spit into legit player face. Amazing... same cheaters now on same accounts, cheating same way, So instead of waiting for a ANTICHEAT YOU PREPARING, you let them cheat without properly functioning one... GREAT DECISION , and also why do you force players to play known cheaters that people reported milion times? I have a right to be AFK against cheater. Noone is gonna force me to play against cpu, imagine it would be a football match where other team can just pick up a ball into his hands and run accross the field and place it into your goal post, WHY AM I SUPPOSED TO RUN AFTER HIM? when i cant take a ball? idiotic.
  13. Hello LO, i dont understand i am now tradelocked due to second chancce logging into a trade ban account. Why do second chance when you do this to me? Where's my support ticket i sent in 5days ago, and nobody replied me.
  14. Gotta love blatant lies on the internet. This is why I haven't hopped back on yet. They claim they'll hear out appeals, but they just leave you on read and ghost the support ticket. There are no appeals, doesn't matter if your ban was legit or not. If it wasn't for this unban wave, my account would still be banned due to a false flag triggered by using Flaws's config. MattScott explicitly stated that choosing not to play missions where you suspect the opposing team is cheating is acceptable, and will incur no penalties. Source: I directly asked him when LO took over, and he responded with that statement.
  15. There is a Game Updates subforum. Use this forum instead of Discord. Little Orbit shouldn't require people to create an account and join a 3rd party platform, just to get notifications of game changes.
  16. I haven’t been able to recover the password from my old account for a week now; I simply haven’t received the link in my email. https://www.gamersfirst.com/reset-password
  17. We usually announce issues such as this on our Discord. We are aware that many of the accounts unbanned on Wednesday have a permanent trade-lock on them. For the time being I suggest you submit a Ticket to our Customer Support team while we are investigating the issue.
  18. @MageLO Thanks for the quick reply. Why aren't these changes communicated anywhere? Making significant changes like these should be made very clear in an post on the APB Launcher so its clear that this issue is not code regression and is actually intended even if it is just a temporary change. Also I have to disagree with the escalation claims you mentioned, this doesn't take in account the fact that opposition can sometimes be comprised entirely of a premade. Which unbalances the game heavily when they are playing against a random team. When the new matchmaking system was in place, I had to play against a 4 man premade 5 times in a row. They had 3 golds and one silver. My team was almost always comprised of silvers with one other gold. These 3/4 stack premades should be put against a full gold team so its atleast balanced in some way or random teams should be allowed to call for escalation at all times when playing against a premade. Voice comms in team based games give such a significant advantage over random teams.
  19. I am grateful to you for unblocking my account. But what if your stupid anti-cheat bans me again? The support service ignored my requests for a whole month. I'm not sure if my account won't be blocked again tomorrow. Fix the anti-cheat!
  20. this could've been handled way better, instead of just having an unban wave on the back of a rise in rage cheaters in fight club and announcing that the anticheat has been turned off, you could've just waited until the *new* anticheat was rolled out and then do this. if matt thinks these cheaters aren't going to risk their accounts because "new content on the horizon" then he is sorely mistakn and/or delusional, as I witneesed people speedhacking on CBT accounts back in G1 era. and after all this is just a big middle finger to those who played legit, seeing all these losers cheat their way to maxing out roles then having their accounts handed back to them, makes me wonder why I even bother playing legit!
  21. Excellent idea! My entire account was deprived of anything worth a penny a few months ago and my support tickets got ignored, but I'm glad to know that the reason for this is that we're giving scumbags a second change to ruin everyone's experience! Thank you, really shows how your priorities are being set straight.
  22. Its all a Big Lie. its some jaw dropping propaganda. n yes my jaw dropped when i read matts message. It's like you staff sit n think up ways to trigger Mack. First off there were no Bans except one we know of, and he was not returned. You can't have banned anyone because eac never detected anyone hacking, and the only bans that went out were for behavior and the one guy out of bounds. So I can see the gms are gonna play protect the bad guy. So I'll have to just block chat. So they gonna run around name calling and aimbotting n we can say nothing about it. Matt refuses to fix the car, and spends time with distractions like the new Gold feeding MM. Come in to a district already filled with hackers, n let a bunch more of alleged banned hacks come in. We can't have any organization, first you finish the first thing, the car. Then u move on to trying to get a decent anticheat which you wont, then you fix mm to not have golds and legits in same missions. Ya don't make a car, then say the parts are just sitting there, n then skip it n do all this other hog wash, especially lying to me about banning hacker, nobody got banned but kerry. So I was right all along, The game is rigged, the owner is rigged and friends of the hackers. Your staff are here to protect the hackers from bans and chat insults. Yet the hax can name call all day long on the legit. So Now, All of U. The Toxics you unbanned, the gms, matt scott, all of you. Your all crooked and Im gonna deal with you the way I deal with crooked people. DEVEST Stop rewarding hacking with gold threat.
  23. 10$ cost to unban the account... if you need money for development.
  24. Unbanning accounts that were affected by EAC is understandable, but everyone? Those cheaters have multiple accounts. Most won't care about the unban, but some will get back their rare items, like legendary weapons and themes. This isn't going to bring back legit players. This isn't going to bring in new players. It's going to be a circle-jerk of "I wAs LeGiT!"
  25. Hello APB: Reloaded community, Little Orbit believes in second chances so we have taken the bold step to unban almost every single account found to be violating our terms of service in the past. We hope that all of you who have been unbanned take this chance and don't waste it by violating our rules again. Check out the exact details on why we are taking this step in our most recent Blogpost. Additionally we have prepared an FAQ for those players who have been unbanned. We urge you to read through it as it contains vital information on how to stay unbanned moving forward. APB Reloaded Unban FAQ: Why am I still banned even though the ban is being lifted? If you are still banned, provide us with your email address, date of registration, recent purchases, and character names so that we can assist further. If I break a terms of service rule, will I be banned? Yes, your account will be banned accordingly, as we retain account ban history. How do I know if my account has been unbanned? Accounts are already unbanned, however, you can try logging in to verify the status of your account. What should I do if I can't remember my account details? If you have forgotten your account details, please contact our support team with any information you do remember, such as Email address or character names, and we will investigate further. Will my progress and items be there after my account is unbanned? Yes, all your progress and items will be as they were before your account was banned. Can I appeal if my account remains banned after the unbanning process? Yes, you can appeal by providing detailed information about your account and the reason for the appeal. Our support team will review your case and get back to you. What if I encounter issues after my account is unbanned? If you experience any issues after your account has been unbanned, please contact our support team with your Email address and a detailed description of the problem. How long will it take for my account to be unbanned? The unbanning process has already been completed. If your account is still banned after this period, please reach out to our support team. Is there anything I need to do to ensure my account gets unbanned? No additional action is required from your side. Will there be any changes to my account or game experience after being unbanned? There will be no changes to your account or game experience. You will be able to continue playing from where you left off. What do I do if I cannot trade on my account? Look at the notification in chat, when you enter a district, if this is a 3-day ban period, you’ll have to wait it out, customer support cannot assist with shortening or removing the trade ban in this case. However, if it is a permanent trade lock, please contact us so that we can investigate further. What do I do if I cannot trade on my account? Look at the notification in chat, when you enter a district, if this is a 3-day ban period, you’ll have to wait it out, customer support cannot assist with shortening or removing the trade ban in this case. However, if it is a permanent trade lock, please contact us so that we can investigate further. Who can I contact if I have further questions or need additional support? For any further questions or additional support, please contact our customer support team.
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